What are you reading right now?

It absolutely tickles me that two of you gave confessed to reading military history. I thought I was the only woman who read such things! My favorite book of all is Philip Caputo's "A Rumor of War" in case anyone is interested.
I did not enjoy Memory Keeper's Daughter, even though I was so excited to read it. I thought the idea was good, but the author didn't go anywhere with it. There were no exciting "scenes", and the characters just kept thinking the same thing over and over again. Good idea but no follow through. I like a little more excitement.

I do recommend the Tea Rose, which I just finished and LOVED. Begins somewhat SAD for those of you who prefer to stay away from that.

I love historical epic fiction, like Gone with the Wind, Pillars of the Earth, The Thornbirds, and Shogun. Any suggestions?

I looked that up on Amazon. I should get it. I was born in '67, and the Vietnam war is the most intriguing to me.
Currently I'm reading "What the Dead Know" by Laura Lippman. It's a good read and I do recommend it.

Not long before Virginia Tech, I finished "19 Days" by Jody Piccoult. She is one of my favorite writers, but even before the latest school massacre, I found this book to be so devoid anything to pin a hope on that I just was happy to finish it and put it aside. It was extremely well written, but the subject was so dark and heavy that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they enjoy reading about dungeons with no escape.

I always try to have The Bible going too -- right now, it's the book of Acts -- one of the most "fun" books, in my opinion. I've read The Bible a few times through. Some of it is tough going, but it's an amazing work -- written over 1700 years by 40 different authors and no major contradictions!
If that's the case I think you really like it. It's a fascinating and disturbing book and Caputo is well read and a very good writer. he was one of the first marines to land in Danang in '65 and one of the last Americans to leave Vietnam as a reporter. If you do read it, I'd love to know what you think.
>"Band of Brothers" by Stephen Ambrose. Just finished "Flags
>Of Our Fathers" by James Bradley yesterday.

How did you like those two? Marnie
I just picked up The Painted Veil by Somerset Maugham. I saw the movie version at Target the other day, thought it looked good. The last book I read was the new one by Ron McLarty, The Traveler. The book is set in my childhood hometown of East Providence, RI, so it was fun to read(book was serious, funny and good). Another book very wonderful book, but it left me shaken to the core was The Year of Magical Thinking. Couldn't put it down, and outright sobbed in some parts...perfect to shake up how you view the ones you love the most, and how you never know what might be the last moment you spend with them.... My kids and I are such library nerds.....we are there 2 times a week and almost never go anywhere without a book in our hands.

I am reading Finders Keepers by Fern Micheals.

This is a great thread I love to read, so this is great way to find interesting picks.

I just finished a book called "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggerich. I loved it, and it has been so insightful for me regarding my husbands needs. I have put the author's advice to work during potential arguments with my husband, and it's unbelievable how it totally diffuses the problem. My husband is more loving when I am more respectful... It's not easy, but it's worth it. I just gave it to my mom for Mother's Day.

I'm also reading the Bible, just finished Acts...into Romans. Always found Romans to be difficult to understand, but I'm reading it from the New Living Translation and that's way easier to understand..

Also on my nightstand "Talent is Never Enough" by Dr. John Maxwell, and a book called "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhan. That's another interesting book--gives a great look into the male mind! She conducted a large professional survey of men for the book...very good to read!

I am currently reading "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder". This fall I will be doing an internship at a local environmental learning center and during my meeting with the director, he gave me this book to read. It gives an idea of why they are doing what they are doing at the learning center.

So far it's a good book...and it makes me glad that my daughter loves to go up to the mountains with me!


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