What is Your Favorite Exercise? And Least Favorite?

You read my mind - I was just thinking last week about a thread such as this. ;)

Least fave would have to be dead rows. I don't know why but I just do not like them :confused: at all. Sometimes lunges are not my friend either. It's that burn that gets ya!!

Fave...there's so many....hhhmmm one arm row - I can always feel strong on those & wall squats.

I made friends with push ups when I got one of those push up counters. Maybe it was the idea of a new piece of wo equipment but it helped me learn to love them.
Cute thread!


Hiking/trail running
Tuck jumps - now that I can do them right and get some height - what a feeling!


Tricep dips - I'm with Shelley when she once said, every time I hear an instructor say time for dips, I keep hoping she/he pulls out chips
Any kind of ENDLESS reps. I want to get in there, do it quickly and get done.

Starting to learn to like:

Mountain climbers - man are they affective
Floor Switch Kicks (you Insanity folks know what I mean)

I'm seeing such results from these things, it's not even funny and when they stop hurting as much, they get to be more fun.
-step(when I can coordinate myself:))
-anything triceps and back

Not a fan of:
-step(when I can't coordinate myself:))
-shoulders (they tire easily)
-legs, but I'll do it!!!!!!!!
What are burpees???????????????????????

Burpees are where you squat, put your hands on floor, kick both legs back so you're in push-up position, then you bring your legs back to squat, then stand up. There can be variations where you add a push up before you stand up, and/or instead of just standing up, you jump up. At least that's what I think they are...:) Didn't they used to be called "squat thrusts"?

I Love:
One arm rows
Tricep extensions
Mountain climbers (can't figure out why, but I like 'em!)

I Dislike:
Complicated step moves
One leg pike on stability ball (because I can't do 'em...)
Tuck jumps
Leg presses
Push-ups with staggered arms
Not fond of push-ups.

I can completely balance while kneeling on a stability ball and do overhead presses and lateral raises with a pair of dumbells (yay) I was ssooo pleased with myself the first time I did 3 sets of 15 reps. (I thought my gym instructor was on drugs the first time she suggested I try it. I nearly fell over on top of her the first few times - btw she's only 4'11" and 50 kg...and let's just say I'm not! :D) Apparently, it's possible to work up to doing this while STANDING on the stability ball as well. Will let ya'll know when I transcend to that level ;)
Anything step
Kick boxing
anything shoulders

dread leg work especially anything lunge. I'm lop-sided when I do them.

I have not had the time to work out lately and when I do I easily talk myself out of it. I wish I could win the lotto and not have to work. That job seems to sap up my time and energy.

I've been checking out the workouts on bodyrockTV. They seem short and effective. I think that's what I need right now to hopefully see some change in my body. Then I can get back to a muscle/cardio rotation.

Favorite -
Pikes on the stability ball

Least Favorite (complain to Cathe the whole time I am doing it) -
Sit and Stands

Lori Ann...I never thought I'd hear someone say they loved pikes on the stability ball!! I still cannot do these, although they look awesome. Can you come over and show me how to do them without a) the ball shooting out from under me and b) how not to pass out doing them?!?

:) Elizabeth

Pushups - the more I do them, the more I like them
Pullups - the more I do them, the more I like them
Deadlifts - I just think they are really satisfying

Not favorites:

Dips - somebody tell us what we're doing wrong because my wrists kill as well.
Calf raises - because Cathe thinks if one is good, 100 must be better.
Overhead shoulder presses - make me want to scream!!! So itchy, so burny!
Upper body

Hate Hate Hate!!!
Legs - Squats, presses, extensions & Lunges - OMG! the burn! I force myself to do them and then the PAIN after (normal DOME's).
For cardio, I absolutely love running & spinning. I've also gotten into stair climber (that escalator thingy) interval sprints.

I love lifting, but I admit I have a love/hate thing going with leg work. Once I'm into it, it is such an amazing pump, but getting going is kind of :confused: I think my favorite to do is chest/shoulders. I love when hubby is there to spot me and I can really work the bench press to my limits :eek:
LOL. Too funny; that's what I was thinking. Jane I bow to thee if you can not only do the Renegade Man Make & Mr. Spectacular.

LOL!!! These are tough ones but they make me feel stronger. I can only do about 4 or 5 in a row and then I have to rest. They are great exercises that work the entire body and gives you a great cardio buzz!! :)
These are great!

I like:
Static Lunges
Pullovers for back
Ab work (and I do like Pikes too, can't remember who else said this)
Plie squats

I can't stand:
Preacher curls (hate these more than anything else)
Step Ups
Wall squats
Cross body tricep extension
Lori Ann...I never thought I'd hear someone say they loved pikes on the stability ball!! I still cannot do these, although they look awesome. Can you come over and show me how to do them without a) the ball shooting out from under me and b) how not to pass out doing them?!?

:) Elizabeth


I actually have two stability balls, one that is just a little under-inflated. I find it easier to learn to do a move on that ball because it doesn't roll as much. After I have mastered it on that ball, I move on the fully inflated ball.

I don't know if I can help with b) or not, but I will say that they can be dangerous when done in a group setting as my shirt often falls down over my face during the move. :eek:

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