What is more fun ? Step Blast or Rythmic Step ? Poll:


Hi again - sorry to ask so many questions and I am sure they sound all the same, sorry this is the last time on this subject.

What do you think is more fun ?
Step Blast or Rythmic Step ?

I previewed Rythmic Step and it looks fun but from other posts IVe read some others seem to like Step Blast more...
I like music and dancy moves so Im not worried about that at all, I just want something fun.
OF course other then my 2 left feet that will take some work Im sure, LOL! And I am used to doing the Firm workouts.
Laura =)
:D I enjoy dance and step, so I would say "Rhythmic Step" for me is the most fun and is my favorite "Cathe" video of all time!
RE: What is more fun ? Step Blast or Rythmic Step ? P...

I don't have Step Blast, but I LOVE Rhythmic Step. I try to do it once a week. The first time it took me 1 1/2 hours to finish it but by the second time I was "grooving" along, LOL!

Hi Laura, well you won't believe this but just on another post I was saying how I really don't like dancy moves well I did RS this morning well this is my 2nd time so now I have to take my words back about not liking this because now I love it. I guess once you know all the moves then it is more fun. But I can't tell you about step blast because I don't have it yet.
Once I got the moves down to Rhythmic step it is a blast. I did this one last night.. LOVE IT LOVEIT!!!!

RE: What is more fun ? Step Blast or Rythmic Step ? P...

In my opinion they are equally fun!! (How do you like that?) I love Rhythmic Step but I love Step Blast for the "blasts." (I've now done Step Blast about 4 times.) I think you'll find if you're a big step fan that you'll love them both!

They are both a little dancey, great music, and after both I just feel happy! Now you can't beat that!:7 :7 :+
Rhythmic Step has been my favorite since it came out, but now Step Blast is my NEW all-time favorite! It is so much fun to have an all-new step routine! But I stilllove Rhythmic Step too! We're so lucky to have so many great Cathe tapes to choose from!
Just letting you all know I orderd Rythmic Step, thanks for all your emails.... I am sure Step Blast will be next I just wanted to be able to preview it first but I might not be able to wait that long, LOL!
Thanks again,
Laura =)
RE: What is more fun ? Step Blast or Rythmic Step ? P...

Step Blast!!! I love the fast pace and how Cathe keeps it moving right along!

Each move is a fun, new twist on a familar one. I haven't mastered the Intensity Blasts near the end but that's my goal.

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