what's your STUPIDEST beauty related blunder?.....


Since being an adult!? We've all done the stupid "first time" things as teenagers, but what's the stupidest thing you've done to yourself since you've been an adult AND were suppose to know better?

Me: My latest was yesterday! I look in the mirror and see some lip hair and say, "oh d@mn! I forgot to get the replacement cartridge for my razor!" (and in a Billy Mays voice I go) "But wait!" "I've got that bottle of extra-strength Nair in the closet!"
So I slather the stuff over my lip area, and the directions for the ex-strength say to just leave it on for 4 minutes, then wipe off. Well, 30 seconds after applying it my lip starts burning.
Now ladies (and gents should you be reading also), you'd think a 39 year old woman would clearly have said to herself, "something is wrong, wash it off now!" right? Well NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
My dumb a** sits there for the entire 4 minutes, lip burning so badly I thought it was about to pop like popcorn!
So finally, 4 minutes are up, my eyes are actually tearing, I wipe it off, and no sh*t I swear a layer of skin came with it! My entire lip area was red, swollen and so puffy it looked like my lips started under my nose! I freaked! I splashed cold water on it, held a cold wash cloth against it, NOTHING worked to reduce the swelling, let alone the pain! So I'm running around trying to find something to soothe this and suddenly I remember my mothers #2 cure all for everything when I was growing up (#1 was iodine!), and I grab the petroleum jelly! Yes! It worked immediately!
However, my upper lip area was puffy for 2 hours! And the redness lasted until, well now because it's still a bit red this morning!
So note to self: NEVER use ex-strength Nair on your face again Donna!No razors? Just stay hairy!

Okay~now it's your turn to share! :)


p.s. OMG I just had a flashback of when I was 13 and accidently shaved off my eyebrows. Do you know if I did that today that with no hair AND no eyebrows I'd look like a roll on deoderant!?

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Okay, here's a stupid one for you. I once tried to give myself a bikini wax. That alone was probably stupid enough to qualify. But wait--I applied the wax to both sides at the same time. But even that's not all. Then I sorta forgot what I was doing for a minute and bent over to pick something up off the floor. Need I say more??? Let's just say I wasn't standing up straight for quite some time. (Maybe I was unwittingly responsible for the invention of the Brazilian???)
All of my beauty-related blunders have been hair-related, usually really horrible poodle-perms that totally emphasized the fact that my hair was extremely thick and coarse. And I got the perms forgetting that I knew precisely nothing about how to style hair, permed or otherwise.

My latest glamour-don't was getting that ridiculous wig as I plow through the Alopecia Epoch. It's the Raquel Welch Signature Collection "Chaos" design (did ANYONE know they named wig styles? I didn't); it should be named the "Just Had Sex" design. Different hair color, different side of the head for the part, more hair than Cousin Itt . . . itt goes on.

Ah well. Live and learn.

I usually have a beauty faux pas going on. I'm just not a girly girl, so any attempt I make at beautifying goes amiss. My worst error was when I decided to color my hair chocolate brown. It was Nutrisse brand and it came out crow black. caw caw. Ugggh. I'm a brunette with loads of silver stripes when I go natural, but I had been coloring it auburn for years. I decided to get back closer to my natural color when the silver was showing up too much during root regrowth time. The chocolate should have been labeled licorice. It was awful. Of course, I tried to correct it by coloring it again (auburn). All that happened was my hair started breaking. It was a sight. Then again, it's just hair. It grew out, eventually. Now I just decided to accept my natural shade, so from root to about five inches, I'm dark brown with lovely silver streaks, and from 5 inches to shoulder length, I'm dark reddish brown. I might cave in and get low lights, but I'm going to try to make it through the grow out time au naturel. if i survived my elvira phase, i surely can make it through this one!! suzanne:7
I too was born without the girly-girl genes, so am comically inept at "prettying up". I usually just avoid all makeup, hair color, fashion issues and decisions completely, but I have had some comical moments. I have done what Donna Gettinfit@39 did, although I didn't leave it on as long. I've just been plucking the facial hairs forever now. You get used to it, just like with eyebrows. It looks great and feels smoothe also. I also use a beard trimmer on the closest setting for arm hair, and take the "cover" off and use the blades straight for the peach fuzz that comes with middle age.

But wait, I am supposed to be embarassing myself, not being helpful! I have tried to color my naturally raisin brown hair with natural stuff. It has come out purpley, or greenish. I have tried haircuts where you have to "do" them. No way. If I can't dry my hair, brush it and have it dry looking like it's supposed to look, I will end up making my teenage daughter laugh derisively (not that it takes much).

The worst thing I have done had to be using a set of thong panties to avoid the "dreaded" panty line. I was so aware of the butt floss feeling all day, so constantly distracted by the desire to pull it out, only to have it go right back in, that I couldn't walk normally, I had a deer in the headlights look. I had to keep telling people I had a headache. What a day.

