What scenes from movies or TV always make you cry?

I saw "My Life" before I had kids and couldn't go to a party after that we had planned to attend, I was SOBBING. I couldn't imagine seeing it now AFTER having kids (Michael Keaton is dying and his wife is pregnant and he videos himself talking to his unborn child). Totally tugs at ya!

"Beaches" is an all-time favorite tear jerker, "Steel Magnolias", too.

I just watched "Cold Mountain" yesterday, and cried pretty good during that one, too. Jude Law is a hottie!!

The one I cry and get mad at is the firefighter one with Goldie Hawn's "husband" (can't remember his name...Kurt Russell?). He is fighting a fire and gives up and dies. I get so mad at him and cry with the anger.

I also cry, like that aching cry when I watch Mel Gibson in that one about war long ago in Ireland (can't remember the name of that one, either!!)
Well, I don't think it's a movie yet. I read the book. But I think it's being made into a movie, so does that count? It's The Time Traveler's Wife. Oooch.

Also, any movie where the dog dies.

1. Terms of Endearment: I start crying when Aurora is at the hotel totally defeated and she looks up and Jack Nicholson is there to comfort her. It's pretty much a slobbering fest from that point on.

2. Steel Magnolias: The funeral scene.

3. Brians Song: The last 30 minutes of the film is pretty much a tear jerker.

4. Moulin Rouge: When Satine dies, and Christian is holding her and he is just sobbing, need I say more?

5. The Champ: that little boy gets me everytime.

6. An Affair to Remember

7. When A Man Loves a Woman

Well, those are a few of my favorite tear jerkers...fun thread.

I'm a big cry baby both with movies and tv shows. The other night i even watched an episode of "without a trace" where the school aged boy went missing and wound up they found him hanging himself. He was so depressed over being made fun of. I cried like a baby and my dh thought i was nuts.

I thought it was just me LOL.

Beaches makes me cry too. Just the sound of Bette Midler singing the theme song can evoke tears LOL or should i say :-(
I still cry when Yoda dies in Star Wars! I don't like to cry in front of people but the following films make me blub every time.

Practical Magic - when she loses her husband and when she finds love again.

Steel Magnolias funeral scene as well as any Julia Roberts weepy.

Moulin Rouge - almost all of it from the moment Ewan MacGregor's character reveals the woman he loved has died to the moment Satine dies but especially when she tries to drive him away to protect him. I sob every single time.

AI - when she gives him that lovely walking, talking bear; the blue fairy and most especially the last half hour of the film. It gives me chills just to think about it. It's at once lovely, sad and very meaningful. What that little bear does for the boy is just lovely. Lovely.

A Letter From An Unknown Woman - the film begins "By the time you read this letter, I will be dead..." so you know you're in for a weepy and it's the kind that makes you howl with tears.

The whole of What Dreams May Come.

The Return Of The King - the end. Well actually I cry at most of the scenes in all of the LOTR films because I can't believe how beautifully the scenes have been rendered. I cried for days when I read the end of The Return Of The King and really struggled to keep my tears reigned in when I went to see it at the cinema!

ET - when he dies but especially when he comes back.

Starman - ohhhh I love Starman. I love the music - that makes me cry. I love the scene where he resurrects the stag but I cry at most of it.

Meet Joe Black makes me cry because of the impossibility of their situation and their love so the tears come frequently.

Braveheart made me howl inconsolably with tears as did Rob Roy.

As you've probably already realised most things make me cry and this is just a very short list of the true number of films that make me cry. Yes I am a softie :)
I can't watch When a Man Loves a Woman without crying my eyes out. It is on Lifetime about every 2 days. When they are playing "Everybody Hurts" I just lose it for that whole 2 minutes.

Pay It Forward

Con Air (stop laughing everyone) when he gives his daughter the teddy bear. I hate the rest of the movie, but if I am surfing and it is on I will wait for that part.

The Other Sister - I think it is called. When Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Robisi get married and he has the band play 76 Trombones for her!

Leaving Las Vegas - I just think that it is brilliant.

Heavens, EVERY episode of Little House makes me cry! Michael Landon was truly great!

Edited to say:

OOOO the recent episode of "Joan of Arcadia" with where Joan and her boyfriend go on a "real" date (and Joan learns to juggle). No...that's not what made me cry, but near the end with Joan's friend Judith. The tears were rolling down my face, I felt so stupid!


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
"Love Actually" when that one guy goes to that girls house and uses those big cards to tell her that he has always loved her and will forever.

OF COURSE Terms of Endearment.

Believe me, it doesn't take much for me to cry. Almost did tonight for "Who's you Daddy"!!LOL!!! But, I ended up in hysterical laughter instead. (Man, that show was bad!):)
Requiem for a Dream- a terrible story. The music is haunting.
E.T. - Saw this one about 16 times in one summer. Cried every time.
An Affair of Love- French film - A love story

ditto for Beaches & Steel Magnolias- I was sobbing.

Well, if that's bad, what about Armageddon? When Bruce willis is saying by to his little girl before blowing himself up with the asteroid? I cried big-time.

Braveheart is set in Scotland and Mel Gibson played the part of William Wallace. It is based on history.

Yes, the very end of Dangerous Liaisons! Me, too. Plus, isn't it totally awesome when she learns of her betrayal? Tearing at her clothes and freaking out? I thought that was fabulous acting.
Susan G
My all time favorite make me cry movie is Sweet November

If you are in the mood for a good try this is the movie for you.
How about in Peggy Sue Got Married, when Kathleen Turner goes back in time and sees her beloved grandmother again, or in Contact when Jodi Foster sees her late father on the beach.

Harold and Maude has some tear-jerking moments in it too.

There's a lot of movies out there that make me cry, but I'm too happy to think about them right now!

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