What do we all do for a living...

I'm a trusts and estates attorney for a medium-sized New York law firm. As a T&E attorney I essentially work with families on wealth planning. My clients range from the very wealthy to just ordinary folk. I love dealing with all of the clients, and I love the challenge and creativity of drafting their documents. I guess I really love my work, even though it totally depletes me in terms of both time and energy.

There are times, like now, when I'm so busy that finding time to workout is a challenge. As others have mentioned, if I don't start working out the minute I walk in the door, it's not going to happen. And lately, walking in at 9 p.m., it often doesn't happen. I post on these boards now only when I'm eating breakfast or lunch.

I often dream of having enough time and energy to workout as much as I'd like to, but on the other hand, I know I wouldn't be happy with a career that I was less involved with.

I guess working out is my third greatest love. First comes food (and wine). Then comes career. Then comes working out. So it's pretty high up there, but it always seems to be getting cut! :-(

I guess no one gets to have it all, right?
WOW what a great turn out here so far! I have been enjoying learning more about each of you. We all come from different walks of live which is what makes the world go around. That sounded corny :) Anyway everyone is interesting in there own way and stay at home moms my hats off to you. That is a very real job!

>I work in a lab doing research on Parkinson's Disease. We
>are trying to purify a protein that upregulates dopamine in
>primary neurons.
>I love the work, but it requires lots of time. Thats why I
>workout in the lab.

Ah, this answers some of my questions!!! I just saw your pics on the other post and commented on you working out at work. It does sound like your work is interesting and hopefully very rewarding.
I am a small animal veterinarian. I primarily take care of dogs and cats, but also the occational ferret, rabbit, guinea pig, etc. I do love my job, but the schedule is very hectic and the hours are extremely unpredictable (emergencies, etc). I have to get up early (4-4:30am) and workout or else it won't get done. I am never exactly sure when I will get home from work.
I am a Stay AT Home Mom with a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 year old.

Also, run a home-based business selling Liquid Herbal Extracts and Liquid Vitamins, Minerals & Calcium. The business involves mostly mail orders and local deliveries.

Usually when my 1 year old boy wakes up around 5:00 a.m. I get him back to sleep and then I head downstairs to exercise. Of course I could workout some other time in the day but that just chops up the day too much for my liking. Morning workouts are the BEST for me!
I'm a Pastry Chef/Baker .Worked for 20 plus years .Then I became a mom again and I've been doing a In Home daycare for 3 years .I will be back to Work around 1 year from now .I Think LOL Would Like to open my own place one day . :) :) :)
I'm new to Cathe and to all of you but I'm posting anyway since it's so interesting.
I'm currently in law school, first year. Exams are over this Tuesday!!
I'm doing the program in 4 years, not 3, in part because I wanted to make sure I give myself enough time to work out! This is something not everyone understands, but I'm sure you guys do! It's only one more year, and why make myself unhappy by not having enough time to work out?
I also work part time from home for an attorney. He's also a podiatrist, and I worked in his podiatry office for about 8 years, with a break for college, doing all the front office stuff. Now I only do the law firm stuff- it's just me and him, so I'm all the administrative help he has!
I love this forum! So many interesting walks of life...
Amy G
Great idea, Terri! It's been really fun reading about what everyone else does. What a terrific and fascinating group!

I'm currently a part-time personal chef (3 nights for 1 couple and a couple of other clients on an as needed basis) and part-time caterer (usually for small business meetings or small parties). Healthy cooking became a hobby for me when I got serious about my good health and fitness about 4 years ago, and I kind of stumbled into this part time business. It's fun and interesting. And it allows me alot of time to continue to focus on my health goals. It's a bit of a luxury- in some ways- but I don't have much extra money. Living simply is interesting and certainly has it's strong points , but sometimes it's frustrating.

This kind of "job" allows me the flexibility to workout during the daytime, do some reading about various fitness and nutrition topics, enjoy keeping 2 gardens, and have fun playing with my craft hobbies.

Once I'm closer to my fitness goals (55 pounds to go! :p) I'd like to go back to college for a degree in nutrition OR attend cooking school. I've got an Associate's degree already and have 2 full years of additional undergraduate classes. I'm really in no hurry though...I like my life right now. I feel fullfilled, challenged and happy. :)

Connie :D
I'm a medial technologist specializing in Microbiology. I get to tell the doctor what bacteria is causing your child's sore throat or your nasty rash, and what antibiotic to treat it with. I also do all the fungus cultures at the hospital where I work, which can include specimens from any part of the body from grungy toenails to lung tissue. It's facinating work, but administrative "stuff" makes some parts of the job very frustrating. Working weekends and holidays for over 25 years has gotten old too, but it comes with the territory.
WOW! I can't believe the brains in this group! LOL.

FOR NOW, I am a Human Resource & Safety Manager for a foam company (we made The Body Wedge 21).

However, starting June 8th, I will be going back to being a Stay-At-Home Mom! I am so psyched. I am handing in my 2 week notice this Friday and I will go back to full time MommyMax to my 4 and 7 year old boys! We're gonna have such a fun summer!

All my respects, Bill, from me & DH. Stay safe, do your job, a as I know you will, & get back to your Diane Sue!

Wow! Nancy! Go for it, If time allows of course. To me, you sound pretty passionate about this. If it works, it works. If it doesn't you still had a good time right?

Until six years ago when I became a SAHM to my 2 darlings, now 12 and 9, I was a software project manager at IBM (previously Lotus Development Corp. before it was bought). Now, I'm hoping in 6-8 weeks I'll find out I'm a certified personal trainer.

I am a sixth grade language arts and reading teacher in Georgia who is really looking forward to summer! Only two more weeks!:)

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