When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weights?


I pretty much follow a split routine for weights and then do cardio every other day. So, I find that I never use my Cardio & Weights video, unless I just use it for the cardio. When do the rest of you use workouts that combine cardio and full body weights?
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

You can use a circuit work out any time really. That is the beauty of them. You can use it the day after weight training or the day after cardio! Right now the rotation I am doing calls for a day of full body weight training and then a circuit w/o the very next day and it's not a problem. I usually push hard on my full body weight day and then go a little lighter when I do a circuit w/o....

HTH a bit.:)
If I'm following a split rotation like you, then I generally fit circuit workouts in on my "off" week. So for example, I do 4 weeks of splits and cardio and then the 5th week do mostly cardio and work in Bootcamp and something else like C&W or Circuit Max.

If I'm not following a specific rotation then I just fit them in whereever I feel like it or if I do one following a strength day, then I just go light on the weights.

Sometimes I'm not in the mood for straight cardio or straight weights so these fit the bill!

I tend to use circuits anytime I've had to miss a weight workout. For example, say I have a leg workout planned for Thursday and a cardio workout planned for Friday. Then if something happens where I miss the Thursday leg workout, I'll usually change the Friday cardio day to a circuit workout (one that emphasizes legs).

When I've stopped working out for a while, like after an illness or a vacation, I start with C&W because it's one of Cathe's "easier" (I use that word with caution:) ) workouts. In my rotations, I use C&W and add on to it to make a tougher, longer workout. I hardly use circuits and when I do, I use them for fat loss.

I prefer separate cardio and weight workouts (and unlike Wendy, I wouldn't do a circuit the day after or before a weight workout, because it would mean that I didn't get the most out of the circuit workout. Also, I'm working on gaining strength and muscle and think this would be counterproductive to that).

One way to use a circuit workout is to do it in a rotation with a split routine. For example:
Monday (or any "day 1"): lower body weights
Tuesday: cardio
Wed: upper body weights
Th.: cardio
Fri: off
Saturday Circuit
Sunday: cardio

OR, you could use circuit workouts during "recovery" weeks, after 3 weeks or so of more intense split routines, doing 2 or 3 circuit workouts in a week, with at least one day in between.
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Hi Sopiem,

I pretty much use circuit workouts the same way Kathryn mentioned in her post.

Right after my rest day, I'll use a circuit workout, then a cardio w/o and then continue with my split routine. Usually, I do circuit workouts in a separate week if I'm going with heavy weight work.

Mostly, I do circuit recovery weeks. For example, a circuit, a high step, a functional fitness (like the yorktowns) alternated with stationary cardio machine days.

C&W is a weird one. I don't feel like I get enough of anything in it. I did it twice and have not done it since. I do Circuit Max and Body Max a lot, though.

Circuit Max I'll use more for the Cardio. If I'm feeling very energetic, I'll do CM before an upperbody workout. (I'll do CM in the AM and upperbody at the gym).

I try to get a good thorough weight work out in for each body part once a week. Then on Friday or Saturday I'll do something like Body Max. For example

Monday: Circuit Max and Chest and triceps at Gym

Tuesday: Legs and Glutes or other leg workout and step at gym

Wednesday: Imax 2 and Back Shoulders and Biceps at Gym (or use the GS DVD and take a spin class at the gym)

Thursday: Rhythmic Step or run

Friday: Body Max

Saturday: Hike

Sunday: Off

I think what I'm missing in my workouts is that I don't really have a recovery week. I pretty much just do one muscle group per week, with cardio in between each day. I guess I would be afraid if I had a recovery week, I would lose any gains that I've made with strength/endurance weight training. I feel like I must be missing something, like my training isn't as sophisticated as some of you girls.
>When I've stopped working out for a while, like after an
>illness or a vacation, I start with C&W because it's one of
>Cathe's "easier" (I use that word with caution:) ) workouts.
>In my rotations, I use C&W and add on to it to make a tougher,
>longer workout. I hardly use circuits and when I do, I use
>them for fat loss.

