What to eat or not eat to get rid of belly?


New Member
I exercise regularly. I run, do cardio pilates, and The Firm, rolllerblade, free weights, & jump rope. And I am gonna purchase a Cathe DVD soon. I don't do all of those the same day but I workout pretty good. I'm in WW, but still even tho I am in WW, it doesn't mean i can eat whatever i want, b/c eating certain foods won't help me rid my belly chub, even when i stay within my daily points. So my question is, what foods should i eat more of and what foods should I cut back in or not eat at all??? I know the main ones like candy, cookies, cake, mayo, butter, etc...I hope you all could give some some advice! Thanx :)
You want to eat foods that are in their most natural form, so avoid anything processed seets, simple carbs, anything fried..etc)
Eat whole grains, beans, lean meats and fish, fruits, veggies, sweet potatoes, low fat dairy, olive oil, flaxseed oil.

For me, what works really well is laying off the starch and sugar. I power my workouts with slow-cooking oatmeal, whole wheat bread, measured amounts of brown rice, and low GI fruits like apples. I find that if have only vegetables and lean meat for dinner, my belly gets smaller faster. Doing more circuit/cross training, instead of working out in splits, also works wonders for me.

I agree with Pinky.

I have done WW and did it by avoiding anything "white" except for dairy. I have also cut out sugar, mostly. Pasta, rice and potatoes are in very very small quantity. I don't eat cereal anymore...only slow cook oatmeal. Open faced sandwiches. Lots of fish. Almonds if I could afford the points. Lots of veggies and fruits.

I also took a supplement called CLA (Conjugated Lineoic Acid), it has been around for a while...purported to help you burn fat, rather than muscle, when you are losing weight (I was getting down to fine tuning and wanted to make sure what I was burning was fat) and particularly around the abdominal area, the studies have found. I lost 2 inches off my waist when I took that and lost my last 5 lbs on WW.
Low Carbing did it for me, so I ditto what the others say about staying away from refined sugar and white flour. I lost 2 inches off my waist and 3 in. off my tummy just doing Atkins induction for 2 weeks, not to mention 16.5 pounds in 17 days.

I now do my own thing with carbs and am still losing inches and weight just at a slower rate.
I agree with what they are saying about eating whole foods and not the simple carbs (white flour, pasta, sugar, etc). However, I found that dairy made me bloated in the abs so you may want to take that in consideration as well. Also, don't eat any carbs (other tahn veggies) for dinner. This really helped me shrink my tummy.

Hoep this helps.

I cut out cheese and dairy - too much fat! If I eat rice, its brown....same for bread and pasta. I eat oatmeal for breakfast (sometimes scrambled egg whites, a spinach salad with balasamic vinegar& veggies and a seasoned chicken breast for lunch. for dinner - it will be a lean meat and baked potato and veggies! snacks are apples, protein shakes or grapes and sometimes protein bars. once a week i have a cheat day and eat more and a dessert. but basically, once i switched to this diet - i was able to see real results in my abs. I'm still working on my legs and hamstrings - which are my trouble areas!
Akirkland will tell you all about the how's and why's. There is a book called the False Fat Diet which explains why the carbs ie breads, grains, sugar (oh what are the rest Angela) and I'd be guessing at the rest so hopefully she will see this make the stomach look bloated. As mentioned above, my stomach gets smooth and hard when I cut out the white sugar, flour, grains, pasta's etc.


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