What HARDCORES do you use most often?? Pick 4......


What Hardcore dvds do you use most..........?? Pick four only!

I have Kickmax and Gymstyle legs and my hubby is willing to purchase 3-4 more for me.........which ones!
Hi there - Congrats on getting hubby to get you more - you will love whatever you choose...

As for me - I use GS BBS, GS CT, Low Max and Muscle Max the most. They are all great!
I use the Gym Style Chest & Triceps; GS Back, Biceps, Shoulders; High Step Challenge, and Muscle Max the most.

Susan C.M.
I only have four (HSC, Low Max, Core Max, IMAX 3), so I can tell you that I use Low Max the least out of those.

I love Low Max and Muscle Max. After that I would be torn between the Gym Styles.

Depends if you like to step or lift more.

Have you thought about getting some of the older ones that a couple of workouts on them - more bang for the buck.

CTX and any of the Intensity Series are great values! Lots O choices.

Core Max, Low Max, GS Chest&Tri's, GS Back, Shoulders&Bi's are the four I would say I use most (since you already have GS Legs and Kick Max).
Just to let you all know - I own pretty much all the Cathe workouts minus the Hardcore series and Pure Strength series.......I even preordered her new ones........

I LOVE to lift but need to get more cardio I enjoy as well. In the winter I am stuck inside due to snow.....
I am lucky and I have all the Hardcore's, but I use

3.)GS:Back, shoulders and Biceps
4.)GS:Hardcore extreme

I really like Hardcore Extreme..it has 3 great workouts on it!
These are the 3 I currently enjoy the most, but I really have to say I LIKE them ALL!!!

Get the Rest of the GS then you will have the set!!

Good luck with your decision, and ENJOY your new dvds:D

When I'm not pregnant, I use GS BSB, GS CT, Low Max and Imax 3 the most.

(but I love HCX, and HSC also)

the two GS upper bodies! (i use those most along with kickmax and GS legs that you have) sooooo i get to pick two more....

the next ones i use most are: muscle max and (uh oh....) kinda tied between high step challenge and low max (low max seems to be reeeeeeeealy popular... i like it.. but not as enamoured as a lot of others... i think i would pick high step challenge over low max.. but that's just me!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Only four? I use all of them quite a bit but I guess the four I use most are:
-GS Legs
Thanks for the response, based on what I currently own and your top four.....

I think I am going to get the two GS upperbodies to complete my GS...

LoMax....the seems to be really popular and I don't have any really low impact dvds.....althought I did pre-order all the new dvds....

and if Hubby will go for it.......HC Extreme :) Cross the fingers! I may be pitching in a bit on that one!

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