We're Back From Graduation!


Hey ladies! Graduation was AWESOME!! We left Wed. Thursday was Family Day. We got there and they did the motivational run (which is the last run they do together as platoons. Dylan was right in front because he was First Platoon Squad Leader. Then a bit later they all line up in their platoons (there were six with 75 each) and march the parade deck. They stand in formation and their Drill Instructor gives each recruit their globe and anchor. they pin it on their cover(hat), shake their hand and address them as Marines for the first time. Then they were dismissed to spend time with us from noon till 5pm. The next day is graduation. it was a very patriotic and somber ceremony. it was amazing to see all the Marines move in exact time together.

He had a suprise for us when we got to talk to him. He is getting to stay an EXTRA 14 days and do work with his recruiter. So we will have a bit more time.

I have posted pics in my pictrail of the ceremony and events while we were there.

I am SO happy!!!!!


p.s. sorry this was so long!:p
Jes - I'm so glad you had a good time and everything went well. He DOES look thin! He's obviously been working hard! You must be so proud!
Jes, congrats to your bro and your whole family!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage

Congratulations to your brother and your family. I know it was so hard for you sending off your little brother. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when you had his going away party. My how time flies (probably not as fast for him though!).

Great pics too!!!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France


Congratulations to your brother and your whole family. Wow! Your brother is handsome! You all must be so proud. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics!! I love those shirts you and Jay are wearing. I can only imagine how proud you must be Jes...Dylan is taller...(I think it's the hat!!) Enjoy the extra 14 days...:)
Wow! How great. Looking at those pictures actually made me remember when I graduated from basic training from the Army back in 2000. He will have great times in the military. Sometimes I wish I was still in. I wish him much luck and tell him thanks for serving our country.

I found all of your posts about Dylan's Marine training, and these pics, to be very moving. It's wonderful to see how proud you are of him, and how well he's doing. I can feel how much you all love each other. He's a handsome, proud-looking (and BUFF :eek: ) Marine, and I hope you'll tell him that his service is deeply appreciated, sweetie.

His big sis is a beauty too! And my gosh, your mom is so young-looking and pretty!

SO glad you had a great weekend with Dylan and that everything went so well! :)

P.S. LOVE your t-shirts!!!!!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
Thanks Kathy!!! My mom will be 50 in August and i can only hope i will look half as good as her if i live that long!:p She is really enjoying her gym mebership and looking great. I asked Dylan if he had grown taller in addition to losing 30 lbs in 13 weeks and indeed he did. He is now 6'4 1/2:p He calls himself the Long Tall Texan;-) I got to visit with him this afternoon and i will see him tomorrow. We are going to the gun range. I have a new 9mm i have been waiting to shoot with him}(

Btw, for anyone interested, i put pics of the mini scrapbook i made him on my trail. They are 8x8's so we can make color copies for him to take with him to School of Infantry and on his tour, wherever that may be.

Thanks for all the support ladies.

p.s. i got my 8x10 of his dress blue portrait which i will be posting soon!


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