Sorry for the confusion over the pics...But there is no place to list a link to my pic trail and I don't want it on all of my posts!
Thanks, Wendy and Kim, for explaining things for Jeanette. I don't know if I will get in a workout today or not. We were out pretty late last night...and then CBL and I got into a
huge fight...all his fault, let me add
...He apologized profusely this morning...but I didn't sleep very well, and I also have some psych reading to accomplish this afternoon.
Quickie personals.....
Dear soul! Hope the paving project is going well today!!!
How lucky you are to have DH help you get in all your exercise for the weekend!
I bet you were really thankful to see your parents show up last night!!!
Tacos sound yummy!
I'm awake...and have been since 7 this morning when I woke up mad!!
And no, my conversation wasn't very adult last night...That darn drama queen I am dating was acting like an a$$.
I play Webkinz games all the time for relaxation...Silly, hunh??
Hope you are feeling less tired this afternoon...did I give you some sort of fatigue bug???
Back to the old grindstone tomorrow, hunh??
At least you are completely caught up with your workouts...LOL!
Hope DS's suture appt goes well. Yes, we get our results instantly online...the test gets graded automatically. I also have a short written assignment every week that the teacher grades herself.
Okay....I'm off to read...and then hop in the bed....blissfully alone!!