What's your #1 pet peeve?


I just can't stand perfectly able people who will drive and or wait for the closest parking spot to the store or ect. In the time it takes them to do this they could have parked and been in the store already. It drives me banana's! x(
People that eat & chew like a cow when doing so while they are on the telephone.

Either eat or talk but really, please, don't do both. I don't want to listen to your lunch.

>I just can't stand perfectly able people who will drive and
>or wait for the closest parking spot to the store or ect. In
>the time it takes them to do this they could have parked and
>been in the store already. It drives me banana's! x(

LMAO! I TOTALLY agree with you!!! I make such fun of those people every time I go out shopping! :7 :7 :7

For me, I hate people who don't use simple curtosies like please, thank you and your welcome and people who don't acknoledge you when you are just being friendly and say hello to them as you pass them...I work with a woman who is so rude she drives me out of my mind! I really want to haul off and slap in the face one day! lol It just burns me up. She walks around with her nose in the air and she is no better then me or anyone else who works there! GRRRR!x( x( x(

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hrm...not sure I can pick just one, but if I have to, I would say rude/inconsiderate use of phones and cell phones. Eg, people who talk on their cell phone while in the elevator with strangers (anything other than a short, "Hey, I'm in the elevator, hang on for a moment until I'm out."). People who work in an open cubicle office, yet make all calls on their speaker phone with the volume turned up so loud that the entire office hears. I once sat for 45 minutes on a train ride listening to some guy sitting on the other end of the car break up with his girlfriend via cell phone, including a discussion of the intimate details of their life!! Seriously!
People in Walmart in the motorized carts that sit in the middle of the aisle with no regard to who is behind them.

People who have call waiting and are constantly interrupting you to click over to the other call.

Those two come to mind, i'm sure i can think of more as the day goes on;-)
>Hrm...not sure I can pick just one, but if I have to, I would
>say rude/inconsiderate use of phones and cell phones. Eg,
>people who talk on their cell phone while in the elevator with
>strangers (anything other than a short, "Hey, I'm in the
>elevator, hang on for a moment until I'm out."). People who
>work in an open cubicle office, yet make all calls on their
>speaker phone with the volume turned up so loud that the
>entire office hears. I once sat for 45 minutes on a train ride
>listening to some guy sitting on the other end of the car
>break up with his girlfriend via cell phone, including a
>discussion of the intimate details of their life!! Seriously!
Oh, I absolutely agree on this one!!!! I am a veterinarian and people will take cell phone calls in the middle of an appointment!!! RUDE!!!! Also, my boss uses speakerphone no matter what phone she is on in the office and it is LOUD!!! Very rude, but she doesn't seem to mind!!
My #1 pet peeve is people who don't use their turn signals. Come on! When used, I know what others are doing and won't flip the bird. }( If the signal is used, it's a lane change. If no signal is used, I've been cut off. And cutting me off is rude which gets you yelled at by an angry girl who may start throwing dumbbells. hehee!!

I also hate when I'm in a store and say "Excuse me" to someone and they just grunt at me. If they don't want to talk back, that's fine. A smile will do! But grunting at my politeness gets me grumpy.
It's tough to pick just one. One of them is New Yorkers who get right inside the subway door and just stop, not caring if anyone behind them makes it in, even when there's plenty of room inside the car.

The other is people who use those large umbrellas with the sharp metal tips who walk around in the subway holding the umbrella horizontally completely oblivious (or are they?) to the danger they are causing behind them. You should need a license to carry one of those things in a crowded New York subway, or there should be a law requiring all New Yorkers to use Totes. }( :+
I do employee relations investigations in my job as an HR manager. One time I had this girl in my office who was part of a theft investigation and she took cell phone calls while she was in the middle of the interview! This girl was a trip. It took her about 5 minutes into the interview to have it dawn on her that she should remove her sunglasses!

She's no longer with our agency.
I've got a few, and it's so funny that you posted this because I was thinking about it just the other day. I think my #1 would be people who don't flush the toilet.

