What is your favorite HC DVD? Sorry I can't add more only have room for 6 so I combined the gym sty

What is your favorite HC DVD? Sorry I can't add more only have room for 6 so I combined the gym sty

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Mine is definitely the Gym Style workouts right now! Once I figure out the choreography on the cardio they may end up being favorite too (that is assuming the music issue gets fixed.)

I think the Gym Style workouts are so awesome! They reming me of S&H but tons more fun and time goes faster.

What's your favorite?
Fitnut, you're missing Muscle Max and Stretch Max! Can you still add those on to your poll or is there a limit to how many options you can have?

Unfortunately I messed this one up. You can only add 6 options

Maybe we should do a separate w/a combo of the ones missing?
Well pooh! That's not your fault so you didn't mess anything up! Maybe you could do one with just the strength workouts and then one with cardio and stretch max??? Just a thought. But see how your current one goes! :)

I voted for the GS workouts but it's really a tie between those and MM. What can I say? I love weight workouts.:)

Yep, me too! I did them again yesterday and got such a killer ub workout. My 5 yr old said "mom are you ever going to stop doing your new exercise shows?" He waited so patiently so we could go to the park. :)
Tough choice. My favorite changes from day to day! I have really been liking the Low Max DVD, but I think I'm leaning more towards the Gym Styles (and I usually prefer cardio to strength workouts!)

I'll vote once I've really made up my mind...oh, maybe next week! I haven't tried all of the workouts just yet!


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