What's one of the nicest things someone's told you about yourself?


The other day my friends and I were having a discussion about being nice to people, like telling a frazzled store cashier that her hair is cute, or you like her scarf, etc...things that will make someone's day, perhaps.

I got to thinking way back to 5th grade... a loooooong time ago. :) In our class we used to order books. I was always an avid reader and always bought a bunch of books, and this one time two of the books I ordered were about hair/beauty, how to improve yourself, etc,. When the books arrived, one of the "nerdy" kids of the class was helping distribute the books, and when he brought me my stack, the "beauty" books were on top, and he looked at me and said, "You don't need these books."

I don't remember if I ever thanked him or even replied, but his comment made me feel so good, and once in awhile it pops into my head for some strange reason. He never realized how good that made me feel about myself or that I would never forget what he said, even after many, many years later!

What's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to you that you've never forgotten?
For me, it was when a yoga teacher I admired told me that she liked to practice with me because I had a nice energy about me. She said I radiated calm and helped her feel grounded. She said this 15 years ago, and hardly a day goes by that I don't think about it. I'd never realized that I had this gift.

At that point I actually changed the way I interacted with people; instead of feeling as if I was always shouting to be heard (and still, not being heard), I focused on centering myself, drawing people in and building relationships. This continues to help me every day as I manage my team at work, raise my daughter at home, and stay connected with my DH.

I must thank her one day. I haven't seen her for over 7 years now, but in a way, she changed my life.

I get told all the time at work that people like working with me and think that I really know my stuff. That they like when I'm assigned to their projects because I'm very helpful and work hard. LOL... what cracks me up about it all is that I know this stuff SO well, that I don't work hard at all. Half the time I'm playing solitaire on my iPod.

Oh! I know.... my piano teacher last night was bragging about how well I play to the guy who was fixing his porch. Handy Gary is also my fix-it guy and came in to listen while I played the Debussy piece I've been learning for the last 4 weeks. Glad he was there when I'd finally mastered it. Would've been embarrassing if he'd listened last week.
Doing the opposite here really, but I've complimented a few conscientious attendants/cashiers in boutiques after I've made a purchase, when they took the time to fold clothes neatly (tuck the tags in properly!), wrap them in tissue, attach a sticker with the store logo, but a ribbon around the bag handles and graciously present it to me like doing the service was a true honour. Makes it kind of sad to get home and unwrap it after all their efforts :p
I was rushed to the ER a few days ago during a road trip. The ER doc told me he liked my socks - he had the same pair! :cool: That's it for me, but I'll take any compliment I can get.
I was rushed to the ER a few days ago during a road trip. The ER doc told me he liked my socks - he had the same pair! :cool: That's it for me, but I'll take any compliment I can get.

I LOVE it! What kind were they?

A co-worker on a different who sees me very rarely told me I light up a room.
I had a coworker tell me a comment that another coworker said about me to her: she said that I had more class in my little pinky than most people have in their whole bodies.

My bosses have told me more than once that I bring a sense of calm to chaotic situations.

Several of my friends are photographers, and we see each other several times a year for various photography related functions; the first time I met Carl, he asked me how old I was. I told him I was 40, and he said SENSATIONAL!

It's funny how other people look at you, and you never see these qualities in yourself.
Nicest thing I hear now is that my former customers miss me all the time.

About 10 years ago, I made it a point to thank some people in my life by through their actions or statements, helped form me. Track the guy down on LinkedIn or Facebook and let him know that he made your day way back in junior high. It might lift his day up to know you remember that.
I don't know if it's THE nicest thing ever but last week my personal trainer told me I have a fantastic lat spread - totally made my day!
Probably the nicest thing (and shocking) ever said to me was by my morning coffee vendor. I walked up one morning and he kind of hesitated, like he did a mini-double take. He then said I had beautiful eyes. But then he elaborated, and said: "you that famous National Geographic cover with the Afghan woman with the eyes?" I said yes.. He then said....."you're eyes are prettier than that." HS Batman!! Blew me away - now that's the way to start your day! That was probably about 6 years ago.
I still remember a compliment I received in 2nd Grade from a boy who was sitting behind me on the school bus. He touched my hair, and said it felt like silk.
This is silly but a few weeks ago I kitten sat and the littlest kitten kept coming back for pets :p:D every 10 min. or so. I don't know if he was just cold but I will take it!
Back in the early 1980s my sister and I took an adult co-ed soccer class. We played from 12-2 on Saturdays. After the second class, the instructor told me that I had a gift for playing soccer. No one had ever told me I had a "gift" for anything.

Also, I worked at a company for about 2 years registering CPAs for courses. After I left there, I ran into a co-worker and she told me that my name had come up at a staff meeting. Everyone was commenting on how things had fallen apart since I left. She told me that I was the a rock and kept the department running.
I was at the doctor's office last week and her assistant was doing the pre-physical set of questions, and she said "do you exercise? well, wait a minute, OBVIOUSLY you do." I was so thrilled!
It's fun reading about everyone's warm and fuzzy moments.:D

Sometimes the nicest compliments come from the people you least expect. A neighbor once said when I was pregnant with my fifth that if anyone could handle it I could. That was music to my ears at a time when mostly I was hearing, "you've got your hands full!".:p
This happened about 2 months ago. I am 44 years old preg w/my 2nd child. This was a total shock and I felt really crummy. I had to go in for my 1st ultrasound. The tech asked me for my birthdate, that is how they identify you. I had to tell him twice because he said that what was written on my chart could not possibly have been right. That totally made me me feel better for the day anyway. (All thanks to Cathe & her workouts, religiously!!)
I happened to share with a couple friends that I was an "ugly duckling" during my school years...one of the guys said "I have a hard time believing that."
One of my kids´elementary school teachers said that I should have more kids! When I´m feeling bad about my mothering skills, my DH reminds me of that.

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