My usual steamed brocoli, cauliflower, baby carrots, mushrooms smothered in SanteFe sauce, ketchup, and medium-hot salsa (kinda like a ratatouie(sp?)
Boneless, skinless chicken breast on a small whole-wheat fajita. (Jeepers, there's a lot of people on this thread eating chicken tonight!)
I might just burp after that -- haven't decided.
Been feeling a real craving for red meat during the last few days. I only eat red meat a few times a year, and that's usually when there's no choice (i.e. going to the parents who have NO idea about low-fat diets). Anyhow, I'm gonna bite the bullet, (hope it doesn't explode in my mouth), and for Saturday night, I think I'll get 1/4 lb lean ground beef, and "beef" it up with steamed mushrooms. Oh goodness gracious, I'm salivating already!
P.S. Don't hate me. Even beautiful people burp sometimes!