What a nice compliment from a stranger


and I'm still smiling from ear to ear.......

I was in the hallway a little while ago waiting on the elevator and there was a guy waiting also. Well in the elevator he asked me if I work out and I said, "yes" he then asked if I compete, I said "no", he said well you should because you have a competitor's body. Of course I thanked him.

......man was I smiling from ear to ear.


Hmmm. It seems you've been hearing this alot - first from people here, now from complete strangers. Maybe you should consider it.

Awww man you guys are too sweet. Thanks for the compliment.

I have issues other than wearing a bikini and flaunting it. If I get into details about them, you guys will be over me like white on rice, or maybe not, alright here goes:

For ex: make-up can hide all the scars, but what can hide the eyes. My eyes are slightly crossed. This has been a HUGH issue since I was very young. I never knew I was cross eyed until kids in school started teasing me saying things like, I thought you were talking to me, but you're looking over there. Some things just never leave you. I can get pass the hugh birth mark on my right shoulder, but the eye thing is something else.

Although I wear glasses I still can't speak to anyone (really) and give them eye to eye contact, b/c if I look too long I feel my eye getting weak and wandering. When I take the glasses off and forget for the moment about my eyes, just as soon as I start to speak with someone and they slightly glance behind them, all the childhood memories come back.

Red Mct, what color?:D

Edited to say: I have 10 sisters & one brother and they never made fun of my eyes. They only called me four eyes sometimes, which I accepted b/c I had the extra eyes....glasses.


Haydee, you are not alone. I had a lazy eye at birth and am still living with it. Back then, physicians did not operate early and my first surgery was at age 7 or 8. It didn't totally correct the problem and I wore glasses until my teens when I refused to wear them due to being teased all the time. I had a second surgery at age 16 which helped straighten the eye a bit more. When I got into my thirties it started to wander back again and now at 44 it is more noticeable than ever. I looked into a third surgery from three different specialists and was told that there is over a 50% risk of double vision with the added risk that once again, the eye would revert back to lazy. Well, I could think of a lot of people and things I would rather not see two of in exchange for perfectly straight eyes, so I'm gonna live my life with a lazy eye. It is the only part of me that is lazy after all.

Yes, there are morons who ask me about it and it is annoying to say the least. I mean, how can I NOT know I have a lazy eye?! It's like saying to someone, "Hey, did you know you are going bald? One woman at work even said, "How come you don't get it fixed?" like it was any of her business. Imagine seeing two of these types of people? :7

The opthomologists I saw were really surprised that my vision is so good with the severity of my strombisis (sp?). I can see very well and only need reading glasses for small fonts, but that's an age thing, LOL!

I think there are varying degrees of eye-turns as well. Demi Moore was born with a lazy eye and the third surgery corrected it when she was younger.

There is never a day that goes by where I am not self-conscious about it, but I have my health, fitness, and an otherwise positive self image.

Thanks Roe for words of confidence. LOL on not wanting to see certain people twice.

Wow Roe you're a brave person to have your eyes corrected. I've considered surgery many times, but kept thinking I won't be able to see again. I know there are many people out here with a situation, and like I said some things just never go away. Maybe the way the kids teased me. They were all around me in a circle and the main girl kept yelling "googly eyes, she got googly eyes, she ain't even looking at me". And when you have no friends in school, it's worse b/c fear of getting beat up by the gang of them. Thank God that's all over with.


Hey maybe if the cameraman will only take sides shots then I'll wear the bikini top & boy cut shorts}( }( }( }( }(

Thanks again Roe.


My niece, now 13, has strabismus (sp?). She has had the surgery, when she was very young and it improved slightly, her eyes are still a little bit crossed. I am sorry you went through that,Haydee! People can be really cruel. I think if you did choose to compete you would be a wonderful example and testimony to other people who may have similar issues with their eyes.

Wow, what a great compliment. I bet you are beaming from ear-to-ear! You go girl. I bet those eyes of yours are just as beautiful as you! Keep up the hard work.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You DO look great! I'm sure those kids in school wouldn't say a thing to you now, or you'd kick someone's butt. :p

I appreciate the discussion about the lazy eye. My daughter has this and hasn't had it corrected. She did wear a patch a few years ago but I'm going to wait until she is 13 (two more years) to seriously consider surgery. She wears glasses now. I don't think this bothers her unless she has her glasses off, then someone may say something.

Haydee, you do look incredible. You are my goal. I'm hoping by summer I will have a physique close to yours, if I'd stop injuring myself, I'm sure I will.

You should consider competing. I know your eye is a concern, but honey, no one will be looking at your eyes! I feel for you, because I know what its like to be teased in school. Kids are relentless. I had very blonde hair in school, it actually was white. (With age it has darkened to a dish-water blonde.) I use to be called "albino" or "whitey" and hated every name. A couple girls tried burning my hair with their lighters on the bus one day. Thank God I seen them from the corner of my eye because I would have been badly hurt if they actually got away with it.

Now I'd love to see these girls when I'm wearing a tank top and shorts. They use to tell me they'd kick my ass, well I bet I can kick their asses with one hand tied behind my back right now!!!

Anyways, think twice about your decision, you are a true inspiration and I know you'd do well if you competed.
Debbie in OH
>Haydee, you do look incredible. You are my goal. I'm hoping
>by summer I will have a physique close to yours, if I'd stop
>injuring myself, I'm sure I will.
>You should consider competing. I know your eye is a concern,
>but honey, no one will be looking at your eyes! I feel for
>you, because I know what its like to be teased in school.
>Kids are relentless. I had very blonde hair in school, it
>actually was white. (With age it has darkened to a dish-water
>blonde.) I use to be called "albino" or "whitey" and hated
>every name. A couple girls tried burning my hair with their
>lighters on the bus one day. Thank God I seen them from the
>corner of my eye because I would have been badly hurt if they
>actually got away with it.
>Now I'd love to see these girls when I'm wearing a tank top
>and shorts. They use to tell me they'd kick my ass, well I
>bet I can kick their asses with one hand tied behind my back
>right now!!!
>Anyways, think twice about your decision, you are a true
>inspiration and I know you'd do well if you competed.
>Debbie in OH

All I can say right now is Thank You. You guys don't know how much you mean to me. This forum is where all my friends are.



That is an awesome compliment! I agree with everyone here... you should compete lady Haydee!!!

When God Blesses you with a gift, you must not hide it under a rug. go forth and get your azz on the compitition floor. Your husband got your back.

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