What kind of dog are you?

Ya got me there! A bassett hound! :) They are cute, but I don't think I'd want to be identified with one either, especially the one I know. That dog would chew up and swallow one of those gigantic rawhide bones then cough it back up -- whole! Yuck and a half! They definitely have great personalities, though. And we all know that's what every girl wants to hear . . . that she has a great personalilty.


>Shari - are you kidding? Collies are beautiful, intelligent
>dogs. Our next door neighbor got a puppy last summer and I'm
>amazed at how well behaved it has been since the get-go. I
>can't stand the neighbors, but I love that dog! They're so
>Did you see what I am? A Bassett Hound! A BASSETT
WHAT THE HECK??? I'M A MEXICAN HAIRLESS DOG???? YUCK! It's the ugliest dog I've ever seen!! I'm taking this test over again....x(

OK, now I'm a Schnauzer which is much better....except for a line in the description: "A face like a wise old man who has lived life the right way." >sigh< Not exactly an ego booster! LOL :D

Angie --

I actually DID LOL on your description :) I'm imagining you as a wise old man right now (at least you've lived life the right way)! AND at least you're not a GIANT one.

I'll trade you, I'm a border collie, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE collies. I had one growing up and she was the best dog in the world (good thing my Rudy can't read this or I'd be in trouble!)

As I was taking that test I kept hoping that's what I'd be, and then it said border colliex(

ETA: I do like the border collie too, I love ALL animals:)
I'm a Czesky Terrior, never heard of it before, but they do look familar. Not the cutest thing I've ever seen though. LOL!
Yeah, I went from a hairless wonder to a hairy freakish old man! And I'm not sure I WANT to know how an old man defines "living life the right way"!! ;)


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