What are you reading right now?


Since we have a highly-literate crowd, I thought I would see what everyone is reading for fun (or-not-so-fun).

I'm reading "Jenny & The Jaws Of Life," a collection of short stories by Jincy Willett. So far, it's completely engrossing. She has a way of making you laugh while painting rather odd yet compelling portraits of normal people experiencing out of the ordinary events. It was published in 1987, but went out of print for 15 years before being re-released in 2002.

So what are you reading?
I just finished "Whatever Makes You Happy" by Lisa Grunwald. It was just published. It's a quick read about a woman who is writing a book about happiness and predictably, begins to question her own definition of happiness. I liked the way it was written and included in the plot was some real research that has been done about happiness.


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
I'm reading "Don't Eat This Book" by the guy who did the Supersize Me film. I can't remember his name and I'm too lazy to go upstairs to find out.

I didn't see the film. The book is pretty interesting, but I do get tired of reading page after page of the author bashing McDonalds and the fast food industry. I'm about halfway through and I'm thinking, "enough already - McDonalds is bad and evil - I get it!". But, there's a lot of good information in the book.

"Before the Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause". Lots of good information. After that I am going to read Dr. Denese's "Secrets for Ageless Skin". Yup....I am at that age!;)

Well I just finished Philippa Gregory's Wideacre trilogy. Trashy, Trashy, Trashy but really well written and a good commentary on the lengths a woman will go to get what she wants. I actually stayed up until 2am for two days finishing the book because I couldn't put it down. If you are going a cruise or a vacation definitely something to look for.
I am reading The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg, one of my all-time favorite authors. I pretty much love all her books.

I am listening to Aloft by Chang Rae Lee in the car commute and so far it's pretty good, too!
Right now I am reading Jayne Ann Krentz, Falling Awake. I ususally am reading something for entertainment and then some book that I am researching a topic. I just ordered Janet Evanovich's 11th book in her series. I am really looking forwards to this one. They don't last me long enough though:)

Diane Sue
Since it is summer, I am reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The movie will be coming out this fall and I always like to read the book before I see the movie. (My DD would never let me miss going to the movie!)

Crabbyella! have you read The Other Boleyn Girl or The Queen's Fool by Phillipa Gregory? I recommend The Other Boleyn Girl....it was very interesting and made me read a whole lot more about Henry the 8th and Anne Boleyn.

Oh and I am next on the waiting list at the library for Zorro by Isabelle Allende!!

Finally, lest you think I am shirking...I read the Kite Runner in February and am looking forward to the book club discussions later. It was a very good book.
In the living room I am reading "The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks...who I adore and will read any book sight unseen written by him.

On my nightstand I actually have a stack to choose from depending on my mood before bed. I have "The Good Earth", "Moby Dick", and several health book on peri menopause and the like. Not to mention a load of magazines. I also have my bible for the morning.

In the car is still a book I grabbed because I just thought it looked cute for summer and there is a lot of hype about the movie coming out. Something about Sister and Travelling Pants. I have no idea because I barely skimmed the cover, but it seems like it could be a fun easy read.

Does anyone else have more than one book going? I love to read, and will try just about anything. I seem to always have more than one going, yet there are times I will sit down and finish a book in a day or two if I get really caught up in it.
I've been on a Lee Child kick for a few weeks. I'm just finishing up Without Fail, a Reacher novel. I absolutely the Reacher character! It's a mystery, suspense, get justice kind of thing...I'm into those kinds of stories.

Connie :D
I am going to reread "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner since it's been decades since I cracked it. Ali's summer reading is quite impressive and I am sneaking into her stockpile of books since she forgot to take them to Germany. Aside from Faulkner, she has Hemingway, Fiztgerald, Sinclair, Steinbeck and Paine and they look so neglected. This is assming I can stay awake or comprehend any of it. I took Sydney to a rock concert in Phoenix last night and discovered I am as old I think I am. :D At least today with too little sleep.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
You guys are impressive!!! I wish I had the time to read, but it's not happening at this time in my life. Maybe in the distant future when my children are a tad older.

NOW I could quote from any number of Dr. Seuss, my favorite being "Mr. Brown can moo can you???"


edited to correct my spelling of Dr. Seuss, oh my it's late!!
On my night stand, Winnie Weeks, a Monolog. It a slim little book from the 40's a friend loaned me. Winnie is a funny, kind of lame-brained lady who sort of takes over any conversation that's started. Otherwise, I just started A Time of Predators, by Joe Gore. It's a crime novel written in 1969.
Hi Clare,
I am currently re reading a Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I read it for the first time when I was in highschool.
The books I most recently finished were " A Thread of Grace" about the resistance in Italy during World War II and "The Kiterunner" which is the selected book for the bookclub here.
I had started reading "Wicked" by Gregory Macguire a couple of weeks before Joey was born...needless to say I haven't opened the book since (LOL) but I hope to again soon...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

>I am reading The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg, one of
>my all-time favorite authors. I pretty much love all her
>I am listening to Aloft by Chang Rae Lee in the car commute
>and so far it's pretty good, too!

ncl, do you like The Year of Pleasures? I love Elizabeth Berg also, but was hesitant to buy it in hardcover. What do you think?

I am reading "Green River, Running Red" by Ann Rule. It's very sad for me because I've read everything else by her over the past two years and now I need to find another author. I've read all Patricia Cornwell's books, too.

I have been thinking about the Janet Evanovich series of books.

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