I also hate when people take the elevator to go up one floor. And I used to really get irked at people who left their grocery cart in the parking lot instead of returning it to the "cart corral", but after becoming a mother - I'm sometimes guilty of that because I don't want to leave my small child alone in the car while I return it. Too many stories about carjackings with children in the car. Actually, I've only heard one - but that was more than enough. Remember that one? Where the lady stopped at the convenient store and ran in to get a drink, then some dude took off in her SUV and shoved the boy out the door and he got dragged along because he was stuck in the seatbelt?
I live on a fairly busy road and people tend to go over the speed limit. When I'm driving home, I always put my turn signal when I pass the last street before my house. It's probably a distance of about 200 yards or more, definitely plenty of advanced notice of the turn. It really ticks me off when the clown behind me honks his horn when I make my turn. If they're paying attention, and aren't tailgating me, they shouldn't have any reason to honk at me! It makes me mad just thinking about it.
I can only pick ONE! LOL!

Then, I would have to say "rude, inconsiderate people,' because this includes people who talk loudly on their cell phones in public, people who drive while talking on the cell phone, people who don't use turn signals, people who don't use common courtesy like saying "thank you" or "excuse me," people who throw cigarette butts or even soda cups out their car window (I saw two of these yesterday), people who cut in line, people who talk in movie theaters (a main reason why I have Netflix!), people who call a wrong number and hang up after you say "hello" instead of saying "sorry, wrong number," telemarketers who call early in the morning, the a-holes who come into my dead-end street and turn around by driving onto my front yard/flower garden...
I think that pretty much hits the nail on the head--all forms of rudeness. People can be so oblivious to anything or anyone around them.

Nancy: I'd completely forgotten about the subway. I guess it's just so much a part of everyday life here that I block it out for sanity's sake. My favorite subway story is the time this woman insisted on pushing her way into the train, though it was completely packed. She basically pushed another woman out of her place in the train, and then proceeded to argue loudly about how rude and inconsiderate the woman she had pushed was. Hrm....or the time I got pushed from behind, bumped into a woman in the train, apologized, and then had to endure 10 minutes of hell while she screamed at me and threatened to attack me--there was absolutely nowhere to move in the train car. But that doesn't count as rude, I guess, cause she was obviously mentally ill.
All of the above and then these two: How about the people who drive on the shoulder in traffic jams just to get ahead of everyone else? The people who do that also rank up there with the ones who ignore the signs that start a mile ahead of the road work that asks them to merge right/left for a lane closure, then they get everyone all blocked up when they try to merge in right at the end.
>All of the above and then these two: How about the people
>who drive on the shoulder in traffic jams just to get ahead of
>everyone else? The people who do that also rank up there with
>the ones who ignore the signs that start a mile ahead of the
>road work that asks them to merge right/left for a lane
>closure, then they get everyone all blocked up when they try
>to merge in right at the end.

Boy catch me on a PMS day and I might just RAM them }( :+ . Doncha just feel like it sometimes!
Cigarette smoking and smokers who toss their cigarette butts out their car windows! Another "pet" peeve is overweight pets....there's really no excuse!
People who throw trash out of their car windows because they're too GD lazy to to dispose of it properly.

Clerks at the store who don't acknowledge you at the check out stand, or won't tell you how much you owe. I live in CT, so rudeness in stores is very common!

Friends who call me on the phone and then constantly interrupt our conversation to SPEAK TO THEIR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!! I'm a mom too. But I ignore my kids when I'm on the phone.
I am guilty of leaving the cart in the parking spots; but I am NOT about to leave my small children in the car while I walk over to the cart corral (unless I'm parked RIGHT by it). Some older man made a comment to me one time as I had just finished unloading my cart. He says "you could at least take the cart back". I said "I am NOT going to leave my kids alone in the car."

People who throw trash out their car windows...I was behind a huge SUV and the passenger was throwing trash out the window every few seconds. This went on for about 2 miles. Well, I wrote down the license plate number and reported the Litterer online to the department of transportation. It says that they will mail this person a warning. Not sure what they do after that. Hopefully, it will discourage this person from doing it again.

Ok...MY #1 PET PEEVE: The subscription cards in magazines. I can't even open a magazine without having tons of these things in there or falling out. This is the reason I cancelled my subscription to Better Homes & Gardens. So many of those cards in there trying to sell me something. Whenever I purchase a magazine I rip these out first thing. If you are a subscriber to BH&G, try counting those cards when you receive your next issue.


I just saw you are from Billings! I was born and raised about 25 miles east (Huntley Project). We moved to Wyoming about 7 years ago but I still consider the Billings area "home"! How long have you lived there?

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