I voted for #1, but to be honest, it's the only one I've attempted so far. I absolutely dislike core work and have much difficulty with the (in)stability ball.
However, I am determined to turn over a new leaf and make myself do core work and so I have diligently done all my core workouts at the end of regular workouts (like MM and HSC) and I'm doing coremax 1 at least 2 times a week and have been noticing improvement, especially in the dreaded plank section at the end. I can also crank out 16 big girl pushups in a row (this is amazing for me--hubby is so proud) and I can do tuck jumps as of last week--I think that this is because of doing more core stuff for the last 3 1/2 weeks--this motivates me to continue.
I am going to try #2 later this week, but I tend to start laughing when I attempt the ball work, so we'll see.