what's YOUR personal motto???

I just love mottos...

One of my favorites came from my grandfather, he used to say "either sh$t or get off the pot" and when my children were young and just learning how to read and write I woud tell them " Once you learn your ABC's, you have no time to watch t.v." I guess it worked, because all three of my children are avid readers and excellent writers. Given the choice of watching television or reading, they will chose reading without blinking an eye.
When watching the Dr's, I heard Jack LaLane say to someone "Do you want to feel better? Do you want to look better? Then earn it." That really stuck with me. They had someone on there who said she was tired all the time so on and so forth. Just seems like everyone wants to hear an easy solution and doesn't want to try exercise and eating healthy. Looking and feeling good is hard work and I think this quote says it. I thinks I'm going to put it on my walls when we finish my workout room soon.
I have three, one if really a quote from Madonna (whom I love although most people are turned off by her these last few years).

1. This too shall pass (anytime I am in a bad situation, I look for the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel).

2. This is what I say to my kids in the morning. . . Do not make demands 'til mommy has coffee in her hands.

3. Madonna, "I'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a b@!#h, okay.”

Some of my favorites are:

"You can catch more bees with honey than vinegar."
"If you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones."
Here are some of my favorites

"What doesn't kill you will make you stronger"

"If at first you don't succeed then try again"

"coffee does make the world look brighter" (i made that one up)

I just saw this quote in a deisel ad "smart has brains stupid has balls"

This is a fun thread!

"The only thing standing between me and greatness is me". If you think of the word "greatness" as standing in for words like "success" and "happiness", this quote sums up my life, and my life's battles, in a nutshell.

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