We're filming!

I am only interested in the advanced DVD. I hope it will be available alone.

I am kind of disappointed that like the Firm you are doing beginner and intermediate videos. That is when I began to really dislike the Firm -- when they "sold out" to Goodtimes.

I may be alone in this opinion, but I am very disappointed.

I would much rather have seen you do another advanced series for those of us who have followed you for years.

I was hoping for another series like "Body Blast" or "Endurance"

Equipment: I like variety in equipment -- just please don't add a new piece of equipment for us to buy. My workout room is quite full!

I would love to see the return of the Med ball and the Stability ball. Plus ankle weights for leg work.
I second Laura's question. I already have the high step and will not be purchasing another one!!!

As for the extra footage, ten minutes of rotator cuff exercises would be great!!! SO many of us suffer from impingement, etc., and it would be fun to pop in the dvd instead of doing my PT by myself. You might do some knee physical therapy exercises, too, with all the disclaimers, of course. Tons of knee injuries abounding out here in TV land. I'd like some neck stretching prior to weight work and some foot circles prior to step. And when you do crunches, how about releasing some of the tension in the neck by occassional rests wherein you lie flat and turn your head from side-to-side? Only takes a few seconds. Dozois does this in Pilates for Dummies and I've seen it done by other pilates instructors. Also would be nice to see some forearm and grip exercises. We lose grip strength quickly as we age. And what about kegels? Fifty percent - or some such shocking number - of older women suffer from incontinence and rely on Depends or sugery. A real scandal since kegels can prevent this condition in many cases. Also, now that Hormone Replacement Therapy is on the wane, women will be losing muscle tone even more quickly and thus the importance of kegeling is even more pressing. A weak pelvic floor can create a plethora of ills.

I'm really looking forward to the first two DVDs, Cathe. Oh, and would you please use music without lyrics? I find I enjoy my Cathe DVDs without lyrics more than the ones with lyrics.

Thanks, and good luck to you. This is good news.

I agree!

I like the the Endurance music MUCH BETTER than the Body Blast music. I get tired of doing workouts to songs that "whine for men to help us" -- I mean, here we are busting our butts and harder than most males ever thought about doing and we are executing the moves to whiny "Oh I need a man to help me -- holding out for a hero -- why are you stepping out one me" type of music.

Your Endurance music is fantabulous and I love the CD. I play it when I really want to get psyched about something. That music is EMPOWERING!

Also I agree that there is plenty of traditional ab work that you have already done -- my favorite ab work is now "Kick Punch and Crunch" so anything new in the way of developing the core and abs would be great!

Also, I have given up on "Step Blast" -- I know I will never master the third set after those fast shuffles -- I get all turned around and I have tried it over and over and over many times now I am about to give up on that one and let it gather dust -- in the past I could figure out all your choreography, but this particular video has me very discouraged.

Please do not forget those of us who have worked to your advanced level. I feel as though we are going to gradually be forgotten in favor of beginner and intermediate exercisers. Let them go to the Firm, please don't those of us who have grown to idolize you down!
Hi Danielle!!! It has been a long time!!! I'm still chugging along. How have you been?? Maybe we should put together another challenge using the Intensity and the Body Blast series. I've been doing Boot Camp, Step, Jump and Pump, and Cardio and Weights 3 days a week and Imax(1or2 depending on my mood), Kick, Punch, and Crunch, and running the other 3. I've also added in yoga and pilates to round everything out. What do you think? Want to make a challenge?
I'm so glad you said hi:D !! Email me if you get the chance!!

RE: I agree!

>I like the the Endurance music MUCH BETTER than the Body
>Blast music. I get tired of doing workouts to songs that
>"whine for men to help us" -- I mean, here we are busting our
>butts and harder than most males ever thought about doing and
>we are executing the moves to whiny "Oh I need a man to help
>me -- holding out for a hero -- why are you stepping out one
>me" type of music.
I agree! I hate listening to tunes like "Can't live, if livin' is without you" (needy, dependant woman), or "Band of Gold" (new bride jilted by sexually dysfunctional husband). Even with an upbeat tempo, the lyrics are just so...eeeew!
Just putting my .02 cents in...

I'd like to see a workout with:
- less equipment (Step & 5/8lb dumbells)
- More endurance work

I have to drag my equipment from room to room when I workout and it's just plain annoying when I end up carrying my barbell, step, dumbells, mat, ball, etc.. to the other room. So, please less equipment. :) Also, if you are targeting beginners they likely have less equipment so I'm sure they would appreciate it as well.

Some days I don't feel like lifting heavy so endurance workouts with lighter weights and more reps would be awesome.

You sound like a spoiled brat.

Take your toys and go home. How has anyone sold out simply because they do beginner/intermediate workouts?

I guess beginners do not deserve the same quality as you *Advanced* people. I seriously doubt you started out as an advanced exercisor.

Your post was just rotten. Major thumbs down!

