What "different" foods do you love?

RE: What

<Someone mentioned salmon- mmmm, yummy. Especially smoked salmon, stinks, but it's very good!>

I'm tellin' ya, it's delicious! Especially in a bun!
RE: What

Someone said noodles with cottage cheese - my mom does that. We also do noodles in hot milk with honey or noodles with blueberries (frozen or fresh - heat up in pot with sugar and let boil and pour on top of noodles). Weird but yummy! :9
RE: What

Buckwheat Groats are a staple in our house--quinoa too.

One of my favorite vegetables is Bitter Melon (Kerela). My husband knows how to prepare this, but not many of our American friends take to it. It is a favorite in India. The best thing about it is that it is a food which is actually anti-diabetic and regulates blood sugar. I still think it's one of the best kept secrets of the Far East.
RE: What

cool topic!

Of course I don't eat this much now, since doing Cathe ;-), but....

toast bread - 2 slices
smear with peanut butter
add bacon (crispy)
and make a sandwich

This is so good! Something I ate as a kid as I didn't like BLT's. I actually did this for a 7th or 8th grade demonstration speech and the class loved it. Something about the saltiness and sweetness :)

I also used to love taking Lay's (must be Lay's) Potato Chips and scoop up some applesauce!

It's the salty/sweet mix for me I guess!

RE: What

If it lives in the sea, or grows out of the ground, I'll eat it. I'm much less adventurous in regard to animals, though (not much of a meat eater).

I think I take after my Dad. He used to take frequent business trips to China back in the seventies. He would walk into the restaurants in China and say "bring me whatever the chef likes to eat". They loved feeding him. :+
RE: What

I guess I can only think of a couple things. When I was growing up we always had cornbread with our beans (that's not the odd thing). Then after dinner, we'd have the cornbread as dessert. Sometimes stuffing it in a glass with milk or even better we'd crumble it in a bowl with peanut butter and syrup. Totally decadent and kind of nasty in retrospect. I couldn't eat it that way now without a stomachache (well, maybe a few bites).

I also went through a phase as a youngster when my favorite sandwich consisted of banana, avocado, cheese, and peanut butter and I layered it in a specific order but I can't remember the order...cheese next to the peanut butter, I think.

I'm fairly adventurous eater when traveling; I've eaten things that I didn't know what they were--and they usually turned out to be great.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]

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