When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weights?

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Thanks Kathryn,

I was in a hurry last night & tied up this a.m.. I was hoping that the clip would help but if it didn't, I thought that I would try to type out some examples. Thank you for doing that for me & sophiem :) .

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Hi sophiem,

I hope that you've got a better understanding of FF. It really is a nice way to exercise. Cathe does use some functional fitness moves in some of her workouts, they are not the main staple.

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Is Bootcamp considered a circuit workout too? I am doing an intense (well, intense to me at least) rotation for the last few weeks leading up to my wedding right now. I really want to ekk out as much definition in my arms as possible before the wedding to look fabulous in my strapless dress, so I am working my arms everyday with more endurance type workouts. My rotation for the next two weeks looks something like this:

Mon: Full body endurance workout at gym
Tues: Bootcamp
Wednesday: Muscle Endurance
Thursday: Bootcamp
Friday: Full body workout at gym
Saturday: KPC
Sunday: Bootcamp

I think of Bootcamp as more of a circuit workout if I don't use very heavy weights, but I don't know if this is giving my muscles enough rest. Am I crazy or is Bootcamp also a circuit workout? Any other suggestions on how to ekk out as much definition as I can in the weeks leading up to the wedding?

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

>Jordan, which Tracie Long workout do you think is best for
>FF? Thanks, Lisa

Hi Lisa,

I have all of Tracie's workouts since she started her new company (and before). I like them all, surprise. I especially like the workouts that Tracie led, they were really well done. FUNCTIONAL FOUNDATIONS is a two workout set that includes Core Cardio & Core Sterength. The only downside is that they are DVD-r. I didn't have a problem playing them on my DVD player but some players won't play DVD-r. These workouts are based on the education provided by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is coming out with new workouts soon. Oh my poor pocket book ;-).

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Hi Diane,

BC is a circuit workout.

I could not follow this rotaton and get maximum results. My body needs at least one full rest day/stretch day. I get better results when my muscles get adequate rest in order to rebuild and repair. My best results come from using all components of exercise: cardio, strength and flexability. Yes, I do tweak according to my needs or focus. And remember along with rest, you will need proper nutrition to maintain the best results.

Did you look over the Tank Top rotation?

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Yes, thanks so much for your help and I do understand it now.
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Hi Diane,

Looking at what you have listed maybe you could rearange things a bit.

Monday- Total body workout at the the gym to include abs

Tuesday- KPC (-abs)

Wednesday- ME UB Premix (you could add BC UB premix if you need more UB) plus KPC abs

Thursday- Interval workout (the Imax's are nice or your gym may have one or use the TM)

Friday- UB at the gym Plus ab work

Saturday- BC cardio and LB Premix

Sunday- rest or stretch

RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

I don't think the rotation alternating Boot Camp with other weight workouts would give your muscles enough rest. If you goal is to build strength/muscle, it would seem rather detrimental.

Increasing definition, IMO, is a combo of increasing muscle mass somewhat, and lowering body fat covering the muscles. (If you have a good muscle base, you might just need to focus on the latter).

To build muscle, working hard and heavy, with good rest in between is important, and fueling your muscles (ie: having a carb/protein snack soon after a weight workout when your body can use it most). You could do one of the GS workouts each once a week (or as I plan to do next time I do it, each upper body workout once a week, and the lower body---bigger calorie burner because it uses larger muscle groups---twice a week.) This is a good series to use, because the split allows you to work a large muscle group with each workout (chest, back, legs). Some other splits, like the Slow and Heavy split, don't spread out the large muscle groups that way---and they are the big calorie burners.

To reduce body fat, diet and more cardio are helpful. If you already have a good muscle base you want to maintain, and just want to get rid of some fat over it, then alternating Bootcamps with cardio could be a good rotation for you.

If you're kind of "in between," wanting to add more muscle and burn more fat, then I suggest two weeks of GS followed by a week of Bootcamp and cardio.

I just reread your post. Working your arms every day might work if you already have the muscle base. Otherwise, it could be counterproductive. Have you noticed that you lift less, that you can't lift the same amount with each workout? That's a sign that you are not getting full recovery, and muscle growth won't happen in that situation. Do arms no more than 3 times a week, with one day in between.

When I was unable to get in many workouts recently, I did an "emergency!" arm workout 2 or 3 days a week to at least keep up appearances! I did a pyramid of light weights (7 or 8 pounds) for 24 reps, medium weights for 18 reps (10 or 12 pounds) , and heavier weights for 12 reps (15 pounds) of the following series:
Biceps curls, overhead presses, triceps kickbacks (moving from one body part to the other with no rest between sets--unless I neede more recovery on the last few sets of the pyramid).

I did one "circuit" then would rest and do some dynamic moves (like in P90X), then repeat, for a total of 5 circuits. (one at lowest weight, then next heaviest, then heaviest, then back down to second weight, then ending with first).

This was both effective and time-efficient.
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Thanks for the suggestions. I guess my wedding day just came up so quickly and I realized too late that don't look exactly as toned as I had hoped and I am starting to freak out a bit. I want to add a little muscle and shed a little bit of fat, so I may do Pure Strength or Pyramids (is that a substitute of GS? I don't have GS) for a week followed by a week of Bootcamp and cardio. I have actually seemed to get stronger during the rotation I have been doing, which is surprising. I know I can't expect miracles in a few weeks, but I want to make the best of the time I have. I also don't have the DVDs for intensity series unfortunately (except for the pyramids) so I can't do the premixes. My arms really look fine, I just wanted them to look awesome and toned, which they don't right now. That really takes years to acheive I guess, not months. I also can't lose much weight in the next few weeks or else my dress won't fit. My seamstress said I already got too small already! So although cardio is probably the best thing right now for my arms, but I can't get any smaller at the waist or my dress will fit loosely. Thanks for you help!
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

I totally get why you want your arms to look kickass in your strapless dress. I feel the same way about wanting my arms to have definition, so I understand. It also sounds, however, like you are already in great shape overall. I hope that you can find a way to chill a bit as I know weddings can be stressful and appreciate yourself for being where you are right now and enjoy the experience.
RE: When do you do fit in something like Cardio & Weigh...

Thanks everyone! Sorry to highjack the post! Cathe must have read my mind with the October rotation she just put out. I don't own a lot of the videos in the rotation, but the essense of the rotation is more heavy weights with cardio inbetween, not endurance and circuit workouts like I was doing! I will try using my PS and Pyramids for the next two weeks and more heavy weights in the gym and also really up my cardio inbetween. I have really seen results in the past with Bootcamp, so I will work that in somewhere in the week.

I use circuit workouts as an extension to a weight workout. If I do something like Cardio & Weights as my main workout I up the weight increments and may add on a shot upper workout like HSTA upper only. Same with something like CTX Power Circuits, I would do this omitting upper and add on something lik ME upper only premix.
Diane Sue

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