I do the same, it helps me go back on track. Also I like this workout.
You will not lose any gains by having a recovery week. What happens for me is the change of pace actually helps increase my gains. So I take a recovery week every 4th or 5th week and this gives my muscles a chance to fully rest before I go back at it again. Often I see more gain after I've done this. It's good to continually shake things up as your body adapts to the same routine. Just like cardio, I alter what kinds of cardio I'm doing so my body doesn't completely adapt to one kind of cardio.

I absolutely learned my lesson about recovery weeks during a P90X rotation, where they are built in. Now I do my own, and tend to use functional fitness workouts (ie: Core Secrets) as my weight workouts for that week. Strengthening the core and the stabilizing muscles helps me come back to heavy, intense work with more energy, and I can lift better.
I really enjoy circuit workouts. When I'm not following Cathe's monthly rotation I usually do a 2-week rotation which looks like this:

Week 1:
upper body
lower body
cardio (non step)
full body wts like ME, MM, MIS, or PH
cardio (step)

Week 2:
upper body
lower body
cardio (non step)
cardio (step)
Well, I guess I learned something new today, about recovery weeks. I've heard Cathe use the term functional fitness, but can you explain more about what types of workouts these would be? Also, a couple people mentioned doing a split routine where they do upper body all in one day. That seems like alot all at once. I always split my upper body into two days. What's the consensus on that? Thanks in advance for everyone's feedback!
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Hi sophiem,

I'll try to answer the functional fitness part of your post.

FF focuses on training to prepare your body to perform activities of daily living. Instead of isolation exercises, your muscle groups learn to work together through a range of motion. You also learn to engage your stabilizer muscles. Imagine bending, lifting and turning through a continues movement with a weighted object. You might be able to prevent that back injury if you develop the strength, balance & control to adjust to an abrupt change in position or to just use the proper muscles for any given activity. The workouts tend to work you through proper form and add additional weight as your muscle groups (to include stabilizers) get stronger.

There are many FF workouts out there, or w/o's that use FF moves in part of the w/o. If you read the descriptions, you will see exercises & equipment that incorporate balance & core engagement. I like to use Tracie Long's workouts because I like Tracie's teaching style.

As far as splits, it just depends. I do total UB, 2 day UB, & 5 day UB splits. I change up periodically, depending on my time and focus. You already know where I stand on recovery weeks.

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Would yoga or pilates be considered functional fitness, or does a weighted object need to be involved? How about using a medicine ball in various ways? Would you consider any of Cathe's workouts functional fitness? I did some web searches and the only real examples I got of functional fitness were push-ups. Sorry if I'm being dense!
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Hi sophiem,

(Sorry, I'm in a hurry right now :p ).

Go to collage video (you can get there from the links page) and view the clip for Core Secrets Off the Ball by Gunner Peterson. You will see a good example of what I am trying (probably poorly) to explain. I don't use core secrets but from what I can see this will demonstrate what I'm talking about. I don't know of anywhere that you can view the Yorktown DVD's by Tracie Long.

Hope this helps (let me know),
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Jordan, which Tracie Long workout do you think is best for FF? Thanks, Lisa
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

>Would yoga or pilates be considered functional fitness, or
>does a weighted object need to be involved? How about using a
>medicine ball in various ways? Would you consider any of
>Cathe's workouts functional fitness? I did some web searches
>and the only real examples I got of functional fitness were

Yoga and pilates aren't considered functional fitness. FF moves often mimic moves that you might do in real life, or, if not moves themselves, the movement patterns. It also involves "moviing"! Often, then involve some kind of balance challenge as well.

Using barbells and dumbbells (especially dumbbells) is considered more "functional" than using machines (do a web search on "Paul Chek," he talks a lot about FF and about the basic movement patterns of the human body.)

Medicine balls and stability balls or body weight are often used in FF workouts.

Some functional fitness moves:

1-legged squats (you have to stabilize more than doing regular squats, and bring the core and stabilizing muscles into play). You can do these with or without weights, or even do them more as a lunge, adding a reach toward the floor, either on the same side as the stable leg, or the same side as the lifted leg.

Standing holding a medicine ball, then bending and pivoting to touch the ball to the floor outside your right foot, then bringing the ball up to the left side like you're putting something on a shelf.

Doing squats with a weight in ONE hand and remaining balanced (mimics carrying a suitcase).

Cathe does a few FF moves in Legs and Glutes (the lunges done with one foot on the stability ball, for example).

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