What kind of dog are you?

Well Nancy,
I am an Italian Greyhound too. Actually it sounded like my kind of dog. I have never heard of one though. Greyhounds yes. Only I usually identify them with dog races. Pinky, I love the Spaniel breed. I think a Cavalier Spaniel would be a great dog to be. Well, if I were a dog.
Diane Sue
Diane Sue-
I would never have a dog like that. I like big, dumb dogs with big floppy ears that drool a lot. Guess that's why I like my DH. :+ (Hope he isn't reading this). The Italian greyhound looked very delicate and nervous, don't you think?
I agree. I told DH I didn't think that was what I wanted to be. He came out to be some large dog with a scrawny body and head like a bassett hound that I never heard of. I think we are a strange pair of dogs:D My favorite dogs that we owned over the years were a Springer Spaniel and an English Bulldog. We travel a lot now and it would be inconvenient to own a dog.
Diane Sue
Polish Lowland Sheepdog...humm...not having fun unless working? Maybe I need to take the test again..lol.

>I'm a Shiba Inu (never heard of it before!).

I own two Shiba Inus. They're a riot. They're the most common house dog in Japan and were raised to hunt small game animals. They're independant and highly spirited and a whole lot of fun. http://www.shibaweb.com/ is a really great website for an overview of the Shiba.

My results were that I'm a German Pinscer. LOL!!
Bobbi, I hope you picked "highest" for intelligence. If not, please go back and do it again. (I went for "above average" myself).
I did and you should too! But I happend to be feeling at the top of my game last night. Today I woke at 4:00 and so I would have chosen differently I think. As far as looking like a dog, I favor a Shar pai because I slept on my face what sleeping last night. I figured every one would go for the highest intelligence becasue dogs may be smart but there's never been an Einstein in the canine world so all we humans rank highest compared to our canine friends! :)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

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