What are you reading right now?

I haven't read the DaVince Code, in part because people won't leave me alone about it! I have enough of a backlog of books to last me through retirement, so I don't think that one is going to be on the list anytime soon. :D If you finish it and it turns out to be fabulous, let me know, though!
I haven't read the Da Vinci Code!!!!!! I don't intend to either!

Just because something's a best seller--pooh to that!

Phew, glad to know I'm not alone in this. If I like a book I hate having to put it down. But this one.... I have to make myself pick it up and read when I'm have my sandwhich for lunch, or before I go to sleep. I really don't know what all the fuss is about :) Wish I could eat cookies, makes reading more fun :) :)
>I just bought Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz. Although I
>haven't found any time to start reading it.

My mom likes him. She's into all of the horror/thriller stuff. She loves Stephen King and a few others as well. I read a book or two of hers but I'm too big of a chicken to appreciate the scarey stuff. lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

I read the Da Vinci code a long time ago, before all the fuss, and didn't love the story or Dan Brown's particular style, but was very intrigued by the history and conspiracy stuff. So much has been done on it now that it has really lost its appeal. But it's good to raise questions...questions are good.

Right now I'm finishing up Running With Scissors which I've written about on another thread, and have put down Saturday by Ian McEwan to do so, but can't wait to get back to it because I loved Atonement and think I will love Saturday too.

Can't wait for the Kite Runner discussion in September!

Why did you guys hate the "Da Vinci Code"? I loved it so much I read it in two days!!! I thought it was fantastic. Well, different strokes I guess :)
Dani, I read about the book you are reading, sounds interesting. Isn't the author a former writer for the NY Times Magazine? A killer stole his identity.

Allison, I read about Perfection too. I saw this a few weeks ago, and really want to read it. I watch Gordon Ramsay, and he is obsessed with getting a third Michelin star, I think he might have already. Anyhow, this subject is intriguing to me.

About the DaVinci Code, my husband and family loved it. They have read Dan Brown's other books too. I haven't read it yet. I want to, but haven't got around to it. My MIL lent it to me, and she is befuddled why I haven't read it yet. :)

I'm currently reading "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult and am also reading "You: The Owner's Manual" by Roizen and Oz. I have so many waiting in the wings it's not even funny.

Shelley - Bill Bryson is one of my favorite authors but I agree that "A Short History of Everything" is a very tough read. I started it and then put it down.

"befuddled" - great word, Lori! lol!

I liked DaVinci Code, I thought it raised a lot of interesting theories. I have Brown's "Angels & Demons" but haven't read it yet.

>Dani, I read about the book you are reading, sounds
>interesting. Isn't the author a former writer for the NY
>Times Magazine? A killer stole his identity.
>already. Anyhow, this subject is intriguing to me.

Hi Lori,

Yes, the killer stole the reporter's identity and the reporter tried to get to know why he did it. The reporter is Michael Finkel the author. (NY Times writer) Michael Finkel is the only reporter the killer would talk to about what happened.
Since I will read just about anything about Queen Elizabeth I, I just finished Queen of this Realm by Jean Plaidy.

Laurie Mac
I love Patricia Cornwell too! I haven't read any in a while though.
Right now I am reading Approval Addiction by Joyce Meyer. It's really enlightening.
I love this forum! The best workout videos a girl could ask for AND people who love to read? I'm in heaven!

I'm a bit embarrased to list the book I'm reading right now. My 12 year old daughter was reading the author and I wanted to know what she was reading, so I picked up the book and got hooked. It's by Tamora Pierce and called "First Test".

I'm also getting set to read the Harry Potter series again just in time for the next book release in July.

But I do read adult books as well... I love Michael Creighton (he's earlier stuff especially - I love the fact the he is a doctor and really knows what he's talking about). I also like Jean Auel - will dig the Clan of the Cave Bear series out again soon. I love Tami Hoag and I'll reluctantly admit a fondness for the predictability of Nora Roberts.
As much as I want to, I really don't have time for books right now, unless they have something to do with sensory integration dysfunction. So I'm reading the current issue of Time magazine, and their report on the real estate boom, real estate being another interest of mine.

I just read what I typed and thought: Good Lord, I HAVE a boring life!x(

I just finished two Barbara Kingsolver books, "High Tide in Tucson" (a collection of essays) and "Pigs in Heaven" and am now reading "A Virtuous Woman" whose author I can't remember at the moment.
If you like Barbara Kingsolver, you must read The Poisonwood Bible. It's one of my favorites of all time. Prodigal Summer is very good, too. Since you've read her others, maybe you've read these, also, but I thought I'd mention them again since I am a big Kingsolver fan.

Happy Reading!
Lori Ann,

The Other Boleyn Girl is in my stack. My dad is very upset with me because I gave my mom the Wideacre trilogy and she spent their ENTIRE fishing weekend reading them and not fishing :)

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