Wet Weekend Watercoolers

Just starting us off...back in a while to catch up bit...Sorry I never got back yesterday. :( But I was really to stupid to carry on a conversation yesterday! :eek: I don't know what has happened to my brain lately!! :eek::eek:
Is everything ok Debra?

Wendy, how did your test go?
Very quiet around the cooler yesterday, hope everyone is busy having a fun weekend! Kim
What are you talking about?!?!?! You are NOT stupid, airheaded, or flighty. I hope those headaches and drugs aren't affecting you!!!;)

I was wiped out yesterday after I got home from class. Did I ever tell ya'll that I'm not a big fan of my teacher? Phil says that's an understatement.:rolleyes: Maybe I have higher expectations and different standards for appropriate behavior. Maybe, I'm just jealous. :D How would you feel if you are trying to learn how to do a front body massage sequence and the teacher spends the last hour massaging another student's back? Okay, we select partners. One person is the practice body while their partner massages. Halfway through the class, we switch. The person on the table massages their partner for the rest of the class. Well, there was a student who didn't have a partner, so she was watching a pair of students practice. So, the second half of the class, the teacher gave her a back massage while the students practicing massage were left to fend for themselves. My partner had a question that I couldn't answer... I'm not her teacher and I have different body mechanics... And, my teacher was a bit pissed at having to stop massaging this student's back to come over and help her. You could hear it in her voice. WTF! I wouldn't mind so much if our class size was smaller. But, we have freaking 20 people. That's a lot of people for one teacher. What say you?

I've got BM2 on tap for this afternoon. Eldest dd finished her schoolwork yesterday on her own. So, I only have the twins to teach today. It should go fast.:)

Be back in a bit. Gotta catch up reading.

Thanks for letting me vent.
sharing news

Hi all,

I have to tell someone; I passed the ACE exam!

Now I have to figure out what to do.......

Debra - Maybe your brain is fried from school. Having to think can do that sometimes....

Wendy - I have no tolerance for poor teachers. It's too much time and money to sit with someone who can't teach.

Kim - I hope all is going well at your house.

Jeanette - Pave away. My parents have pavers and they are nice; we have gravel....

My workouts sort of took a backseat this week as I did the final prep for the exam. It was back to the usual yesterday.

I guess we'll all be floating away by the end of today.

CONGRATS!!!!! I am so proud of you!!! When will you start training clients? I am in awe of you and Traci for having the perserverence to stay the course on your own. You are such a motivation!!!

You must have posted while I was venting. I got an A on my massage theory test. We ended up not taking the anatomy quiz. Instead of taking the quiz, the teacher will be going over it on Monday. We'll use it as a study guide for our test. I wished I had known earlier. I could have spent my time more wisely. Did I tell you that I'm not fond of this teacher.;)
Congrats on passing your exam!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I knew you would do great!!! So...what do you want to do now??? I mean...if you could do whatever you want?? I know...my brain is just over taxed right now...and I am a goofball anyway...LOL! :eek: Good to see you pop by...and thanks for sharing your great news! :)

You already know my thoughts on your teach....so I won't even go there! :eek::eek::eek: Glad you aced your test, though....Always a good thing!! You are always allowed to vent to us...That is what we are here for! :) Poor Phil....I am sure he got an earful last night! :p I told Julia what you said about her hair...and she was just grinning! :cool: Tayler is such a good girl for getting all of her school work done! Give her a good pat on the head...lol. ;)

All is well!! Just busy and goofy...Nothing else! I can't believe you did all of BM2 yesterday!!! :eek::eek::eek: You are a much better woman than me!!! How is DS??? Hope he is healing well. :)

Okay...that catches me up for today...I really do have to turn off the computer and study for a while so that I can take my psych test today. Back later to get to yesterday's personals...:). I am planning on some sort of yoga today....eventually! :rolleyes:
Finished a 4mile run and StretchMax. I hadn't run much this summer so thought I would be really slow, so was happy to finish the 4 miles in 42 minutes.

Tracy Congrats on the passing the exam!

Debra- DS is doing well, he's becoming a Scrabble addict!

Wendy- Congrats on the A! How frustrating on the teacher, have you spoke to the administration?? When I took anatomy, all our exams were bellringers down in the lab (on real bodies that we dissected). Good luck with BM2

Hope Patricia is having a great holiday and that Laurie is having a good rest on her first non-faire weekend! Waving to Jeanette, busy working on the pavers!

Got to go, dd wants the computer to play Webkins!She had to buy a lizard yesterday because her froggy was lonely :D Kim
Just checking in...

