When are the DVD's SHIPPING???

I' chiming in just to say that I'm very anxious (not impatient) to receive my DVD's which I ordered back in May. If I had known it would be December before they would ship and that you could pre-order up until just days ago, I would have waited. Just hoping those of us who ordered back then will be on the mailing list first. Not negative--just honest.:+ I love Cathe's exercise videos and will continue to support her. But hey things are what they are and when they arrive, I will ;-) .
I DO WANT WORLD PEACE DANI.. but I WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY DVDS ARE??:) And Cathe answered my question!! YAAA

THANK YOU CATHE!!! I JUST CANT WAIT :) ;-) ;) :eek: :* :7 !!!
I'm so excited! I think the wait is almost one of the best parts of the preorder! Maybe I am super strange, but I almost think the anticipation is pretty fun! AND these videos will be GREAT for the holidays, almost like a free present (if they have been paid off by now!)

Thanks for the update Cathe!
Hi! My name is Dani too! :)

I'm not stressing at all about these DVDs. I know Cathe and crew are doing their best to get them to us and I'll get them when I get them. No big deal. :p
Wow! The words "lighten up" come to mind. I'm sorry, but I don't think the original poster's intent was to imply that this problem was
a matter of grave national importance. She is not the first person to post about something that is not all that important in the scheme of things-- what about all the posts about wanting higher butts, flatter abs, etc? Do you respond to those the same way?
I think she is just a little frustrated as many of us are.
I must admit that I have become impatient in the past couple of weeks too! I think its because I see all of the VHS posts!! I want my DVD's too! ;)
:) Hi,
IM with you, I want my DVD'S pretty darn bad!
Love your smilies they get right to the heart of things.
Where are they????????????


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