whats your unhealthy vice

Be careful with Chantix. My BIL was on it and went into a severe depression. I know it's a rare side effect, but it should be noted.
I don't really have anything that I do every day....that I couldn't give up.

But these are what come to mind,

1) ever since christmas I have been hooked on Pina Coladas. Tyhe frozen kind that you add ice and rum to. There was a point in time when i was having atleaast 5 a week, in the night time (just one a night) before I went to bed. But I just went 2 weeks without either one,

2) I love sweets! Love..love...love 'um! Instead of eating a whole cookie, I will cut away the edges from a bunch of cookies. That way I trick my mind into thinking that I didn't eat a whole cookie:rolleyes: Just booked a trip to FL so I am going to be cutting back on sugar and upping the ab work!

Gumballs!!!!! I work at home, so I sit here and chew gumballs while I'm on the computer. I get them at either CVS or the Dollar Store and go through 3-4 a week.

And Diet Coke.
I'm a diet soda whore. :(
Oh me too! I only have 2-3 a day (OK, so only isn't the right word) but COME ON! I try so hard to be good otherwise!

Dessert/sweets...I am not a big candy person but chocolate, cookies, cake, brownies, etc. get me every time! :confused:
These are trigger foods for me- if I start, I can eat HUGE amounts of this stuff.

This is sort of like therapy and makes me feel better. I'm not the only one living only on spinach and apples (although I do eat both of those items, it is just the add ons that are killing me).
Going to my parent's house. They have m&m's in their living room, a bowl of chocolate in their den and cookies in the kitchen. I don't even try to resist. That place is dangerous!!! :eek:

I know what you mean. As soon as I get to my parents house all I think about is eating. My mom also puts out M&M's for the grandkids-ha!! The diet goes completely out the window when I get there.

Oh please everyday is a struggle for me. I have good and bad days as long as good days out weigh the bad I guess Im good to go. I love having red wine and cheese nips. If I were deserted on a beach I'm good with red wine and cheese nips. Every friday night 9:00pm to be exact when I put the little one to bed (my husband works nights) out comes the bottle of wine and a fresh box of cheese nips I pop on a charmed DVD and it's great. I look soo forward to that after a long week of work. I hate opening a bottle of wine cause I could never open it right. It's such a struggle for me. By the time I get the cork off half of it is inside the bottle and I'm drinking wine with little pieces of cork in it.
the internet

I was good and now for a week I've been weak again. Time to ratchet back to just checking in once a week. I just find it so interesting, why I don't know:rolleyes:
Brownies. They are my 'achille's heel'.

And for about 2 months now I've had a daily craving for chicken strips.
I bake them in the toaster oven, but they are the kind you buy frozen, already fried.
I'm fixated on them and am in an ongoing search for the best frozen chicken strip.
So far, Sam's Choice/Great Value brand at WalMart are the best.

And pass the Ken's Buffalo sauce, too, please :eek:

Wine - practically every night. I even measure it out - make sure it is 3/4 cup and I drink no more except on Wednesday because it is "wine & cheese night" with my husand - drink more than normal and feel all guilty.

I have absolutely no will power and usually have a rule never to let things I can't say no to in the house. Yes - I will eat all the Cheez-Its there ever were if they were in my cupboard. Can't have it. No chips or dip either.
chocolate - I love milk chocolate but any chocolate will do except white chocolate. I don't believe it's really chocolate. Also, have a weakness for chocolate snack cakes & snow balls.
Pizza!! I could eat pizza every day-- a LOT of it-- and not get sick of it!! I've tried all the tricks to limit myself to one or two slices (salad before, soup before, apples before, tons of water before), but nothing works. Once I see the stupid thing, I have to devour the entire medium-size pie!!

This is why pizza is banned in my house... :(


I like to have something sweet every now and then. Ice cream, brownies, cheesecake, cookies, chocolate mousse. I strictly limit this though. I don't feel deprived. I don't "miss" it if I see it. BUT if I have a bite, I will plow through a whole pint of Hagan Daz, a tray of brownies, etc. So I have to have a little and then throw out the rest. haha!

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