What is the best gift you can get your bf on their first born...???


Congrats to your bf. I don't have kids but my cousin asked for Graco pack and play crib? It works as a portable crib? Just a suggestion

RE: What is the best gift you can get your bf on their ...

Of course, it sort of depends on how much money you want to spend, but the best gifts are not really about money (though I was pretty darn happy with expensive baby gifts, too). I had my second baby in London (with all my family still in the U.S.) and a good friend who happened to be living in Germany at the time flew to London and stayed with us for a week. She watched my older son (who unfortunately had chicken pox at the time) while we were at the birth center and then helped with cooking and cleaning while I cared for my newborn. It was amazing what a great help this was and how much I appreciated this "gift" of her help. This same friend always gives wonderful, personal gifts. When I got married she framed my rather plain wedding announcement, surrounding it with delicate false flowers and she also did the wedding bulletin things for us (she's a graphic designer). Then she made a blanket for my first baby. I wish I could give the kind of gifts she does.

So perhaps you can think about how you could best do a service for your friend, or if you have a particular talent, think about how you could use it to make her something. Or if not, just get her something that is personal and sweet (even if it's just something like a personalized quilt from Lillian Vernon--http://www.lillianvernon.com/catalog/product_display.jsp?pdId=711&name=A-B-C+Crib+Quilt&parentCatId=1029&catId=775).

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal font size=+1]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
RE: What is the best gift you can get your bf on their ...

A baby sling ala Maya Wrap (mayawrap.com)
Offers of food or housecleaning post partum
Loving support as she transitions to new mom
Contacts for Lactation Consultant and/or La Leche League for breastfeeding information.
Good luck to her~
I would get something for the baby but then include a gift basket of pampering stuff for her. She'll need it and appreciate it!
RE: What is the best gift you can get your bf on their ...

>A baby sling ala Maya Wrap (mayawrap.com)
>Offers of food or housecleaning post partum
>Loving support as she transitions to new mom
>Contacts for Lactation Consultant and/or La Leche League for
>breastfeeding information.
>Good luck to her~
ditto on all of these great ideas!!!
I love the ideas :) She lives in AZ and me in NE - definitely will be flying out as soon as she has it - or within two weeks - I would hate to bombard them RIGHT when they get home from the hospital, but she might like having a houseguest who can clean for her for awhile ;)

I like the blanket idea!!! My mother in law makes BEAUTIFUL baby blankets for all of her grandchildren so maybe I will commission her to do that and then get her a prenatal massage or something???

Thanks girls!!!
If she is going to breast feed then I would suggest a boppy. I used that more than anything. Just don't get a diaper genie!!! I swear that thing was useless. Did any of you like it?
After the birth of my second child, the gift I was most thankful for was my mom staying with me for a week. She grocery shopped, cooked, cleaned, and was just so supportive and helpful.

I always enjoy a massage, too!
RE: What is the best gift you can get your bf on their ...

I always liked expensive fru-fru gifts that I would never purchase. Then again, practical gifts were always appreciated too!!! My gf received practical gifts when she was pregnant with her first: lots of blankets, clothes, diapers, soaps, etc... So, it was a treat for her to get a luxurious matching baby sweater, cap, blanket and booties from April Cornell. One of my favorite gifts was an over the top, expensive Italian baby buggy made by Inglesina. Again, it's not a long term practical item since the baby outgrows it. But, it was beautiful!!!

Have fun shopping!

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