What kind of dog are you?

Sussex spaniel here. But, umm, the description keeps mentioning, umm, my ''excellent tongue action.'' Slinking away now.
OK, I had to bite on this one. (Bad pun, yes...)

Another Hungarian Puli here. I *wish* I had long, curly hair like they do, lol!
Keeshonds are my absolute favourite breed of dog. I owned one and am waiting for another! They are beautiful, highly intelligent - not to be confused with obedient, mischievous, and completely in tune with their owners feelings.

I am a Lunderhund - I've never heard of that!

Sussex spaniel here. But, umm, the description keeps mentioning, umm, my ''excellent tongue action.'' Slinking away now.

I'm a Sussex Spaneil too! They are so cute!
That was fun.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
My DH is an Alaskan Malamute (large and lovable). I'm a French Bulldog (small skitish looking thing.) Needless to say we won't be makin' puppies! :)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Oh, man! I'm disappointed! Everyone is some exotic breed I've never heard of, and I'm a collie. Just a plain old collie. Lassie and all that. The one dog everyone in the universe recognizes. Oh, well, I guess it's true. I can't tell you how many times people call me by other names because I "look just like my wife's sister." I'm ordinary. How depressing. :)

I'm a Lundehund....looks like my husband's dog (before we were married)...the only dog I didn't like, figures, lol.
Shari - are you kidding? Collies are beautiful, intelligent dogs. Our next door neighbor got a puppy last summer and I'm amazed at how well behaved it has been since the get-go. I can't stand the neighbors, but I love that dog! They're so elegant.

Did you see what I am? A Bassett Hound! A BASSETT HOUND!!!!!!
>Hi Shelley!
>Didn't you love the picture of the water dog? Looked a little
>like a poodle on steroids, didn't it!

Hi Linda!

I agree. I think I simply MUST go and get my hair done like that. Dyed black, permed and with the back shaved off and the front all wild!
I'm the Spanish version of the Bernese Mountain dog - yikes.

We have a basset hound and he is a great dog. Loyal, noble, sweet, happy, calm - like a great couch potato that loves to snuggle.
Shopgirl - I've been looking at those Benese Mountain Dogs. They are just SOOOO beautiful!!! I really would love to get one...but they have such a short life span. 6-7 years. Apparently the have a high ratio of cancer in their breed. That's so sad! And who can afford chemotherapy for a dog?

I love those Australian Cattle Dogs too. Man, when I retire, I'm just going to have to buy a farm and have lots of dogs. And cats. And horses. And sloths. And oragutans...(that's a little Monty Python...)

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