What do we all do for a living...

All so interesting!
We own a multi-media company specializing in e-learning. Fox2Star, you might be using our products soon as we just got a big contract doing online training for FedEx Employees. I hope you like it! However, most of our clients are physician networks and we provide e-learning from drug companies to doctors regarding new medications. We also provide free or reduced services for some mission organizations.

DH runs the company daily (and nightly! golden handcuffs!) and I am a consultant on an as-needed basis. I am usually asked to help make it more attractive or more engaging. Otherwise, I am a stay at home mom and a church volunteer.
It's so interesting reading about what you all do - we certainly have a wide variety of careers represented here.

I'm a materials engineer, according to my degree. Although right now I'm in a "nontraditional" job, where I get to tell people "I'm not a mechanical engineer, but I play one at work". I design ground engaging tools for underground mining loaders, and large wheel loaders. Today and tomorrow I'm in training because the entire company is upgrading their design software and we all need to know how to use it. There's going to be this period of like 3 months where no one will be able to design anything because we haven't completely figured out the new software yet. That starts next week - woo hoo! :p
Well, this is a good way for a newbie to get to know everyone!

I'm a medical writer at a medical center - I'm thinking that I deserve some sort of honorary PhD for all the research I've had to do over the years. I kind of do everything from informational patient brochures to some in-depth articles about ongoing research. I've even ghost-written a couple of papers for doctors who want to submit to professional journals. It's pretty fun and keeps my brain working.

I'm up at 4:30 a.m. to make to to work by 7 (hour commute) and home by 4:30. I work out after I feed the horses, for an hour or so. I wish I had more time to work out, but hey - I gotta fix dinner in there sometime. Too bad, because I hate to cook. Fortunatetly it's just me and the dog, so if I decide to eat a PBJ for dinner, there's nobody but me to complain.

I'm a quality engineer at a large food plant. My background and degrees are in food science and nutrition.

I work out at 5 am during the week. Evenings are all about the kids (2 & 4). Luckily my DH does the cooking!

You all sound so interesting. I'm hoping many of you will go on the road trip and perhaps one will end up as my roomate!

Susan M C
I forgot to mention when I fit in my workouts - duh! I work out weekday mornings at 4:45am. And on Saturday, I work out whenever I roll out of bed (usually before 7am). Sundays, I rest. I have to work out in the morning, or I'd never do it.
I envy everyone who can get up really early to workout. I've been trying to do that for years - but I just can't drag myself out of bed, so I spend 45 minutes to 1.5 hours after work getting my Cathe fix.

I'm a writer/editor for a nonprofit that distributes a drug donated by Merck to people with parasitic diseases in developing countries. It's been a very enlightening and humbling experience to see the conditions people in poor countries live in. I also run a website with my BF to educate the public on marine biology (www.MarineBio.org), and we're both currently looking for jobs in S. Florida so that we can try to start our own nonprofit for marine conservation there.

Shannon - I'd be curious to hear how you got into the medical writing business. That's something I've been considering. If you have time, PM me if you have any advice. I don't have a medical background, just lots of exp. working in public health.

Great thread!
There ARE a lot of brains on this forum not to mention the incredible amount of work everyone does and still fits in fitness! I'm a marketing director for a investment/financial planning firm. My degree is in Business Mgmt. so not sure how I ended up in marketing but I enjoy it, although I do feel like I should go back to school and take more marketing classes to be legit. Where will I find the time????
This is a very interesting thread...

I am new to this forum but not new to working out.

I am the mother of two girls ages 13 and 9.

I have been at my job for almost 20 years. I work at the Federal Reserve Bank as a system analyst.

I am also a certified personal trainer and I teach fitness classes 2/nights a week at my job's fitness center - how cool is that?! I've been teaching for about 10 years.

I do wake up and get in a workout out before I go to work and then I also work out at during lunch. Typically I do a strength workout and cardio workout on most days.

I also like to throw in a half-marathon every now and then as it keeps me motivated to run the miles.

