what first??


Hi Cathe, I just received my STS today and have been reading the book.* I do have a question.* I have gained quite a bit a weight over the last 3 years (loss of job, going back to school at the young age of 40) and have had back trouble.* (Herniated disk)* I used to do all of your workouts faithfully.* My question is should I concentrate on cardio at the moment to get some of the weight off and then start with the STS program?* Or can I go right into the STS and do cardio on the off days and still get good results?
I have no answer for you but I think yours is a good question and I did not want it to get lost in all the other questions so I though I would try to give it a little boost.
Sometimes too if I am not getting any response I will try to post somewhere else and get others' opinions and see what they think. There are lots of smart people on here;)
not cathe here...but I can relate.


I have 2 bulging cervical disks: C-4, C-5, C-6. I can only give you my perspective regarding exercise with this condition.

My orthopaedist said to let pain be my guide and stay within a 90 degree range of motion with my joints. What that means is that my knees never bend more than 90 degrees with squats and lunges. My arms never go behind me during pec flyes. My right scapular area tends to get knotted up pretty good and my right trapezius will hurt badly at times.. I also get numbness down the right arm and hand.

Exercise, particularly weight lifting, has been a great help with pain management. The little things like laundry and grocery shopping and cleaning are easier and less painful now that I am stronger.

I think it would be best that you consult an orthopedist and get his/her opinion. Your disc issue could and probably is vastly different from mine. What might be ok for me might exacerbate your issues. The doctor can do an MRI or CT scan and see exactly what and where the damage is along the spinal joints and then prescribe some physical therapy to help strengthen you if need be before you exercise. After my car accident (which caused my disc issue), I did physical therapy and re-learned how do do things safely and in a way that was not going to worsen the injured area - including how to exercise safely.

It sounds like you have already had the tests seeing as how you know the discs are herniated. Just check back with the doctor and see what they recommend.

Keep us posted on how you make out and good luck.

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Thanks to both of you for replying.

My back issues are lower. L5 - S1. I have had surgery -- 2005. And things have just seemed to go down hill from there fitness wise. Also turning 40. They weren't kidding when they say your metabolism changes!! Didn't think it would happen so darned fast tho!
I don't have the numbness I did before, but my sciatica acts up. I know I should go visit a
physical therapist, or get another MRI possibly, but the pain is bearable and I am in school for xray at the moment and can't really afford to miss any time off......I have heard that strong abdominal muscles make for a strong back, It's just the getting back into the routine of things.....

Thanks again for your input!

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