What's your favorite Billy Blanks workout?


Active Member
Good morning,

For those of you who like Billy, what would you recommend as his best, most intense workout? I'd like to purchase some of his DVDs but not sure where to start.


Hi Lisa! I think the Get Ripped series (Advanced) is by far his best workout set. Veryt intense, very high energy. The new Bootcamp set looks interesting too, but I am a fan of Get Ripped. Good Luck!
hi i love billy,,,, yes the get ripped advanced is great but also the ultimate upper and lower body dvd very fun very hard . i love to work with billy and cathe with kickbox ...
I like his Get Ripped series for the lower body.

Anyone got his new Bootcamp series? Comments please?

I went to his site recently and was really tempted to get some of his cardio workouts...

I have them but not the bands. He is trying to add some toning and it looks like it will be a nice workout once I have the bands. Can't wait - they are on backorder!!

I like Billy sometimes, too, but I only have old workouts.

I'm not sure if he still does it this way, but he does not "mirror" the workout. When he says "right" he uses his right hand or foot. Every other workout I have the instructor is a mirror. I'm just too spazzy to change gears like that!
Hi ladies,

I have never done a Tae Bo with Billy Blanks. Always heard how people got great results with his w/o. So I just viewed Billy Blanks videos and I think I'm going to try Get Ripped & the Bootcamp. It looks as if I will get an excellent w/o combining both Cathe & Billy...?????


I've always wanted to combine Cathe and Billy, but like many on this forum have said, Billy has a problem with making sure the counts on both sides are even. I personally have a problem with the production quality, especially in the older workouts, which are a hodgepodge of different classes -- there's a sudden change in environment and pace. Talking of environment (or set), I'm so used to Cathe's workouts where there are only a certain number of people on screen. Some of Billy's workouts are so full of people, it's hard for me to spot Billy. But then, I'm farsighted and don't wear my glasses even if I have to.:) I got his 2004 series only to auction it on eBay. The production value was so much better, but somehow I couldn't connect with the series. I wish I could preview his Bootcamp series and that cardio blast workout he has coming up. It would be nice to squeeze Tae Bo into my Cathe rotations because of the lower impact.

I like Tae Bo . I also am waiting for the Bands for Bootcamp . THat is fine at the moment ,I Do Cathe workouts in the am and Tae Bo or Gliding in the pm . Not everyday but almost !!! :) :)
I've been a Taebo fan for years and unfortunately, his original live series, both Basic and Advanced, are not available on DVD, and are scarce even on VHS. They were the best! Had the greatest music too! They were live and featured real people along w/Shelli and a few other expert Taeboers, that was part of the charm for me, as well as the GREAT music. SO inspirational!

I'm not as impressed with the Goodtimes Taebo, but I don't have the Bootcamps yet and I hear from other oldtimers like me, that they're worthy.

So if you're experienced, get the Ultimates, they feature the best of the old Advanced Live series, if not, get the "Get Ripped" series which I believe has an instructional workout included.

Billy is just the best! Enjoy!
I, too, loved the old Live & Get Ripped! series. I just love his energy & teaching style & moves (flaws & all). But, I want newer ones! BootCamp is very good, too, but not quite long enough straight cardio. Everything btwn Ripped & BootCamp is not all that challenging & fun, they're just OK - IMHO.

I just looked on his web site and saw 2-pak FatBlaster Cardio workouts.... Are these brand new?! Has anyone done these? There are no video clips or format listed on that site. I don't remember seeing them on Collage either.

I LOVE Cathe for weights & circuit(such as BC), but for cardio I like to either run or do cardiokickboxing - I don't care for step or "dancey-type" aerobics.


Keep smiling & sweating!
I like Billy, too, but am a dvd brat, so sold all my VHS!!! I know some Dollar General Stores carry his Tae Bo Live Series (both advanced and basic), so that might be worth a look if you have one near you.
I also think Collage just got his new Bootcamp set in - so they might have clips up for those who are interested!!!
Good luck!!
I agree - the stuff after Get Ripped is not as good. I bought the Fat Blasters also - I can't wait to check them out. I bought bootcamp because I keep waiting for billy to pick it up again. Once I get the bands I'll try the new set out!
>I agree - the stuff after Get Ripped is not as good. I
>bought the Fat Blasters also - I can't wait to check them out.
> I bought bootcamp because I keep waiting for billy to pick it
>up again. Once I get the bands I'll try the new set out!

I don't think you really need to use those bands - you could try regular resistance bands or lt. handweights until you get your billy bands...The BC Live one is good when you only have 30 min. & the ultimate one is closer to the "old school", but something about it is still not "great!" for me. I don;t know what it is. Let me know what you think once you do it.

I hope the FatBlasters are as good as Ripped! I wonder if any of Cathe kickboxes are similar? From what I can tell, they are more "circuit" rather than straight cardio...What do you think of KPC or KickMax compared to TaeBo? (I have KPC, but not MM).


Keep smiling & sweating!
I have them but have not done them yet. I did CTX Kickbox and did not like it. Too ... something, I don't know what! Not as intense - too slow? I don't know.

Haven't done Cardio Kicks either. I think I am used to Shellie and Billy's form and Cathe's is different. Not sure...
Yeah, I know what you mean...I guess I am looking for a Cathe w.o. that's similar - don't know if that exists. But, that's ok, I love her workouts for other things.


Keep smiling & sweating!

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