Wish I could say it's going well, but it's not. We've run out of sand (may have to dig some out of my arena, or hoping that the sand place that sells and delivers it calls back. The plate vibrator we picked up yesterday at the rental store wouldn't run so we couldn't use it last night and had to return it this morning for another one. DH just went to the store for some beer. I might start drinking too
. I had hoped to have been well into the laying of paver process. Instead, we're still putting sand on top of the gravel and have to screed it still. I really don't think I'll be laying any pavers until tomorrow morning or maybe tonite. DS is coming up from Reno tomorrow so he can help too.

I'm sure it will all be fine in the end, but boy...
Just a quick little post before getting in the shower for a night amongst adults!! :D I ended up doing PY4H Tragically Hips....and boy did I need that!! :eek::D I got a 96 on my psych test...so all in all a productive day! :)

OMG!! Your post completely cracked me up!! :p I know you guys are not having any fun at all today....but I could literally hear you saying all of that in my head! :eek::D:D Hope things get better and go smoother for the rest of your weekend. It may help to have at least one beer...sounds like you could use it! :rolleyes:

Sounds like you had a nice workout today. Congrats on the running!! :) That is one of my least favorite things to do! :rolleyes: I'm glad DS is doing well. My DD has millions (it seems) of Webkinz!

Okay....ladies, have a good rest of your evening..and I will see you all tomorrow sometime!
Congrats on the great mark Deb! So how does that work, you take the test online, and you know your score right away??

Jeanette, household projects are always so frustrating, glad you're making the best of it! Kim
Hello girls,
Well, we finally got the slope laid out, sand screed and I was in business. I'm about 3/4 of the way done with laying the pavers so we made good progress. I sure had my doubts all right. I just got done working and it's 9 p.m. DH is tired, but I pressed on. My folks stopped by, dropped some melons and tomatoes by and DH fed them tacos. It was nice to stop and sit for about an hour, then started working again. I'm sure I'm going to wake up and feel like I'm ninety. Maybe DH and I'll go out for an early breakfast and then hit it again.

Debra, great score on your psych test!
I should take a psychology class sometime. I wonder what makes people tick, and what motivates people. Where are Julia's haircut pictures? Are they in your albums? I looked and looked. What conversation did you have yesterday that you regretted? Did I miss something?

Kim, good job on the 4 mile run!!!
It doesn't even sound good to me right now, my hips are aching.

Wendy, great job on your test too!
Wow, I'm surrounded by very smart women! What's with your teacher spending all that time on the student? Shouldn't she be teaching the rest of the class? I could really use a massage right now, but I'm sure DH will think he needs one more. Heck, I'm the one that's packing and placing the pavers. Oh well, it is a team effort and he did do all the ground prep work while I was playing golf and cycling. Guess I won't say too much. I kind of know when to keep my mouth shut.;)

Tracy, great job on passing your ACE exam!!!
I think you will make a fabulous trainer. What are your plans?

I REALLY NEED TO JUMP IN THE SHOWER... You would not believe how dirty I am.
Kim... It looks like you're on your own today. I skipped BM2 yesterday. I am soooo tired. I may or may not do it today. I'll wait to see how I feel this afternoon after lunch. WTG with running. I guess this means I'll have to dust off the treadmill. I don't have stretch max. Would X-Stretch work as a sub? They used to have a class with corpses. I don't know why they discontinued it. I could take a class in Philly with corpses, but I doubt I'll do it.

Jeanette... You are cracking me up here too!!! I totally get what you're feeling. Hopefully today will go better for you and the Captain. Did you get some stretching done this morning? You're in good shape. I'm sure your body will bounce back quickly from all this functional fitness!!! Oh! Yeah, I know. WTH is up with the teacher?!?!? You know. I already made up my mind to not accept any free massages unrelated to that day's syllabus during class time. I really think it's unethical and unprofessional.

Debra... Tayler says that she sees you on Webkinz from time to time. LOL She's still in awe over your points!!! Did you have adult conversation last night with the adults?;)

Gotta get moving. Dh just got back from taking a car load of clothes, books and toys to the Goodwill.

Jeanette -I sure hope you're not too sore today! I think you deserve a beautiful restful breakfast out! I think Debra's dd pics are in her picture trail not her album, her dd looks great!

Wendy I'm sure you're tired after a busy week of teaching AND going to school. BM2 is soo intimidating maybe just do a premix. X-Stretch is way longer than Stretch MAx. Boy, if you did BM2 and X-Stretch, you would be working out for hours!! That would be a 3 hr workout, LOL

Going to enjoy my last day off, I have to head back to work after 3 weeks away. It seems forever since I've been at work. DS has a follow up appt with the general surgeon tomorrow as well so busy day. Will plan to do Legs & Glutes today as per the rotation. DH got up early and did a 11 mile run in 1 hr 23 min :confused::confused: I can even imagine running that fast.
Kim, Oh. My. NO!!!! I'm quite content with keeping my workouts around an hour, thank you very much!:D I was thinking ahead to tomorrow's running/stretch on September's rotation. Is your son's follow-up in the afternoon after work? You're just getting thrown back into being busy again!!! Enjoy L&G. That one has a cardio factor for me!!! Shuush! I can't even imagine running that LONG!!! :eek::D

Jeanette, If you scroll over Debra's Doodles-n-Diva's name a pop-up will display her homepage link. Her homepage is her picturetrail. I wish she'd just say her picturetrail instead of homepage because I think of her Cathe MySpacePage too!!!!:mad:

Debra Dear... Yoooo Hooo. Are you awake yet?;)

Gotta get back to organizing/cleaning.


