What Gives?????


I got a heart rate monitor that show calories burned.

I did Imax2 yesterday and only burned 341 calories. I was working my tale off too. It was one of my more energetic workouts.

I thought I would burn WAY more than that during Imax2. I can burn about the same just jogging.

Have you guys found this to be true for you?
Yep, me too. I think the calorie burn is lower due to the intervals. We spend more time in a lower heart rate state than a higher one. But interval training is very good for you. I burn the most calories doing MIC, KPC, and Rhythmic Step.

as you get more cardiovascular fit, the calories burned will go down since your body becomes more efficient.

Do you have where you program your stats? In mine, you program your height, weight, age, m/f ...does yours have that?

Anyways....hope this helps.
The ONLY unfortunate part of being in great shape is that you burn less calories when you are working out (and you shouldn't consume as many calories either)...But, that's not so bad, I guess. Also, sometimes those gadgets can be off! So, just keep moving, and if you are doing Imax - you are mooooving!
What I'm finding with my HRM is this -

Cardio workouts burn more calories overall but less calories of fat (example, SJP burned almost 500 cals for me, but only 45% was fat calories). BUT, yesterday when I did a weights only workout (two sets of SS upper body only), I burned only 258 calories, but 65% of the calories came from fat. This info is according to the HRM.

Just a bit of my limited experience.
>What I'm finding with my HRM is this -
>Cardio workouts burn more calories overall but less calories
>of fat (example, SJP burned almost 500 cals for me, but only
>45% was fat calories). BUT, yesterday when I did a weights
>only workout (two sets of SS upper body only), I burned only
>258 calories, but 65% of the calories came from fat. This
>info is according to the HRM.
>Just a bit of my limited experience.

Yes, but you actually burned more fat calories from SJP. 45% of 500 calories is 225 and 65% of 258 calorie of 167.7. So really you burned more fat with the higher calorie burn.
I wear my HRM consistantly and i usually burn b/t 523-545 cals during imax2. SB is about the same and C/W is 450-500 depending on the day. when i first got my hrm i kept a log of cals burned during each workout so i could compare reults and see if it was about the same each time i did the workout. i am not in very good shape though so maybe that is why i am burning more.

Is it interval training that is supposed to create an amazing afterburn? Maybe you should wear your monitor for a few hours after these workouts and see if there is a difference there...
That was my next suggestion too. You know what? 350 calories or around there is a pretty good workout. I tend to keep my HRM on for another 15-20 minutes & I am still burning calories. So overall, I have a feeling you're right where you should be.

I'd like to purchase a calories burned/heart rate monitor. Can any of you recommend a decent one? Also, I have a dumb question: how does this monitor work when you're doing weight training as opposed to aerobics?
Is your heart monitor worn on your wrist or around your chest?

I read that the one around your chest is more accurate.

Also, heart monitors in general are supposed to be pretty accurate, so the brand is probably what you have to choose.
I have a Polar with a chest strap. I find that I only burn about 300 calories with the IMAX workouts. I burn the most calories with circuit workouts such as Gauntlet.

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