What else is as fun as LIC?


So, picking up from the other LIC thread, what other DVDs would you all recommend that are as fun as this one? I *LOVE* LIC, I've been doing it twice a week it's so much fun, and am curious what other workouts you think are up to this one. thanks! :)
Hi Govtgirl,

My all-time favorite circuit workout is Drill Max! It seems more intense than LIC, but it's so much fun that the time just flies by! Maybe check out the video clip for it to see if it sounds like fun to you.

Did you check out the thread about Step,Jump,Pump? This is another fun workout and the music is great! I've only done the FitTv version but the dvd is on my wish list. It's a circuit workout too! :)
bodymax II is a blast i have a lot of fun with this one. the music is great and it keeps you moving. Time flys

I don't know what workouts you have, but when I first discovered Cardio and Weights (also with IMAX 2), I thought it was fun, fun, fun. IMAX 2 is also really fun. So there's 2 for one there.

I just discovered High Step Challenge. You can do this one with a standard step and a stool or chair for the leg presses. The cardio blasts are intense, but short - and even with my sore achilles, it's not too much. The weight work is different and fun. And there's no down time. It's from one move to the next and by the time you actually catch your breath, you're done and smiling. I really like this one. I like High Step Training Advanced as well - same idea, but there are a TON of leg presses in this one - and the lower body work is devilish.

But, Body Max 2 (and the original Body Max 1) are both great, as is "The Terminator" DVD - which is a mix of BootCamp/Muscle Endurance/IMax 2 and Cardio and Weights - there are some fantastic workouts on that one!
I'm so glad I came back to this thread...I have a different impression of Body Max II after reading this post! This just made my Christmas list along with High Step Challenge (and KPC). I wonder if I'll ever have an empty Cathe.com Wish List?!;)
I did BM2 the other day and LOVED it (of course!). And because of this thread, I just bought the high step pack so I get the 3 high step DVDs along with it!

Sigh. Sometimes I think I should just reserve a whole paycheck, and get every single Cathe DVD I don't have. It's gonna happen eventually anyway! :)
Oh, but what would you have to look forward to if you got them all at once?! Sometimes the anticipation is half the fun!;)
Well, I got three more today! That makes 9 DVDs total!

Yeah, I know, I'll space them out....my pocketbook couldn't take it otherwise!!

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