Sometimes I tell myself "do it anyway". Sick, tired, moody, emotional, lazy, whatever. Do it anyway. No sleep, DOMS, headache, bad day at work, fight at home. Do it anyway. Just do it any way.
I love this thread...all good...I find that everything I can do to pre-pave (doing things in advance to 'line me up' in my mind and heart) helps build the momentum. I was very consistent last year and have been this year...for me, pre-paving's the key. Here's a list of some of the things I do:
- Lay out my gym clothes, socks, shoes, everything - the night before.
- Buy gym clothes that I like and feel good in, even tho' no one will see me (i like fashion, so sometimes that moves me...)
- I got rid of ALL of my one size bigger clothes, even the nice ones. Felt like a statement to myself: No turning back, I'm staying this size, period.
- I track my workouts - WO Manager is great, but I'm not always at my computer, so I keep a sign-in sheet. I number my workouts and write what I did and how much time spent. In December I pulled out all the sheets for '08 and laid them across the floor, reveled in the accomplishment, my discipline and spent some time applauding me!
- My goal is minimum 20 workouts a month- at Christmas I was determined to find a way to get them all in, because I'd done it all year, and even tho' we were traveling and it felt crazy-I did it, just because I had that number in my head.
- I get on this forum and read and laugh and feel like there's a group of us doing this together. Nice. I often read the workout DVD comments, as that reminds me of DVD's I'd forgotten about and I usualy get motivated.
- I write lists about what I like about working out and I read it...THIS really works, once you get started, the list just gets this internal buzz going, and I couldn't not. not workout... THIS is by far the biggest pre-paving tool I have, simple-but powerful for me.
- I eat well and cut out wine and drink a ton of water...if I'm nourished, I'm more likely to want to work out, if I'm famished and hung over, even slightly, not likely to feel the desire.
- I make sure I get enough sleep.
-I buy all the fitness mags and I have them around the in down time I'm reading, flipping through and thinking about fitness.
Sounds a little obsessed, doesn't it??There's more I'm sure...that's my list for now...
Most of all last year I re-remembered that if I want to look and feel good, it takes focus. And for me, because I am not naturally lean and fit-looking, that focus is worth it. I like the feeling of being in charge of my life and myself and being in the place of feeling more confident and empowered.
A long post...
Love this Cathe community...and now, can't wait for STS. Woo-hoo!
i know it sounds dumb, but i just think of how better i am for working out. i work with a bunch of petty ppl and i feel its the one thing i have over them even if they say working out is "so stupid just eat better". makes me feel stronger in body and spirit. i really get all the emotions of their dumb crap out of my system during a workout then i go to work with a clear head and their comments just bounce off me. they can't touch me i am unstoppable b/c i worked out LOL.
When you are feeling sick, tired, emotional, hormonal, at the end of your tether, discouraged, what do you do to get past it and pick up the weights, or get on the step, or start kickboxing the @#%@#% out of things? What motivates you to get moving on days when you just don't want to get out of bed?
And when you just can't do it, just can't make it happen today, are you understanding of yourself, or do you feel guilty? Do you kick yourself when you're down, or treat yourself gently, like you would your friend or child?
P.S. Cathe, if you are reading this, I would love to hear your response to this too.
Hey, are you in my office?!That doesn't sound dumb at all, in fact that's what motivates me lately. I don't want to be one of those people that rolls into work, eats a full breakfast at their desk (getting paid to eat?!), surfing the net, reading the newspaper, walking around and hanging over cubicles talking. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's laziness at work. Laziness on a Sunday afternoon is a different story!
When I feel like that, I grab my iPod and listen to Jim MacLaren's interview from the Cardio Coach Press Play workout, or sometimes I listen to the Coach's Notes from the various CC workouts. Sean and/or Jim can usually coax me out of my workout funks.![]()