What's on your healthy menu tonight?

It all sounds great!!! I made ground turkey and spinach lasagna(whole wheat)roll ups. (Recipe is from the latest issue of Clean Eating magazine.) I also had a large romaine salad with bella mushrooms and cherry tomatoes, and sprinkled with ground flaxseed. I used Kraft organic zesty Italian dressing. And,,, a sugar free fudgsicle...... Oh, well!!!! :9
When DH gets home we are having Tandoori Chicken, Naan and veggies.

Runnergirl - how are the turkey burgers from Clean Eating magazine? I haven't had a chance to make them yet.
Wow, you gals have some healthy meals planned out! :) I "had" been eating really good until we skipped going to the grocery store last week and have basically been eating whatever we can throw together. Tonight, my DH made homemade corn chowder. Aside from the bacon, it's relatively healthy. ;)

I noticed a few of you eating Tilapia. That used to be one of me and DH's favorite meals until we watched an Animal Planet special about a National Aquarium being built(can't remember what city). They were moving all the big aquatic fish in and to keep the tanks clean they used a fish that survives by feeding on other animal's "bi-products" - you guessed it - Tilapia! I just haven't been able to look at them the same ever since. Sorry if I ruined anyone's dinner! :p I tried to post late enough so you had already eaten! ;)
Tonight it's chickpeas and cauliflower cooked in Indian butter chicken spice mix (don't eat meat, but the spice mix is sooo yummy), spaghetti squash, and a serving of tofu on top.

Meal six will be a protein smoothy and 2 egg whites. I am a bit skimpy on the protein today, so I need to boost it up.
>I noticed a few of you eating Tilapia. That used to be one of
>me and DH's favorite meals until we watched an Animal Planet
>special about a National Aquarium being built(can't remember
>what city). They were moving all the big aquatic fish in and
>to keep the tanks clean they used a fish that survives by
>feeding on other animal's "bi-products" - you guessed it -
>Tilapia! I just haven't been able to look at them the same
>ever since. Sorry if I ruined anyone's dinner!

I made Tilapia for my family a few months ago and we usually enjoy it, but this last time the stuff tasted like the "by-products" of other fish! :-( It was HORRIBLE! I didn't intend to make it again and now I know I won't!

It's 100 degrees here in the Bay Area, so I picked up a rotisserie chicken and salad stuff on my way home from work and we had that. No cooking Was nice. Had a slight panic attack when I thought the upstair air conditioner was on the fritz, but it's working now. It's 89 upstairs right now. I cannot sleep when it's hot.
Sorry double post. Too freaking hot here. We never have this kind of weather in May. In fact we usually have about 3 or 4 days like this in July and that's it. We average 85 in the summer.

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