I'm mopping up coffee from my keyboard and monitor between pecks here! I will not attempt this thread with any liquid in my mouth from this point on!
Between the bikini wax drama and the thong I've got coffee coming out of my nose at the laughter! You guys are the greatest at "misery loves company!" :D


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Let me add something here about the thong! I was on a business trip of which my husband was going to join me. A couple of my friends had been encouraging me that I needed to give the thong a try…but the trick is, it can’t be too wide and it can’t be too thin, it has to be juuuusssstttt right. So of course mine wasn’t. I am giving a presentation and suddenly had the feeling that if I didn’t get this thong off, I was going to start screaming (it had of course begun making my torso fell scrunched) and I could barely focus on what I was there to do. And to make matters worse, I dropped some papers on the floor and when I bent to pick them up the thong had me in a wrestling pose and I could barely move. Luckily one of the nice clients picked them up. Anyhow, at the first break, I run to the Admin person and asked for a pair of scissors. I promptly went into the restroom and cut them off me! When my husband arrived that night, of course he was wondering why I wasn’t wearing any underwear (I did also have on pantyhose). All I could say was “don’t ask!”
Ladies, ladies, ladies....

thank you so much for giving me the biggest laugh of the day!

The thongs, the bikini waxes.....I will avoid them both from now on!!!!

And now I know the meaning of "butt floss"!!!!!

I don't have an adult beauty mistake to share, not because I'm toooooooooo beautiful or anything ( ;-) ) but I'm way too scared of the possibilities to try what you guys do! But I have a tale from my teenage years, see if you can picture it:

I used to love making cakes for my family as a teenager. A real Victoria sandwich cake from scratch, use your hand held cake mixer with the twirling twin prongs to mix the butter and sugar to creamy consistency, then add the eggs, be careul to go slow in case they curdle...........so I had really long hair back then, down to my mid back, and it's hanging loose as I work, not at all tied back in prudent fashion as they teach you in domestic science lessons................so I'm leaning over my bowl to see if my eggs are curdling and the cake mixer thingy with the rapidly twirling prong thingies is still twirling a mile-a-minute and before I know it my hair is getting caught up in the prongs and the damn thing is deeply entrenched in my hair, the motor is still running, the engine of the machine sounding against my scalp: I'VE GOT A CAKE MIXER STUCK IN MY HAIR RIGHT TIGHT UP AGAINST MY SCALP AND I CAN'T GET IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's still trying to twirl against my head and I'm only 14 or something, and I'm screaming my head off, there's no-one to help me in this deserted house of mine and my Mum's down the garden singing to herself among the roses in la-la land!! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!

My mother still laughs today at the memory of a teenage daughter running screaming down the garden, hands flapping, a cake mixer stuck to the side of her head.........

are you getting the image?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'll leave you to think of the consequences to my beautiful long hair of this beauty faux pas. Cake batter doth not a healthy hair pack make.... Scissors at the ready, and cut that cake mixer out .


I am sitting here at my desk trying not to crack up!! I had to cover my mouth!! Hee-Hee!!

About 10 years ago, I thought I'd cut my own hair...just a little bit. Well I looked and it was uneven on one side, so I thought I'd even it out my cutting the other side just a little more...I kept doing that and gave myself a BALD spot. My hair is jet black, so I covered the tiny bald spot with mascara, so it would blend in with the rest of my hair. UGH!! That was back when my hair was very short.

Now my hair's very long, and I have never tried that again. I pay $40 bucks now for my haircuts. Leave it to the professionals!!!

Editing to say Clare-your story is just too funny! That sounds like something I would do!

I have fair skin with dark brunette hair pretty much all over!
I've tried waxing my lip, but then decided that bleaching was the way to go. Well after a couple years of bleaching I noticed that the skin under my nose, about half way to the corners of my lips had turned a darkish color, AND WILL NOT GO AWAY! So now in some pictures it looks like I have a huge mustache, worse than before!

I've seen the Dr. and he gave me a Hydroquinone cream to use, but it didn't do much. And yes my hormones are fine right now. I really need to go to a dermetologist, but have been putting it off.

I do swear by bleaching the hair on my arms though! It really does makes a difference!


http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/tiere/tiere019.gif Happiness is an Attitude http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/tiere/tiere019.gif
Oh, what a funny thread! It brought back memories of when I decided to have my brunette hair dyed golden blonde. Unfortunately, with my olive complexion, the yellow hair made my face look jaundiced, so I decided that since I had spent all that money I couldn't afford to go back and have it redyed---I would do it myself, and make it auburn. Unfortunately, the color didn't take well and I ended up with what I thought was strawberry blonde hair. I was leaving the next day for california to see my son and his wife, and when I got off the plane, she (his wife) stared at me. I said something about, I know, it's kind of orange isn't it, and she kind of gulped and said, uh....no, it's bright pink. I nearly dyed (punning here). That afternoon we found a fancy hair salon that fixed my hair color for a fortune and a half. It was the nicest auburn you ever saw--have never been able to duplicate it.
There is one thing that really stands out in my mind.It was a few yrs ago but it HURT! I just got home from the hospital from having my baby.I probably hadn't shaved my legs in so long that I needed a lawn mower.Anyway,here I stood in the bathroom with no clothes on.One leg up on the sink,trying Nair for the first time(God condemn the makers)when I bend over to get something and my nipple touches the Nair.I thought I was going to lose my mind.Like it isn't bad enough having a human attached to your chest most of the day , now I had to suffer throught breast feeding with a burnt nipple.
I survived and lived to tell about it!
I will have to think if I can come up with anything else.I think I try to block out the stupid things that I do:p
Lori: I am so sorry to laugh at your pain but this cracked me up beyond belief! :D
I guess because it is something that is soooo me! Thankfully I've never done it, and now I never will! :D


