What scenes from movies or TV always make you cry?

Oh, dear, I had forgotten about Starman. I love that one, too. And Always, a great movie with Holly Hunter, John Goodman, and Richard Dreyfus, that no one else seems to have heard of.
Absolutely anything involving an animal being hurt or dying. I will cry like a baby.
Other than those, my biggest crybaby is What Dreams May Come. Most of the others mentioned, of course. And a big one for me: Born On the 4th of July.

This year tear fest went to the scene in Cold Mountain when the
solders come to the widow in the cabin who has a baby and they tie her outside and put the baby on the cold ground and leave him screaming. I was crying so hard it turned into sobs, not my coolest moment in a public theater. Also went into full faucet mode in Troy when the king comes to ask for his sons body back so he can give him a proper burial. Peter O'Toole deserves an award for this role. Brilliant man! Award for the biggest nose blower for me goes to Not Without My Daughter with Sally Field. It left me anxious for days.

Ruth, I'm with you on What Dream May Come. I loved that movie!

;( Tina
The scene in It's a Wonderful Life when Old Man Gower smacks the young George's damaged ear, which bleeds, when he finds Geroge hasn't delivered meidications to a family with diptheria which he, drunk because his son's been killed in the war, has accidentally put poison into. George tells him he's knows he's sad but he's put something bad into the medicine and old man Gower tastes it and moves toward George, who flinches but the old man hugs him, weeping, and George promises he'll never tell and he never does and we know he's an awesome human being. That whole movie gets me every time. I also love The Color Purple when Cedie discovers the letters and knows her sister, the only person who had ever loved her, is alive. I can never decide which of the two movies I love best. Out of Africa is another that's both gorgeous and sad. Both when Redford dies and when she leaves and her manservant and he tells her he'll build a fire for her. I found my self agreeing to so many of the films cited. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//bawling.gif
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
The last scene in Lion King when Simba and Naela are up on the rock introducing their new little one to the pride. The last scene in When Harry Met Sally when Harry shows up at the New Year's Eve party. It's the happy parts that make me cry more than the "sad" ones.
I have so many because I tend to be an emotional person. But here are some of my favorites:

The end of "Armageddon" when Bruce Willis is "saying goodbye" to his daughter.
The end of "An Affair to Remember"
The funeral scene in "Steel Magnolias"
The scene in Lion King where Mufassa dies and the very beginning of the movie when they are playing "Circle of Life" and they hold Simba up and all the animals bow to him (I'm starting to cry right now just thinking about it).

The name of that movie with Holly Hunter, Richard Dreyfuss and John Goodman is Always. All three are forest fire fighters I believe.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
my big tear jerker is bridges of madison county,,esp at the part where she doesnt get out of the car anf go for it!!!! i could just die!
A really hard movie for me to watch is Awakinings(spelling?)with Robert Dinero, I also had to leave the theatre. It is also based on a true story which makes it even harder to watch.
Another one: "Charlie" with Cliff Robertson, based on the novel "Flowers for Algernon"(I'm showing my age!). He's a mentally challenged man who becomes normal after an experimental procedure. Then falls in love with one of the doctors. Then at the end, goes back to the way he was before. When the mouse Algernon dies, and the man realizes that he's going to lose it all is so sad.
A little known movie called "Shadowlands" starring Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. It is the true story of CS Lewis.

AMAZING, yet will make you cry!!
What about the first My Girl!?!? When her best friend dies from an alergic reation to bee stings and she runs into the funeral parlor during the wake, yelling at him to stop it and wake up!?!?
I cry at them all...whether they are sad or happy, but a few of my favorite tear jerkers are...

Imitation of Life I cry when the movie starts and through the entire thing

Splendor in the Grass...same thing...cry through it all

Terms of Endearment
Steel Magnolias
Moulin Rouge

That's all I can think of right now.

Lee Anne
When I was younger I always laughed at people who would cry at movies. Now it has come back to haunt me because I cry and I can't stop myself. Heck, I cry at the Christmas Eve services at church!

My tear-jerkers:

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves...when Marian tells Robin 'you came back for me!'

Forrest Gump...When Forrest talks to Jenny at the her grave.

City of Angels...When I know that Meg is going to get hit by the truck.

Jude...When you learn that the children are dead.

A Star Is Born...when she sings at the end of the movie.

Any movie when there is a nuclear holocaust and lots of people die.
Oh, Ruth, LOL! Same here!! I am at the point that if a scene comes on involving an animal, I leave the room. Just can't take it. I would rather see a person die!
Ok, really corny, but how bout Homeward Bound....the one with the animals that get lost?? OMG...the end when they all come home, coming across the field........I am SOBBING!!

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