What's your Occupation?

I'm a designer - Web and print. Growing up, I drew on everything I could get my hands on, so I didn't have any trouble choosing a career. I've worked at prepress, publishing companies, ad agencies and Web firms, but last summer I found my current spot as a designer for our state Game & Fish dept. I love it - much less stressful than my other jobs, and I get to watch the birds and squirrels outside my office window!

Great thread! Sounds like we've got a lot of medical/educational folks.
Right now I'm mom to a 3-year-old boy. In a past life I was a computer graphic artist/designer. I've also worked as newspaper reporter, magazine writer and proofreader. I was making the jump from print graphics to web design and management when I got pregnant. Somehow, I never managed to continue from there. My last job, which I quit this month (long story), was as editor of our community newsletter.

I'm a high school math teacher. It has its days, but I pretty much enjoy it. The kids are typically upbeat and fun to be around. I teach the college bound track, so the kids are usually good.

I have my masters degree in guidance which someday I would like to do when my daughters are older. The guidance department has to work an extra month here and I want that time to my girls now instead of being at work. When they are older and have left the nest, then I'll look to be in guidance full time.

I'm a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids. I used to be a high school German teacher and I am now a volunteer German teacher in my sons' classes. I also volunteer for a lot of different things in the community.
I have the boring job of sitting in front of a PC all day typing from dictation tapes and I hate it. But...sitting down all day ensures I always get round to my exercise program so I guess there's always good in everything!
Hi - I'm the Director of Development and Public Relations for a non-profit that works with high risk (mostly urban) young people who are dropouts, pregnant or parenting, at-risk for drugs, etc. Been here 23 years, but worked in non-profit my whole career (31 years). The last couple of years have been extremely challenging in terms of raising money and this is actually my busiest time getting ready for the annual appeal. There are many rewards as well as let-downs in this field, but I honestly could not see myself working in the profit sector. Human service work is definitely in my blood.

Great Thread!

I'm a System Analyst for a large non-profit and a professional student....in my past life (which really wasn't that long ago) I was a licensed administrative social worker...currently in school (again) for Computer Science.

lots of medical field workers! I used to work in a doctors office during college! :)
RE: TO: Shywolf!

Nope but I did have my 2 oldest kiddos in the UK. My hubby got orders back stateside so we are back in the good ol' us of a. It would be great to move back though. They were some of the hardest years and the best :)

I'm lucky that I can stay home and be with my kids it is a great job
I am an actress (stage), which is one of the reasons I have to stay in great shape! ...I also assist my DH who is a 3D cartoon animator and has his own animation studiostudio.

Great thread !

Robin - What kind of stage work. Drama, Comedy, Musical? I always dreamed of doing that.

Real estate loan processor - I needed a sit-down job after I burned out on teaching aerobics and personal training. I keep up my certifications, though.
Nice to see so many healthcare professionals that workout (so many don't-even though they see the results of bad health habits)!!

I worked as a clinical dietitian for 6 years, quit 3 years ago to go back to school and get my MBA in Healthcare Administration (6 more weeks of classes, Yippee!).

I've gotten to spend a lot of time with my kids(ages 5&8)and working out with Cathe. I'm really going to miss this quality time when I get a full-time job!!:-(
I am a Computer operator for Health Partners and Regions hospital in Minnesota I work the night shift mid to noon tonite and tomorrow and then wed 4pm to mid which gives me lots of time to workout allweek!
Hi! I'm a Certified Personal Trainer, and I just started my own personal training business. I'm soooo happy to finally be self-employed!:) :)
I'm currently a 26-year-old legal assistant at a medium-sized law firm in downtown Pittsburgh. I worked full-time for 2 1/2 years and just recently switched to part-time status to pursue my Master's of Science degree in Counseling Psychology.

Ultimately, I hope to open my own private practice and specialize in counseling young adults (predominantly females) with self-esteem issues (co-existing with eating disorders, primarily).


Amy S.

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