What I admire about DebbieH...

Shelly Right On Girl!
Debbie you have always made me feel so positive on this forum. I have told you in PM and I'll say it now, If we lived near eachother I have every reason to believe you would be my soul mate.

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Hi TyTbody!

Yes, I am Debbie from Ohio. There is another Debbie from Ohio that I think you might be thinking of?? She is the gal who posts at CatheFans. (I think her screen name is FitnessFreak?) Just didn't want you to confuse her with me. I am THE Debbie who helped you with putting links into your posts if that helps! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wow you guys! http://www.coolgifs.de/liebe/herz4.gif I'm not sure what I did to DESERVE this showering of affection. THANK YOU sooo much! I can't tell you how this makes me feel. You are ALL my soulmates too! :7 It's YOU guys that keep ME coming back here. Thanks once again. I am floating on a cloud. I just read all your kind, kind words to my DH. Glad he is off on Fridays so I could share what a great group of people I have for friends. (Of course, he already knows that.) Thanks from the very bottom of my heart! http://www.coolgifs.de/liebe/heart.gif
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi TyTbody!

okay. Ya, I know that posting. I was going to say, that's you but I know you to. Your my link lady that made me the hook up.

Hi DebbieH aka: baby fly lady.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
What a great idea for a thread! Debbie H. has always been so kind and welcoming to everyone who comes here. She makes you feel like you belong right away. And she keeps you coming back with all of her great posts lol!
Have a great day Debbie!
I so agree. Debbie is so supportive of everyone and she has some of the best graphics on her posts. I look forward to looking at them. She is one of the kindest people I know. Even having not met her in person I feel like she is a true friend.
Diane Sue
The only thing I can add to this is to second what everyone else has said. To me, Debbie is the glue that holds this whole mish-mosh of personalities together. Debbie, you are SO APPRECIATED!!!! :D :D

I'm always struck by her kindness and willingness to go out of her way to help someone. This forum would be a different place without her! Thanks for all you do, Debbie!:) :) :)
I agree! The sight of her name warms my heart and always makes me smile. I think she must be magical. I feel blessed to bask in her warmth and feel her love and kindness!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move.

-Paulo Coelho
What a sweet message for Debbie! That's a cute gesture. I also agree with everyone. The forums wouldn't be the same without DebH.
I appreciate Debbie, also. She was the first person to respond to my first-ever post about Body Max a few years ago!!! And, my goodness, she is so pretty!!!! It is so nice to now have a face to put with all those kind words!:) :) :) :) :)
I pretty much have to ditto what everyone else said! Debbie is the sweetest person and is so thoughtful & warm hearted! And she remembers everyones most special days! It's so nice to have a person like her on here. She brings so much sunshine to the forums!

Aila:) :)
:D I am so glad this was started. Yes, she is an encourger,a healer, a balm for the wounded.

I even feel like a song for Debbie:

"For she's a jolly good lady, For she's a jolly good lady, For she's a jolly good lady....that nobody can deny!"

YEAH! :D :D Three cheers for Debbie......:)
Debbie, you are one of the nicest, sweetest people around. Besides the fact that you are such a gem, you are from Ohio and so is my husband and he is the nicest man I've ever known (so is everyone from Ohio so wonderful?).

You are the true den mother: helpful, caring, cookie giving, wound healing and encouraging! Though most of us haven't met, in your own way you've enriched all our lives!

Thank you! :) :)

As someone who has lurked more than post for the past 6 years, I agree with everyone. You have got to be the most positive, upbeat, kind person on this forum. Even when things haven't been going well for you (injuries), you handle things with such grace.

Take care and have a wonderful day.

Jackie R.
Oh my, I thought I was in a puddle of tears earlier!http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sad/1/sad49.gif You all sure know how to make someone feel special. I am running out words to express my gratitude for this thread. It made me smile, cry AND laugh while reading them all. (I get tickled when some of you call me DebbieH or DebH! Guess there are many Deb's around, eh?) Seriously, THANK YOU all once again. There are so many, many others here that deserve this thread just as much. Guess we have all found a nice warm, fuzzy place to land when we need it. RIGHT HERE at Cathe.com! HUGS 2 U ALL! http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/love/1/love28.gif

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Silly Debbie, we don't have to make you "feel" special! You ARE special! I think this is a pretty amazing gathering of women and you manage to stand out but but softly, sweetly. You don't have to say another word of thanks. We KNOW. But of course you feel you must thank us, each and every one. We love you so much for that. I have always wanted to find or make a bumper sticker, that says "Grace happens." I mean that in the sense of the kindness and compassion, unusual beauty and lightness, the goodness that is always present when we look for it. I don't really have the words to express it but I know that I can touch it and feel it when I encounter you and in spite of the fact, that I have never stood beside you. That's a gift and you grant it just by being you. It is more precious because it cannot be acquired; it just is. An everyday miracle we all get to share. Wow. As we offer you the blessings in our hearts, we are simpy returning what has been given us by you.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Even though I don't talk one on one with Debbie much I do read most of her posts and I do have to agree with you!! No matter what question I ask, Debbie, Bobbie and Pinky are always there to lend me a hand or give motivation. I don't really know all three very well, but I can honestly say from my heart that I truly admire and respect them!!!


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