What is the weakest part of your body?

Since I have had two major sprains in the last four years, it's my left ankle. I can tell a huge difference especially doing lunges and exercises that require balance.
chest and shoulders here too. I do notice I'm getting stronger with my chest, I can do more straight leg pushups before collapsing and finishing on my knees. Shoulders are another story though.

Seems to be the majority...
I would have to say my upper body I STILL have a hard time with push ups!!!:-(

I think hardcore is going to do me in with ALL those push ups;(
I'd have to say my shoulders are my weakest part. I can't seem to progress past 10 lb dumbells for front raises and 12 lbs for side raises. I've got some decent definition, but I'm stuck on those weights. My husband got me some platemates for Christmas, so perhaps that will enable me to increase.

By the way, I'm still chuckling over the intestine comment.

My knees. I could work my legs much harder if it weren't for them.

Denise, planks might help you with those straight leg push ups.

Obviously, since some muscle groups are smaller than others (biceps, triceps, vs. chest, back), they will be weaker. But, based on relative strength of other body parts, I'd say my hand muscles, or whatever muscles are used to open pickle jars! It's so frustrating to be able to lift what I consider rather impressive weights, then to be defeated by a jar of olives!
biceps x(

i do fine with every other upper body part... (and legs but then i cycle.. so you would expect that)... but my biceps... i just don't seem to be able to go heavier/get stronger... x( x( x(
My abs. It's taken me YEARS to get them as strong as they are now (which is not very). If I'm not relentless in doing tough ab work at least 4 times a week, they lose strength in no time. It's very frustrating.

The most effective ab workout for me has been Ab Ripper X. I haven't done it in a while and my abs can tell.:(

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