What do we all do for a living...


I know what some of you do but I thought it would be interesting to see all the different walks of life we come from. I own a housecleaning business. Not a HUGE company but I like to stay small and have it more personal. I have 4 employees who do the actual physical work. I since my car axcident 18 months ago just run the business. Not sure why I said JUST as believe me the mental is harder then the physical at times. Dealing with employees and clients and billing and payroll and bidding new clients can take it's toll somedays! It does allow me to have my exercise time though. I do one workout first thing in the am. Then mid afternoon I can do cardio or weights or what ever I didnt do in the morning. Then evening I can do another workout. So I will be anxious to see what you all do and how you manage exercise around your work schedules:)

I stay at home and raise my 10 year old son and volunteer at his school. Also am helping out starting a youth football program in town. I have not worked in 6 years since a neck injury on my job as a flight attendant. I loved my job but could no longer do it after the injury. I miss it terribly however I am sure it has changed so much since 9/11.

On Monday I am taking a real estate class. I am itching to get out and make some money of my own. The balance of power has shifted in the house and I don't really care for that. My DH is a corporate accountant so he is anal about money and clueless as to what things cost for a home. He's a great guy and we will retire well but on his terms. That's the part I am not keen on. Problem is I need flexability like I had in my other career. It spoiled me.

We shall see - anyone out there do real estate?

I work part time doing contract work as a computer programmer for the electric company. I have a 13 year old son with Asperger's Syndrome and a 3 year old daughter that keep me quite busy. I'd go nuts if I had to work full time. Plus it leaves me more time to workout!!!

I am a molecular virologist. I study the way viruses relplicate and cause disease. I have worked in University, big pharma and biotech settings with biotech being my favorite. Several years ago, I co-founded a biotech company whose mission is to develop gene-silencing based therapeutics for diseases of unmet need. I also run the preclinical research programs and am involved in the regulatory and intellectual property development programs. Currently we are focused on developing therapeutics for chronic HBV and HCV infections. We expect to be in the clinic next year. I work long hours, but love what I do. I work out as soon as I get home, which is usually bout 8 or 8:30. If I don't work out as soon as I get in the door, it wouldn't happen and so I just put on my workout gear and get going.
I own my own business as well - a financial and insurance services firm. I've done it for as long as I can remember, and while I don't consider it "my calling", it does put bread on the table, so to speak, and gives me a lot of flexibility for raising my kids! Kind of a golden handcuffs situation. But I have also run the religious education program part time at my church and I have gotten so much satisfaction from that. When my kids get older, it will be my time, and I will probably finish my masters in public policy and jump into that with both feet!

I have been a registered nurse for 20 years, and am currently in the GI Lab at Mayo Clinic. Four years ago I transferred from their operating room transplant team(loved the job, but we did so many transplants I barely saw hubby, I wish I could say I was kidding, it's a GREAT group of people to work with and it's such an awesome thing to see immediate results{quite literally}but I wanted to have more time for us since 90% of my career has been in the operating room), and decided on a M-F job with no call. It's still a very busy dept., we do 50+ procedures a day but my co-workers are great and I get to meet some really great people on a daily basis. That being said, I prefer to work out as soon as I get home and actually find it refreshing since I do quite a bit of walking all day. I love Cathe's workouts--she's very peppy and her workouts are a lot of fun even though I'm working my tail off in them lol!
Mary :)
Well, my job isn't nearly as professional as the previous posters. I work for a educational publishing company as a Web Content Coordinator. I'm not very technical at all but we have to know some "web" stuff. Mostly it's editing and updating content on our website and making sure we have all our new products (books) and correct info and pricing for our e-commerce website.

It's a typical 8 hour day job and I get up early to exercise and then take ds to school and have evenings available to spend time going over homework with him and just spending time with him.
I am an attorney :) I work in a general practice law firm and we handle most matters that do not require a specialized license (ie patent law). Litigation, corporate work, estate planning, real estate, trademark law, etc. I have experience in many areas, but I now focus mostly on litigation. It's basically anything that gets me into the courtroom including criminal, civil, family, landlord/tenant, coporate, etc. Outside of that, my firm does a lot of real estate and I lightly participate in that when business gets very busy. It used to be about 50% of my job but our structure changed recently to allow me to focus back on the courtroom. It's what I have always wanted to do and I LOVE my profession.

Christine :)
Well, I'm a stay at home right now to my one year old, but professionally I am a clinical social worker. Before moving to NY, I worked at a therapeutic group home for children. I worked with young teenage girls..whew! More specifically I did long term treatment in terms of individual, group, and family therapy. I also conducted treatment team meetings and advocated in court for my kids. Prior to this, I worked in the Baltimore City Public School System in a middle school and also in an alternative school. I love my work!

Hi, I am an optometrist, currently practicing 2 days a week in central New York. I am actually leaving next week, as we are moving to Virginia Beach. I will probably take the rest of the year off, to get us settled in. Then i will get another part time, one- two days a week. I really like this schedule since it allows for me to take care of my 5, and 3 year old! and allow for Cathe workouts! It would be way to stressful for me to work full time, care for the kids and the house! My husband is very supportive, but i really like earning my own money! :7 Ann Marie
I'm a bus driver and a cook for my children's school system. I get in one workout before going in to do my morning route, then I'll do another after my evening route. And of course, do the cooking in between:) .

First, I'd like to say what a great idea asking everyone what they do for a living and how they fit exercise in to their schedules. It's something we've probably all wondered!! I am a registered nurse, but two years ago I got my personal training cert. and I've taught aerobics for about ten years now. I absolutely LOVE it!! I have met and worked with so many great people over the years. I love helping them and they give me so much love in return!!:) So, I pretty much workout while I'm at work! Best of both worlds.
I'm an attorney too but decided to put the career on hold while I raise my monsters. So I'm a full time mom to 3 kids (7, 4, and 18 months)but I just can't get away from all of my old clients who call and want legal advice. The problem of course is that I give it but don't bill them.

With that going on you can understand why my upcoming 3-day getaway to work out with Cathe has me so psyched!! :)

Great thread idea.
I work for 5 RN Educators in the Education Department of a Large Hospital. It's a stressful position and very difficult working for 5 women. I hope to transfer some day when the hospital starts doing better. For now, I'm just grinning and bearing it for the benefits and pay.

I workout first thing in the morning. I get up at 2:30 am every morning. It's best to get it done in the morning, as there is no time after work, especially if I have to go to the doctors, etc.
I'm an international financial analyst for a large global outsourcing firm. I like the "golden handcuffs" term - describes me perfectly. I don't love my job but it provides well for me and my family so here I sit.

I get up and workout first thing in the morning. By the time I get home, it's busy busy busy with dinner and kids' activities and errands and....life in general!

Very interesting thread.

I work in a lab doing research on Parkinson's Disease. We are trying to purify a protein that upregulates dopamine in primary neurons.

I love the work, but it requires lots of time. Thats why I workout in the lab.
Sounds great, Dawn. I sometimes think of switching gears and becoming a real estate agent. I love the buildings in my neighborhood, and the history around here is so rich, I could really lose myself in it. Great idea!

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