What are your favs from the Body Blast series??


Looking for advanced favorites here..I heard that some of the tapes are not as advanced as some would like so I only want to get the advanced ones...I have Kick, Punch and Crunch, which I totally love..any other suggestions
Step, Jump & Pump, Step Blast, Legs & Glutes and of course KP&C. I also reach for the Timesaver DVD whenever I'm short on time.

I enjoy PP/SS. The original workouts are great when you are short on time or energy but if you pick one of the premixes they can be pretty intense.

KPC...i like the cardio here and though not in the bodyblast series i like Bootcamp, again because of the intense cardio.

I love push/pull and supersets. I heavy up and this is just doing the workouts as is! I have only done these workouts on Fit Tv no less! Real inspired to get them!:)
Step Blast is my favourite right now (my favourites keep on changing). This workout has a lot of different choreography to keep it interesting and the moves flow so well. I never trip with this workout and when you need that extra motivation at the end, the music gives you that extra kick. I love the music during the blasts.
I did StepBlast this morning and had a terrific workout, I really dug into the intervals and pushed it hard today. StepBlast and SP&J are my favourites of the BodyBlast series but that could change next week!!!:)

Take Care
I love this entire series. I know some have posted that the SS and PP were not as tough as some of the other strength workouts but I have gotten great results from doing the premixes from these two workouts.

I love them all! This is my favorite series because of the variety. But, if I had to pick one it would be the SJP and Step Blast DVD.
I would say KPC/LG is the toughest and most fun and effective, lots of useful premixes.

Next up I would say StepBlast and SJP, but I use a lot of premixes on this one.

Next is Timesaver, I use all the upper body segments together, I never use them as short workouts.

I think SS/PP is hard to work with, not very difficult. Some of the premixes are good, and I make a workout using the Mix n Match. It was the biggest disappointment to me of the series.
Thanks for your opinions..I think i will get SJP AND Stepblast and leg and glutes then... Most people were not happy with ss/pp as I read in a previous post and just wanted to confirm that and the others were a thumbs up... $25.00 a video is too much to spend and be disappointed. :)
The push-pull/supersets dvd is awesome. The premixes are amazing! I did the Supersets lower body blast premix on Friday evening (only 33 minutes). Today is Sunday, and my lower body is still extremely sore (in a good way:) ). That is the best lower body workout ever IMO. The workouts my seem short, but the variety of exercises in this DVD makes the workout selection almost endless. I strongly recommend this DVD. But make use of the premixes. Helen
I agree Helen. You can get good workouts with SS/PP, but only by using the premixes or creating something on your own using the Mix n Match menu. I am just disappointed in the workouts "as is".
After KPC I would go for Step Blast for cardio. I love L&G. I also like PP & SS. I have never done SS or PP as is though. I used the 3 sets premixes of PP or the Blasts of SS. I actually came off of a rotation using the SS Blasts being able to lift heavier on S&H for upper and feeling like the Pyramids were easy. I couldn't do just one set of each exercise and feel like I devoted enough attention to a bodypart. I might use these as is if I was really short on time during a week and needed to get some of everything in.
Diane Sue
here's another vote for pp/ss. i like using the leg premix! like shilo, i had extremely sore legs after doing that one. it packs a lot of punch for a 33 min. workout. my other faves are spj and stepblast. i like to do just spj step and then add on the hi/lo. that's a fun workout. and lastly, legs and glutes is a great workout. i like that you don't need a barbell. it's nice just to use dumbbells. you will still feel it though. :eek:

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