What's on your healthy menu tonight?


What's on the menu tonight guys? Since i know we all are on our health food kick, i know it means we're all eating healthy foods only. RIGHT??? }(
Well tonight i made steamed chicken breast cutlets with broccoli, carrot & cauliflower mix over brown rice. And it was sooo good i almost ate my hand! :7
So what did YOU cook?
I'm having leftover chicken breast that my dh cooked on the grill (the best way to eat chicken!), w/ spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, and a balsamic vinaigrette. Maybe a baked sweet potato w/ cinnamon if I'm really hungry! And some fresh strawberries.

LOL @ you almost eating your hand... :)
It's not yet dinner time in my time zone, but I'll be starting out with a huge green salad (1 Romaine lettuce heart, a handful of spinache, a sprinkle of raw olive oil, and a drizzle of balsamic pomegranate vinegar), then after that settles a bit, some lentil/pea curry and brown rice with corn and zucchini.
Cooked enough baked chicken breasts last night to feed us over again tonight.

Went out for lunch w/ the dh and still have half a portion left of grilled tilapia with steamed veggies so I may have that for dinner soon instead.

Since my kids hate fish they'll have the chicken with steamed veggies and brown rice and I'll have my fish ;)
I will have a large arugula/spinach/romaine/fresh herb salad with grape tomatoes, light balsamic dressing and a chicken breast.

Later on, I might have a Healthy Choice fudge bar.:p Hey, I had dental work done today, I deserve it.;)
Ummm....hmmmm....well, I have to go to school tonight straight from work. So I packed my dinner. Which isn't pretty. A PB&J, some goldfish, and a diet coke. x( :D

Don't kill me! I have no food in my house and if I didn't bring this I KNOW I'd end up eating cheetos out of the vending machine at school.....x(

ETA: Can you all send me some of your dinners? I'd be eternally grateful....;)

ETA AGAIN: I forgot I also packed some grapes. :D hehe That makes the dinner totally healthy now, right?!? right? *crickets chirping*...


My boys will have grilled cheeseburgers, and I'll have marinated grilled chicken breast, with large oven fries (made with russett potatoes) and a iceburg lettuce salad w/ TONS of other fresh veggies , ... For fresh veggie we'll have fresh zucchini squash cooked in my homemade cacciatore sauce from LAST night's dinner..

Speaking of... I better go get started making it!

Funny you should ask because I'm sitting here dreaming about the salad I'm going to eat tonight. Field greens, grilled chicken, kidney beans, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, shredded carrots, red peppers, green peppers, sliced mushrooms, green peas, scallion and onion. And what the hoo, I think I'll have them throw in some olives and maybe a touch of feta cheese. }( :9 :9 :9

I'm getting so huge my underpants hurt, but I can't stop. I'm like a human vacuum cleaner. :eek:
LOL.... underpants hurt??? :p That's my kind of salad, I love to LOAD up on the veggies!! :) Oh yeah, I forgot that I have green & red peppers too... I'll add that to my salad too! :)
>I'm getting so huge my underpants hurt, but I can't stop. I'm
>like a human vacuum cleaner. :eek:

ROTFLMAO!!! Nothing worse than the underpants are getting to tight. Know the feeling!!

DH is cooking brisket (sp?) for him and the kids, so I will have a salad with mache salad, grilled garlic scampi, tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, asparagus, mushrooms and peppers with homemade balsamic/olive oil dressing with LOTS of garlic..... and I hope I won't have to talk to anyone tomorrow morning - PHEW garlic breath :+ :7
Grilled Turkey Burgers from the recipe out of Clean Eating cookbook (sorry Beavs but it's my fave turkey burger recipe). Probably a salad to go with. Has to be quick. We have a cub scout pack meeting tonight.
A salad, wine-poached tilapia w/ capers and onions, new potatoes, and asparagus. My DH is my chef!!!
Date night with DH. I will be making homemade corn tortillas (made on the thick side), topped with asparagus, peppers, goat cheese, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, zucchini and cooked like little pizzas! :9 :9
Uhhh. Nothing healthy tonight. I'll taint this thread with my california pizza kitchen stock in the freezer.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
I am in a super bad mood. I ate Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Normally, I cook a very healthy dinner for my family, I swear!
I had mental health food for dinner tonight.

A VERY large bowl of Breyer's double churned FREE vanilla ice cream, topped with hot chocolate sauce (2 tbsps dark chocholate melted in a tbsp of skim milk) and a handful of toasted chopped almonds. (I figure I had calcium, antioxidants and protein :9 and about a million sugar calories!)

It's been a really painful week. Our closest friends' son took his life almost 2 weeks ago (he was bi-polar). We just got back from NJ (I now live in FL).

Debbie Russo

My husband, bless his healthy heart, had a veggie burger on ww bread, natural applesauce and carrot sticks.

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