Hey everyone!! I'm sitting here at work and I'm bored (probably should be working)}( (but don't wanna)
But I just had a thought for all of you jewelry makers or even Cathe's marketing peeps--how about a W.W.C.D. bracelet?! I know that the W.W.J.D. bracelets help many people make their daily decisions a little bit easier when they're confronted with a moral dilemma, but what if we're faced with a donut dilemma?!:9 Think about it, you're standing face-to-face with the donut table at work--should you or shouldn't you?? x( You glance down at your wrist and.......violaaaaaaaaa!!! There's the answer!! ;-) It'd also help on those days when you just don't feel like working out, or even getting out of bed for that matter!!!}(
Just another one of my silly random thoughts...........
Just another one of my silly random thoughts...........