What is up with the new videos?

How can you say it is unfair to compare the new dvd's with STS or with any of the older dvd's? If you were to purchase something and then next month purchase the same exact thing, wouldn't you compare them and expect the new one to be just as good quality? We purchased dvd's and I think I can speak for a lot of members, we've purchased dvd's before and now there is a problem.
Could it be that these workouts were flimed in a different way than the other workouts? I'm not sure of the technical terms.
I've seen this in other television shows and videos. It may have something to do with the way they're filmed or maybe mixed in the final process before sending off to be mass produced. I'm noticing that the white sky in the background is a bit distracting as well, it makes the picture hard to watch. They may want to rethink this for future workouts as way too bright and...well distracting.

I'm not sure why people are saying the pic it elongated...that isn't at all true of my dvd's. Its either the television or settings on the dvd player.
I'm using a new dvd player and my tv is also about 3 years old. Mine are also not fuzzy in any way. Could it be this white sky background giving the illusion of the pic being fuzzy on some tv's? Just thinking. :)
Different backgrounds will appear clearer than other backgrounds in digital video depending on how large the items in the background are and how many variations there are in the color of the pixels that make up the background. With STS you had large buildings with similar colors. In digital video the algorithm that is used looks for pixels of similar color. The more pixels of similar color there are the less bytes are needed to produce an image and that means clarity will be greater overall. The new workouts have a busier background with smaller images and more pixel color variation and that means less clarity in some cases.

Also clarity is really determined by closeups. STS has a ton of closeups and that means the image on a standard def TV will look extremely clear. The new workouts will have plenty of closeups, but not as many as STS and that as well as other factors like the background is why we say that it is not fair to compare the new workouts to STS. Closeups are great but they are not good for showing choreography or movement. The new workouts are filmed at the highest filming standards in HD, but are dumbed down to standard def and this also affects quality.

Even STS has plenty of issues, like buildings in the background that buzz the camera. But still I think the new workouts look extremely good and in your case since you're seeing elongated images it sounds like there is some other issue going on that I have mentioned in another thread that is preventing you from seeing the new workouts properly.

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