>I am only interested in the advanced DVD. I hope it will be
>available alone.
>I am kind of disappointed that like the Firm you are doing
>beginner and intermediate videos. That is when I began to
>really dislike the Firm -- when they "sold out" to Goodtimes.
>I may be alone in this opinion, but I am very disappointed.
>I would much rather have seen you do another advanced series
>for those of us who have followed you for years.
I just wanted to add that I love the music from both the Intensity series and especially the Body Blast series. So I hope you will have more great music along these lines. Also, the more I think about the new Bootcamp workout, the more excited I get about it. You're idea of a bootcamp like workout with longer cardio on the high step sounds absolutely GREAT!! For DVD1 and 2 will the beginner level be similar to the Wedding Tape? I really can't get enough of you're workouts. They really make me look forward to my daily workouts. Thank-you Cathe, for getting me in great shape, Helen
I agree with Natalie...I like using the hand weights and I don't have a medice ball but plan on getting one- so that would be ok- but those stability balls are too big- I don't have room in my apartment for all those things and I know I'm not the only small apartment person. If you choose to use more equipment though - I would hope you show variations- I love it when you have one member doing things a bit different- and I also like the point where when you do abs stretch the neck a little- my neck gets so sore the next day when I use weights with the ab works- as in the bot camp video. I'm trying to get it stronger but it takes some time.
can you also add some excersizes for the outer thigh- perferably the upper part below the butt - it's a serious problem area. thanks- I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE NEW VIDS and watch you on fit tv

My suggestions are as follows:

Extra 30 minutes:

1) extra stretching/yoga/pilates (this would be a nice way to get your customers ready for a full-up video of this type in the future)

2) extra fat-blasting intensity blasts


minimal (barbell, handweights, medicine ball)

Thanks for asking!!!!
For the added bonus, I want to see TOUGH INTERVALS, add the medicine ball for extra intensity and of course kickboxing moves (both new and KPC/Cardio Kicks)...
Yoga/stretching or step kickboxing or intervals....

The following is a great idea by Nancy:

"""""As for the extra footage, ten minutes of rotator cuff exercises would be great!!! SO many of us suffer from impingement, etc., and it would be fun to pop in the dvd instead of doing my PT by myself. You might do some knee physical therapy exercises, too, with all the disclaimers, of course. Tons of knee injuries abounding out here in TV land. I'd like some neck stretching prior to weight work and some foot circles prior to step. And when you do crunches, how about releasing some of the tension in the neck by occassional rests wherein you lie flat and turn your head from side-to-side? Only takes a few seconds. Dozois does this in Pilates for Dummies and I've seen it done by other pilates instructors. Also would be nice to see some forearm and grip exercises. We lose grip strength quickly as we age. And what about kegels? Fifty percent - or some such shocking number - of older women suffer from incontinence and rely on Depends or sugery. A real scandal since kegels can prevent this condition in many cases. Also, now that Hormone Replacement Therapy is on the wane, women will be losing muscle tone even more quickly and thus the importance of kegeling is even more pressing. A weak pelvic floor can create a plethora of ills.>>>>>>>

Also, you could do a 30 minute:

1. yoga/relazation workout; or
2. step kickboxing; or
3. intense Imax 3 intervals
4. 30 minutes of non-equipment exercises like Abbe G. suggested previously. (ala slim series, mostly)

It is great to know you are fiming again. Let us know when the presale begins so that we can plan accordingly.

http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lol2.gif[/img]http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lol2.gif[/img]http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lol2.gif[/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/l
RE: Yoga/stretching or step kickboxing or intervals....

I love love love bootcamp style workout, and this sounds fab!!! Yea!!! I would like heavy upper body workout, tough tough tough core section and really super (perhaps yoga???) stretch. I cannot wait for this workout...i thought waiting for the bodyblast series would be hard, but this is going to be a super hard!!!

My idea- do some step and kickbox on the aerobic workout...then you will have a fun and varied workout that will expose people to both types of aerobics that you do...Also weights...I am going to buy these tapes for my sister who was recently diagnosed with MS...we have to keep her moving...:)

Hi Cathe! How COOL IS THIS!!!! Already another advanced DVD! I personally would LOVE for you to incorporate more of the medicine ball. You already gave us quite a nice mix of different exercises to do using the stability ball that I'd like to see this put to rest for a while. We hardly have any exercises using this piece of equipment. Also I personally DO NOT want any more circuits due to the fact of having so many already. Can you possibly incorporate NEW exercises for upper body? We already have chest press, flyes, etc. Don't know if this is possible, Cathe, b/c of home use limitations. Anyway that's it for me! As usual can't wait!!!! Love Ya! Kathy:*
Hi Cathe - As someone who struggles with complex choreo, this is a dream come try!! Suggestion for additional footage. I absolutely love, love, love your kickboxing. How about 30 minutes of intense aerobic kickboxing, minus the drills. We can always add on the strength and ab work at the end from other chapters.

Thank you so much for this wonderful news. I know everyone here joins me in saying WE LOVE YOU!!!!!


I'd like to see high intensity intervals similar to Imax2 for the extra minutes.

I would prefer lots of equipment (barbell, handweights, stability ball and medicine ball). I enjoy the variety.

I hope there will be an option to do the core work in the circuit. I find I can work my core harder this way.

I also hope there's an option for a 75 to 80 minute super intense circuit workout.

What a grrrl wants, what a grrrrrl needs!

Cathe this is great news!

In 30 minutes of extra time, I would REALLY like to see MORE HI/LO!! It really is a nice form of crosstraining from all the regular step activity. I want it to be tough! (Can't believe I just said that.)

As far weights go perhaps you'd consider doing a multi-muscle group workout which would be very time efficient as opposed to an isolation workout. Of course the requested speed would be Slow and Heavy.

Equipment: I've just been turned on to the Stability Disc. I know you can find awesome new ways to inflict pain on me (or have me inflict it on myself) with this little unit. I love using it for added stability work during weight training. Perhaps one exerciser could use/demo it during the workout. Abs on the Disc would hurt SO good.

If you've never seen one: www.power-systems.com search for stability disc.

I Love the Medicine Ball! Bring it back.

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