What is your favorite of the new w/o/why?

What is your favorite of the new w/o/why?

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Just curious about which w/o everyone likes the most.
Mine in order
1. B&G burner and different
2. LIC I love the low impact verses higher . Love the music.
3. BM 2 Is tough , but doable. I like the premixes
4. Drill Max is a great all over conditioner and a great burn a change.
5. Body fusion i haven't done

I am usually a split w/o person and 1 total body, but these are entirely different. I have felt pain like i haven't in a few months. They are a nice compliment and change, and i like the lower weights for a change with the tennis elbow.
Can't wait for the 4 day splits....
I am not voting YET because I haven't done them all, but so far LIC is my fave. I don't know why, I just like it so much more than DM so far - I guess because DM was more shoulder work and LIC hits pretty much everything. I do still love DM, though! :7 I am doing BG and BM2 next week. :)

Body Max 2
Drill Max
Butts and Gutts

I find LIC too easy. I can't get my heartrate up steadily. It is a lot of fun though. I have not done Cardio Fusion yet, but am looking forward to it. I love them all:)

1. Drill Max was just fun. It completely challenged me and was interesting as there were so many new exercises.
2. Premix 3 on LIC. I totally enjoyed the fourth cardio section. The music is great.
3. Butts & Guts gave me wicked DOMS so I suspect it will gradually go on higher on my favorites list. I knew it took awhile to warm up to Leaner Legs because it made my legs sore and now I love that one.
4. Ironically the one I was most anticipating is my fourth favorite. Mostly as I find the warmup boring. The rest I totally loved and felt challenged.

My body is definitely getting "shocked". Yeah!
I have yet to do all the workouts "as written" yet because I have been really sick the last week. I love BM2, though, because of the fun step routine and the music!!! I also enjoy LIC step routines, but haven't done anything else from it.

I have had to modify all of them severely in deference to my recovery, but have still found them very fun!!!
Shelley- You can borrow mine.... I started P90X the day after mine arrived... I could walk them over to you quicker than you will receive I betx( ;( x( ;( x( ;(
I voted for LIC, I think its my fav, but I have not done Drill Max or Cardio fusion yet.

LIC great 80's music and visions of Rick Springfield. Fun and doable.:)

BodyMax2- have done 2 of the premixes and love them. Fun Fun Fun!!

Butts and Guts- made cheeks sore the next day!!;-) A good sore that they really need!! And I loved the firewalkers!!:)

Drill Max looks fun but scary!! And since cardio fusion is a mix of all it will be fun for sure.:)

I didn't vote yet either because I'm still trying to decide. I don't have B&G (yet!), so can't comment on that one. I really love some of the cool drills on DrillMax, (love the one where you're holding the ball the whole time... bunny hops then pendulums). Guess I won't decide which one is my fav until I do them some more... which'll take time cuz I'm still trying to squeeze in treadmill and weight work (GS, pyramids) these days.
I voted B&G. I love the firewalkers and the walking lunges. Ouch, ouch, ouch, still have DOMS from those.

I also like Drill Max and LOVE the Double Upper Body premix on BM2. Haven't done LIC or Cardio Fusion yet.
I voted LIC- which surprised me because I thought I'd like DM the best before I got them.
in order of fav.:
LIC- fun factor-
DM- love the functional fitness aspect
BM2- haven't done the upper body workout part yet but love the cardio
cardio fusion- I think I'm going to have a love/hate relationship with this dvd
B&G-its good, I love the ab work better than the glute work.(also, I tend to feel it in my thighs as well as my glutes, so not sure if I'm doing it right)
Have to say- It was hard to rank them because I like them all, and definately feel they are well worth the wait.

Mine is definatly B&G, new exercises it's fun and interesting. I have to say I'm a little disappointed in the music overall. I don't like the techno thing, and a little too much instrumental for me. My favorite music so far has been on the series with Imax3. I thought the music there was great. I know there are others who can't stand the music with lyrics thing. It's so funny, we're all so different.
Still psyched to have new workouts!
So far it's Body Max 2, even though I had to modify soooo much!!

I also did not vote yet. This is because I am too scared to try Drill Max!!:+

The jury is still out w/ 2 more w/o to try! I won't cave until I sample them all :) So far I have really enjoyed DM and BM2. I think BM2 gets brownie points for making me love lunges w/ Jessie's Girl. I was all over that ;)


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
BM2 is my favorite of the new ones. I also like LIC, but the music in BM2, as well as the long cardio section, won me over.

I did Cardio Fusion for the first time this morning and must say I liked it. The DM drills are TOUGH! I knew they would be, and I haven't done Drill Max, yet (I previewed it and knew it would be a little above my threshold. DM is one I'm only going to be able to do a bit at a time in conjunction with other workouts).
I've done them all but Cardio Fusion and I have to say, so far Body Max 2 is my fave. It definitely has the highest fun factor. But I really like ALL of the workouts because it's not just the same-old same-old, know what I mean? All of the exercises seem so fresh and Cathe really spent time choregraphing so they flow so well.

I DO have to add for those of you who haven't done B&G yet... I did it today and it BROUGHT ME TO MY KNEES! I couldn't even do all of the reps. Humbled, I am. }(

This is really tough. I thought BM 2 was my favorite but having just finished Cardio Fusion, I don't know. Now that I've done most of them twice I really can't decide. I knoe LIC is not my favorite but I honestly think I enjoy CF, BM2, B&G, and DM the same. I love CF for cardio and it MAY become my favorite cardio workout I own. DM is just different, challenging, and so cool. BM2 I love th music and the fast pace of the cardio. B&G is just the coolest lower body workout ever and it is a "silent" killer. I don't feel like I'm going to die DURING the workout and it flies by, but the DOMS in the hiney later let me know I worked. The ab work from B&G is my favorite and is a killer. I just can't vote for one. Well, that was lengthy wasn't it?

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