When do you workout?


So I was just wondering, in my time of sweating it out with Cathe, who else is working out at this same time!?! I just am curious what time you usually work out. Who gets up early, who takes a long sweaty lunch, or who works out after the kids are in bed. Input will be fun to hear. :D
I work out at 6:00 every morning. Occasionally on the weekends I might work out at night when I'm just too busy during the day.

I work out on MWF at around 9:30 when my SIL gets here. On TTH I have to get up and workout at 5:30 because of school. That's much harder for me (I need that coffee to get going)
I prefer to work out in the AM -- on weekdays that means 5am. Hard to do in the winter, so I'm not always successful there.

Otherwise it's as soon as I get in the door after work --> 6pm.

Weekends, I take my time waking up and I'll hit the owrkout room at about 9 or 10.

I workout 6 days.

Tuesday and Thursdays 7p.m. - 9 p.m. @ gym, I do elliptical 7-8 and Kickboxing class 8-9.

M-W-F With Cathe usually around 4-5 p.m.

Saturdays 8:30-9:30 a.m. I have been doing spinning. I am going to mix it up with AquaBox, Bosou class, Body Combat and a Pilates or Yoga I will rotate 1 a month


"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
5am for me for an hour to no more than an hour and a half. I love to get it over with and have to get the kids ready for their day.

I homeschool, but I have an enforced "quiet time" from 2-4PM that's my favorite time to workout. On the weekends, sometimes late morning to get it out of the way for other stuff I have to do. Sometimes, when I work out with DH, I work out in the evenings, after dinner in the 8PM range. Tonight will be one of those nights (he loves the Powerstrike workouts!)

I am trying to convert to an am exerciser but not having much luck with winter here. I love it when I do it and get it over with. I am for 5:45 til 7am and then off to the shower. On my days off it varies usually early afternoon.

I have to do it first thing in the morning; workouts need to be done by 7:30 a.m. to get the kids ready for school. So, depending upon the workout, I'm usually up by 6:00 a.m.

I am generally working out by 8:30 and done by 10:30 if only at the gym. If I split up half at the gym and half at home, it runs a bit longer. I am a morning person and like to do it then. I am grateful that I can exercise this way now as a SAHM but that will change when my son goes to school and I go back to work. When I did work prior to my son, we always went to the gym after work and then ate dinner after. No time to do it any other way with our hours.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
I usually workout about 8:30-9:00am. Until I saw the times here I thought that was early. I tried a 6am class once and I was soooo sluggish that I never really got a workout.
Monday thru Friday I workout after I get my son onto the bus and my daughter set up with her favorite toys, books or cartoons( changes daily) which is about 8:45 am and I am done by 11am. Saturday is usually a rest day too much running around with the kids(sports, kiddy gym classes etc.) and Sunday I workout whenever the dog wakes me up to be feed which is usually around 7:30 am. Also on M,W,F I spend about 1.5 hrs in the evening working the large weight machines at our family gym while the kids swim, play basketball or use those fitness arcade machines.
I squeeze a workout in whenever I have a 1 1/2 hour "window." Today it happened to be around lunch. Some days it's right before dinner. I used to be an early morning exerciser.
During the week I workout after I get home from work around 6:30 pm. On the weekends I workout in the morning at around 9:30 am and also in the afternoon around 5:00 pm.

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