Sorry for the confusion over the pics...But there is no place to list a link to my pic trail and I don't want it on all of my posts! :eek: Thanks, Wendy and Kim, for explaining things for Jeanette. I don't know if I will get in a workout today or not. We were out pretty late last night...and then CBL and I got into a huge fight...all his fault, let me add :mad:...He apologized profusely this morning...but I didn't sleep very well, and I also have some psych reading to accomplish this afternoon. :p

Quickie personals.....

Dear soul! Hope the paving project is going well today!!! :) How lucky you are to have DH help you get in all your exercise for the weekend! :rolleyes: I bet you were really thankful to see your parents show up last night!!! :D Tacos sound yummy!

I'm awake...and have been since 7 this morning when I woke up mad!! :eek: And no, my conversation wasn't very adult last night...That darn drama queen I am dating was acting like an a$$. :confused: I play Webkinz games all the time for relaxation...Silly, hunh?? :eek: Hope you are feeling less tired this afternoon...did I give you some sort of fatigue bug??? :(

Back to the old grindstone tomorrow, hunh?? :rolleyes: At least you are completely caught up with your workouts...LOL! ;) Hope DS's suture appt goes well. Yes, we get our results instantly online...the test gets graded automatically. I also have a short written assignment every week that the teacher grades herself.

Okay....I'm off to read...and then hop in the bed....blissfully alone!! :)
Finished Legs & Glutes, you're right Wendy this one does have a cardio factor, she moves too quickly in it. I had to pause it a couple of times just to catch up on equipment changes. I did most of the ankle weight section with 5 lbs weights on before I realized that she had 2 lbs on, :confused: I switched to the 2 lbs for the glute sweeps, and inner thighs.The dumb thing is I've done this before, actually I think I do it everytime I do this workout. Boy, the stretch felt good on this one!

DS's appt is for 3:15 tomorrow but it's at the same hospital that I work at, DH is going to pick him up from school and take him. I didn't book anytime off but usually 3:30-4 is paper work time and dr's are usually late so I figure I should be able to pop over in time. If not, DH is capable. :cool: I booked off time for next Monday when he sees the orthopaedic surgeon about his leg, I was more concerned with being there for that appt.

Hope Jeanette isn't exhausted, and got some play time today!

Hope Wendy is feeling more energetic and not worrying about fitting in a workout if she's too tired.

Hope Patricia is having a great holiday!

Hope Laurie is too busy enjoying her first weekend off to check in!

Hope Debra has a great day tomorrow and blissfully empty bed tonight!

Hope I can remember how to set my alarm clock to get up to go to work!

Got to go watch "Test the Nation: Canada, eh?" and see how much I know about Canada, got to love CBC programming.

Hi Coolers,
We finished our project around 2 p.m. today. It just needs the sand swept off of it, which I'll do tomorrow after work. It turned out really, really nice. I need to build some steps that lead to the deck. Maybe tomorrow. I have to clean the camp trailer after work as DH and DS will be taking it to Wyoming on Friday (elk hunting). I played golf this afternoon, and played pretty well for me. My last lesson came in handy. Not sure what I'll do for a workout tomorrow morning. Maybe just some stretching or a golf fitness video. My hands are fatigued from gripping those pavers so no weight work for me for sure.

Kim, that L&G is a good one. I forget I have that one and don't do it very often. I'm hoping that your DS's appointment is a good one tomorrow. Oh, that first day back to work is always a bummer, so much to catch up on. Wow, your DH is FAST!!! When is his race? Is it a 1/2 marathon or whole? Breakfast out was good, I had pancakes (2 of them).:D

Debra, wow, I finally found your picture trail. Julia's hair looks GREAT! She's such a cutie! Please give her a hug for me. I have pleasant memories of helping her make the kite for school. Fights with spouses or SO's or CB's are never fun. I've known people that thrive on them, but that has never been me. Hope things get resolved.

Wendy, thanks for the directions on getting to Debra's picture trail. Who knew? Everyone but me I think. I wasn't real sore this morning, though my neck was a bit. Maybe tomorrow will be the killer soreness day. DH did say he was surprised how much endurance I had yesterday. I didn't want to quit once I started laying the pavers. Of course, it was no-brainer work.

Must sign off now, will check in tomorrow,'

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