What is your SAT workout?

Going for a 45 min bike ride. I am sooooo sore and I am stalling. I DON"T WANNA GO!!!

Someone please kick my butt:)

Enjoy your workouts, ladies!

Well I was REALLY stupid this morning. I've had a bad stomach virus for the last two days - no w/o's at all. Not 100% today but really feeling that I needed to workout. So I did Drill Max (ADVICE - this is NOT the workout to use to return following illness when you've got no food in your system), LIC abs, and Lotte Berk high round assets. Later today I'm on for an 8 mile training walk in preparation for August. Have a great Saturday fellow Catheites - and feel better than I do. :(



I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. To view my webpage or aid in my fundraising, go to: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=202302&supid=166016627
Hubby bought be the DVD w/ Interval Max/MIC/rhythmic step for my bday yesterday, so I will be doing one of those. After the gigantic piece of chocolate cake I had last night and the waffle w/ cherries and cool whip I had this morning, I should probably do all 3!!!
Girls on the run 5K. I ran a 12 minute mile, so proud of myself since I haven't been running for very long. I still feel great so I probably will do legs and glutes and lots of stretching. Enjoy your weekend.

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