Love working out...always looking to challenge myself and be the best that I can be!
Wow, what a wide variety of jobs. It's neat that we all have Cathe in common even though we come from very different backgrounds and have different careers.

I work as a supply chain manager for a large telecom equipment company. I basically try to keep our contract manufacturers in line and make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing! I have a couple of engineering degrees and an MBA, but I really haven't worked as engineer in many years. I like my job, but I don't love it.

I work out around 4:30-4:45 a.m. every morning during the week. I get to work around 7:30 and work until 5:30ish. On the weekends I usually workout around 7 or 8. I love working out in the morning and having my evenings free. I'm single and don't have kids. I admire all of you juggling families on top of jobs, house, workouts, etc.

Sherry :)
Hi, Joni. I'm with you. You can't catch me working out in the AM either! I'm just not a morning person. Plus, it's a nice ending to my 10-12 hour shift to work out with Cathe at night.

Until a year ago I was the supervisor of financial services for AT&T. Then, I decided that I was wasting my life sitting in an office all day. I felt like I really wanted to do something to help others and, I wanted to make sure that when my time on Earth was over I had given something back and had no regrets. So at age 31 I became a lifeguard/swim instructor/and water aerobics instructor.

I am also the mother of two beautiful girls who take up the bulk of my time. And I am the wife of a United States Marine who is getting ready to do his second tour in Iraq. I do cardio every morning at 4:00 a.m. and weights every evening.


You guys, this is so neat to see what we all do! Funny how you would never imagine some of the careers that people do on here. You all are so inspiring, motivating, and smart!

Oh yeah, I'll add that I workout in the mornings as well, but not 5am or earlier. I don't get up until my 1 yr old does ;) I usually workout anywhere between 8 and 10am when my son naps. He does his long stretch in the morning so often I can get in a cardio and weight tape before he arises!

I am a Casualty Actuary, working for an insurance company in the Philadelphia area that sells primarily commercial and professional insurance. I deal with the financial, results-oriented side of things.

I'm a Medical Technologist (now called Clinical Laboratory Scientist)
at my job)at a small hospital lab; I have been there 23 years working full-time and still enjoy my job. I rotate through different departments: chemistry, hematology, blood banking, urinalysis, and some microbiology. I have worked all shifts (twelve years on the third shift) and now work days. I have found the best time to work out for me is around 8:00 pm, when I get a second wind because after work I'm too tired.
It's not so bad--here's my GI Lab in a nutshell!
Colonoscopies only take 15-20 min on average(more if polyps are removed, etc.)
Upper endoscopies only take 5-10 min
We have varied shifts 6:30-3, 7-3:30, 7:30-4 or 8-5 depending on your assignment for the week. The nice thing is once we get going in the morning before you know it, it's time for lunch.
FYI for you ladies that are reaching that "Colonoscopy" age--or aren't sure if you are:
Start at age 40 if you have a history of colon cancer in your family, 50 if you don't. Colon cancer is preventable and you owe it to yourself and your families to have it done.
Okay, I'll quit sounding like your mother--lol
I'm sure I'll hear about my rant when I come in July!!lolol
Mary :)
I do lots of different things. I am a grant writer, assistant director, massage therapist, surgical technologist, author, and real estate investor. I am a busy cookie!
Well, I'm not gonna tell y'all what I do, because it's utterly mundane in comparison to everyone else, but I will say that I am single mom to a 7 year old daughter. I share custody with her Dad, and so on the weeks that she's with me, I fit my workout in after she's in bed (so around 8:15 or so), and weeks she's with her Dad, I do my workout right when I get home from work, around 6 p.m.

There's no way in the world I could get up at 4 in the morning to work out. A couple of weeks ago, I got up at 5 to run, and it absolutely killed me for the rest of the day:p
I am also a Medical Technologist, like Buffettgirl and Fitaerofan! I am currently working in Microbiology, but had always been a generalist before. I also do Virology and Molecular Biology testing. I got my Master's in Computer Science almost 2 years ago, but haven't been able to break into the field.

I'd love to work out in the early AM, but I just can't seem to do it. I work out after I get home from work in the afternoon, before dinner.

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