We're in this together

Well, the 2nd opinion surgeon agrees with the first. That's good news. But he also suggested a different test if I don't improve soon called a CT myelgram. They actual inject contrast into the spinal canal and do a CT. It's quite painful and I am not ready to do it unless necessary. He also discussed different options including epidural injections. I am actually considering that. I asked this doc if he would take over my care (they don't usually do this after one has already had surgery). He said he would consider it and call me back. I like him so much better than my surgeon- who is a good surgeon but sucks at people skills. The new doc said it could take 1-2 years for me to get better. I knew that already (not from my current doc, but from other sources). I hope it's sooner.

Linda, how is your shoulder?

Judi, what are you up to today??
Catherine - I am glad to hear that the doctor's agree. Sure hopes he takes over as it is important to like your doctor. Ouch on the 1-2 years, I know that better than the alternative.

Judi - How ya feeling today?

Shoulder is doing pretty well, head is all stuffed up though. Did 4ds Biceps & Triceps, subbing Floor Close Grip Presses for the dips, and standing hammer curls for the inclines. In hind sight not sure it's wise to work the biceps with an irritated long head but the doctor didn't say I couldn't he just said no overhead shoulder work and no bench presses or flyes.
Catherine- Ditto on what Linda said.....glad that the doctors concur. At least you can feel confident about the surgery and what you have been told. Unfortunately, I can believe the 1-2 year recovery after seeing what my SIL has gone through. I pray it is much quicker for you.

Linda- Glad the shot is finally kicking in and your shoulder is feeling better. I'm surprised the doctor didn't advise against working the bicep if the bicep tendon is a possible source of your pain. Did you have any pain while you were lifting or aching after? I learned the hard way not to keep working through the ache/pain and in my case, it led to inflammation severe enough to cause the tendon to ravel and weaken so when I took that blow, it just tore. Please be careful.

Had my annual ob/gyn appt and was dreading getting on their scale. To my surprise, I was 2 pounds less with my clothes on! How bizarre is that?! My blood pressure was too high but I had just done P90X back & biceps & ab ripper X plus I had fasted for a cholesterol check. Still bothered me though....
I did Step Moves this morning and with a stuffed up head all the turns made me dizzy.:confused: But I survived! Went grocery shopping this morning and shoulder is aching, not as bad as usual but still aching.:(
Hi Ladies-

I really hated cutting two checks to pay taxes today:mad: We try so hard to set it up so we break even or pay in "a little" but this year it was over $3500!! WTH?! Hardly anything changed from last year and we got money back then. I just don't get it!

Woke up with Linda's stuffy head plus a headache. Forced my to hit the bike for an hour but kept it slow and steady. Still feeling kinda BLECH.

Linda- Boo Hoo on the shoulder aching. NOT FAIR! How did you like Step Moves?

Catherine- I was thinking about you last night when I took the dog for a walk. I really enjoy getting outside and walking. I'm glad that you are able to do that to. Did the doctor give you any idea when you might be able to add more workouts?
Linda, please be careful with that shoulder. Sometimes even the simple things can be a problem :(

Judi, glad you have your bike as a go to on days like this.

I didn't ask about when I can do any workouts. I really don't care right now. Although it would be nice to even just do something on my stationary- never thought I'd say that. Unfortunately sitting is a major aggravator :( I will just have to live vicariously through you all.
Catherine - I never thought I'd hear you say you missed the stationary either.

Judi - I really like Step Moves, except when it makes me dizzy!:p It be nice if it had some premixes. Also I think on both Step Moves & Athletic Step Cathe is a little off on her cueing. Instead of telling me what's coming, it more she telling me what she is doing.
Went to bed with a migraine threatening to start so took ibprofen. It stated again this morning before my work, took more ibprofen, got through the workout okay, and it started again after the workout. So I tool some tylenol and that seemed to finally stop it. That was as close as I have come to actually getting the migraine itself. Now I just has this weird burning sensation at the back of my neck/base of my skull. Is that normal?

Anyway, workout today was 4DS Chest & Back weights first. Did all the chest work on the floor, not the step, and subbed out a lot of the pushups. Also subbed out the overhead pulls for back. Kept the weights low for everything as well, didn't set any records.
Linda- Migraines suck! I've only had two but they made me so sick. I actually had a headache all day yesterday and nothing I took made it any better. We had to go out to dinner last night to celebrate some birthdays and all I ordered was a diet coke since my tummy is still funky. Can't tell you how gross it is to watch people eat while feeling like I'm gonna hurl:eek: How is your shoulder feeling today?

Catherine- Got any fun plans for the weekend? I was wondering if you were able to use the stationary but I can see how that might aggravate your back. Don't discount walking....it is good exercise and even better if it doesn't cause you any pain.