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Why not Donna? It doesn't mean you have to have another baby, just put the Nair on the nipple to say you did it! }(
Mine is somewhat similar to Susan's. It is hair related. :D This happened many years ago.
It was my year of different colors. I had been putting a hair lightener on myself, for several months, when I saw this 'neat' color. It was an ash blonde, but how did I know what it would look like on me? LOL
It was Blue. Not a gray blue, I mean Blue! I put another lighter color on top of it, and it became more muted but still blue. I had to go to work the next day and face the public. :D Later I went to get it professionally stripped and then a toner put on, which took several hours, and then I had to deal with all the breakage. Then I wanted it Red and it turned orange in spots! Someone else may have been able to carry this off by saying they were making some sort of fashion statement. Me...it was just an obvious big goof. :D:D

Wisdom now makes me leave the hair business to someone who knows more about what they are doing. Even then, proceed with caution. LOL I get a highlight once a year (it could use more) but the rest of the time my hair just does what it wants to do, which is change color all by itself. That would be okay if you like gray. :D
Okay, Donna girl...I can't leave you alone in Nair Land. Here's my Nair story:

Two days before my honeymoon I decide to sunbathe and Nair the ol bikini line at the same time.
SOOO, being the hippy that I am, I take my naked self outside by the pool and apply sunscreens, oils,
and, oh yea, the Nair. Well, I put all the potions in their places and lay back for some rays. I accidentily fall
l asleep and wake up not only very, very, dark...but with quiiiiiiite a bit less uhum, hair.

All in all, the three of us had a lovely honeymoon...my hubby, me and my new pet tarantula.:-(
My stupidist was when DH and I were driving across the country from New York to Oregon after I got off active duty. It was August and our little Toyota Corrolla had no air conditioner. We kept leaving earlier and earlier to try to beat the heat...

When we left the hotel at about 0330, I was so tired I didn't want to move, much less get dressed. So, I got into the car in JUST my very skimpy Victoria's Secret tap pants and camisole. I figured I'd be comfy, cool, and lazy!

Sure enough, later that morning we pulled off to get something to eat in Des Moines, Iowa. Another car back up at a stop sign and really rammed my car. The other driver turned out to be a teenaged boy and his barely adolescent brother!! So here we are, the teenagers, DH, the cops, the people who crowded around to help, my overwrought Australian Shepherd, and me... in my VS pajamas (barefoot too!)!!! I tried to sneak away to change, but since I am a lawyer, DH tends to leave any type of negotiating to me - so I was stuck.

Now every time I'm tempted to "skimp" when dressing, I always ask myself would I want to direct traffic in this outfit?

You always make me laugh so hard! You really made my day with this one. Mine is so incredibly stupid, and all related to that deadly sin vanity. I used to have individual lashes applied every two weeks. They are beautiful, but expensive. One evening I lost a few right in the middle of my eye. I had these thick, beautiful, full lashes everywhere except for an empty spot right in the middle of my eye. Genius that I am, I decided to just remove them myself, at midnight. I didn't have adhesive remover so I decided to use vaseline. I figured it should weaken the glue. I slathered my eyes with vaseline, let it sit for about 20 minutes, unable to open my eyes, and waited. The vaseline kind of worked to so I decided to "rub" them off my real lashes, and pick off the glue with tweezers. I was really into it, had blurred vision from all the vaseline, but kept going for it. I felt at that point I was committed. I got all the fake lashes off along with 95% of my real eyelashes too. I had puffy, red eyes for two days, and the lady who did my lashes told me if I ever did that again she would refuse to see me.

I read this thread last night before going to bed AFTER I had washed my face and put moisturizer on. Let's put it this way, by the time I was done reading them all, I had to re-apply my moisturizer as I had cried it ALL off from laughing sooo hard. Hubby wanted to know what was so funny! Donna, I join you on the "Nair Nightmare". (Also wondered why they would invent such a product that burned sooo bad the second you put it on your upper lip???) Joining you with the red, puffy lip for two days! Scary! I also decided to save a FEW dollars and let my twin sis give me a perm years & year ago. Of course, when we kept checking to see if it was curly, it didn't look it, soooo we continued to process it LONGER then what the directions said. I looked just like the tightest haired poodle you have ever seen! My hair was curled right up to the scalp. Need I say it was damaged beyond repair? I went directly to a hair salon the next day and they had everyone that worked there parade by to see what I had done. Oh my, talk about embarrasing! I then, HAD to opt for the SHORTEST haircut I had ever had to get rid of all the damage. That was the LAST time I let anyone other then a professional mess with my hair. What we do to save a few dollars when it ends up costing us MORE in the end. OH BOY!!! Thanks for a fun thread Donna!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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