What "different" foods do you love?

RE: What

>My guily pleasure is Dulse. It's an East Coast thing. I can
>eat a big bag in no time!

Mmm...I like the applewood smoked dulse. And that or regular dulse in sandwiches or salads.

I also like:
Homemade sorbet made with Açaí pulp.
Maca (in my smoothies)
Raw pinenuts
Wheat grass
Chocolate smoothies with blueberries
RE: What

Steak tartare is actually supposed to be made with ground filet or other prime cut of meat, not hamburger. And no, it's not cooked at all. When you order it at a restaurant (I haven't seen it here much), they prepare it right at the table.
RE: What

When I was a kid I would smother white bread with butter and pour sugar on top. I guess you'd call that a sugar sandwich. It sounds so gross to me now. Oh, and I used to eat banana and mayonnaise sandwiches. God, I used to be disgusting! :p

RE: What

That is so funny that other people put chips on their tuna sandwich! I usually always used cheetos. That was sooo good. Sometimes I would make just a chip sandwich. Thanks for bringing back a fond memory. :9

RE: What

The Salmon on a bun sounds delish. Really. I like to mix my peas and mashed potatoes together. Does that count? And my DD hates to have her food touch, so my DH and her boyfriend like to hide peas in her mashed potatoes. She's such a princess though. She always finds them.

I make a rice stuffing at Thanksgiving that has currents, allspice, cinnamon and pine nuts in it. Some people think it's weird, but it is wonderful.
RE: What

Wellll Shelley, you are certainly correct in that it should be made with a nicer cut of meat..... I don't remember that we ever ate nicer cuts of meat at home!

This was my family making this dish way back in the 1970's and whatever we did, we did it the cheap way! x(

I always had the wrong kind of clothes and the wrong kind of shoes - we were buying generic before there even was such a thing.

Not poor, just cheap. But I did try lots of different foods.

And nope Runnergirl it was fresh and raw right out of the package - just some onions and spices mixed in. It's actually delicious and I'd have it again if I went to a place where I trusted the preparation.

I've never had it at a restaruant.

But I have had ceviche (sp?) the raw fish in citrus juice? That's fantastic - very clean and fresh tasting.
RE: What

Oh Robin you reminded me of my friend who makes what I call "kinky" stuffing each Thanksgiving. Oysters, sausages, other oddities.

I'm a little bit of a Thanksgiving purist. You can have your kinky stuffing some other day!

RE: What

Hmmmm...let's see....

Well for starters, I LOVE anchovies!

I like low fat cottage cheese mixed with some splenda eaten right out of a bowl.

I like ww noodles with cottage cheese mixed in.

I've even put l/f cottage cheese on my turkey sandwich as a replacement for l/f mayo and it wasn't half bad! LOL

I don't know if you all will find those wierd but I've gotten strange looks and comments in the past from others (including my DH!)...:7
RE: What

When I was little I used to eat white rice with ketchup on it. Nowadays people think I'm weird because I eat tofu.
RE: What

Wow, tneah, I thought I was the queen of strange with my love of mustard, bacon, and peanut butter sandwiches, but tuna and Equal? I do believe I will have to give up my crown!
RE: What

Fried dill pickles... some people think it is weird.
Cottage cheese with a dab of mayo, tomatoes, & green onions.
Lettuce wilted with buttermilk.
RE: What

When I was a kid I LOVED peanut butter and marshmallow cream on white Wonder bread. We also used to put milk in an almost empty jelly jar, shake it up and then drink it.

Both of those "yummy" treats were created by my lovely grandmother. I miss her and those sandwiches!
RE: What

Ok .. here goes ..

stewed tomatoes and rice (DH introduced this to me) DELISH

I don't know if you have heard of Wickle Pickles .. but they are a sweet and sour spicy pickle .. one Wickle Pickle and a slice of cheese on a ritz cracker .. heaven!!

rag balogna w/cheddar cheese on a saltine

Some things I don't think is weird but others do .. I love fried okra, home made brunswick stew, raw and baked oysters, fried salmon croquets, salmon straight out of a can w/hot sauce, and my DH thinks it is strange that I like vinegar and salt potato chips!

Now growing up my father ate anything that moved {{ warning the follwing is really gross }}} .... rattle snake, wild hog, rabbit, brains and eggs, chittlins (sp?) {{ ack }} {{ cough }}} ... YUCK .. think that is why I was so skinny growing up .. YUCK!
RE: What

A big fat medjool date split with the pit out and a generous dab of almond butter:9

Cottage cheese, almonds, pineapple, spinach and a few bacon bits:9

Avacado right out of the skin, tastes like grass butter....:9

Shelley, I used to do tuna and chip sandwiches too, it's ALL about the *squish* *CRUNCH*, yummy!

Take Care
RE: What

>When I was little I used to eat white rice with ketchup on
>it. Nowadays people think I'm weird because I eat tofu.

Um, I still do that.....

RE: What

Every Thanksgiving I make a salad that our family enjoys(well 3 of us anyway) It is called- bananas, peas, pickles, and cheese. The combination of flavors is delish:p

Someone mentioned salmon- mmmm, yummy. Especially smoked salmon, stinks, but it's very good!

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