Still doing P90X and had legs & back today. I am happy to report that my unassisted chin ups are up to 6 and pull ups are at 4-5. Plus, I'm only using the light band now so that I count that as progress too. They are still one of the hardest exercises and can't say I enjoy doing them:confused:
Woo Hoo!! Just had to share my excitement with you. Cardio Coach is holding trivia contests to celebrate their birthday and I just won a pair of Jaybird headphones worth $90! What a great way to start the day:D

Hope you both have a great Saturday!
Woo Hoo!! Just had to share my excitement with you. Cardio Coach is holding trivia contests to celebrate their birthday and I just won a pair of Jaybird headphones worth $90! What a great way to start the day:D

Hope you both have a great Saturday!

That's great Judi!!! I was too lazy to enter the trivia contest. I am so glad you did and won.

Linda, I hope you are feeling better.

My leg is buzzing so much it could power my laptop computer :( Just took my ambien and hope it kicks in soon.
My leg is buzzing so much it could power my laptop computer :( Just took my ambien and hope it kicks in soon.

Catherine- I'm so sorry you are going through this:( Was the "buzzing" from the nerve being squeezed in your back? I have had sciatic pain on occasion and it is miserable. I'm praying for you and sending hugs your way!

Linda- How are you doing? Hope your weekend is going well and you are feeling better.
Catherine- I'm so sorry you are going through this:( Was the "buzzing" from the nerve being squeezed in your back? I have had sciatic pain on occasion and it is miserable. I'm praying for you and sending hugs your way!

Judi, yes the buzzing is a term I use for the nerve pain esp when it gets bad. I have had sciatica before and this is nothing like what I've ever experienced. Thanks for the prayers and hugs. I take it day by day and sometimes moment by moment. Jeff lays next to me and holds my hand when it gets bad.

I am determined to have something different-and I mean positive- to talk about soon!!!!
Catherine - I am praying for you. That is so sweet that Jeff holds your hand when it's real bad. On the other hand my DH has me lined up to dig out a new area for our pool.:confused:

- Way cool on the headphones. I didn't even know CC was having a contest.

This morning I did P90X Legs & Back minus the Back. I love that leg workout. Shoulder was feeling really good yesterday, will be interested to see what today brings.
Hi Ladies- Quick check in. Just finished P90X chest, shoulders, triceps + ARX and I'm heading to Home Depot to pick up some paint. We ordered a new bedroom set for DS and it is coming on Wednesday. We've cleared out the room so it is a perfect time to paint. I'll probably be hurting by tonight as my arms are quaking from the workout and the thought of rolling on paint for hours is scary:confused:

Linda- I like P90X legs too. I know many people here complained it wasn't enough but I like working the legs without a ton of weight. Those one legged wall squats are killer.

Catherine- How are you doing today? I hope the buzzing is gone! I really enjoyed looking at your pics from Ireland.
Judi - I'll be right over, I love to paint!:p:D Two weeks ago when I did P90x legs I ended up with major DOMS that lasted for days, so in my book it is certainly enough!

- How you doing? Hoping this is a good day for you!
Today has been a so-so day. It's the evenings when things get so bad. Hopefully tonight won't get too bad. Thanks for putting up with my whining.

Judi, those Ireland pics were from 2002. I was a bit heavier then LOL. It was beautiful over there. I also like the P90X leg workout. I also think Meso 1 legs with light or no wt is a good workout. Actually either of those would kill me these days :p

Linda, I am glad your shoulder did ok yesterday. And your husband has you planned to do WHAT??? Do I need to come kick his a$$;) Are you on face book??
Ok, now all my complaining has chased you all away :( I do have a bit of good news. Remember the second opinion doc that I liked so well? He has accepted me as a patient. So I get to fire my old doc. Now I have a test scheduled for Friday called a CT Myelogram. I am a bit scared because I hear it is painful to have. They do a spinal tap and inject dye :confused: But this gives a different look than a MRI since after surgery it is sometimes hard to tell what is going on. Cross your fingers. After the test I have to lie flat Friday and most of Saturday.

Linda, how is the shoulder holding up? Are you doing any training with clients?

Judi, it sounds like you have been busy. I guess it'll be worth it when you are done ;)
Catherine- First, do not apologize for venting/whining. It is truly therapeutic and we all have done our fair share of it. It is a good thing you didn't know me when I had my rotator cuff surgery. PHEW, talk about pissing and moaning....it was a daily occurrence and lasted a long time! Besides what good is having friends if you can't unload and lean on them for support:)

I'm glad to hear the second doc will be taking over...nothing worse than going to someone you don't like. Sorry to hear you have to go through this other procedure. I hope it isn't too painful and it gives further insight into what is going on. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for some good news.

Linda- I don't mind painting, it is the prep and clean up I hate. However, my knees are not happy after going up & down the ladder like a billion times! How are you doing? Did you start digging out your pool yet?:eek:

I did PlyoX this morning even though I wasn't feeling 100%. I think this bug I picked up from DD is hanging on with some days feeling OK and others not. I've got two more rooms to paint but waiting for a rainy day. Hate being stuck inside when it is warm and sunny;)

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